Last updated 9 months ago
There are barriers at the intersection of science and blockchain technology; scientists lack access to reliable and current information about the opportunities presented by the DeSci revolution.
This is the total amount allocated to SciCh₳in: 🔬 Uniting DeSci with Cardano 🌉 - Bridging Science and Blockchain ⛓️.
Rocco Julieta, PhD (CV) (link to scientific papers 🔗)
We are launching SciCh₳in, a comprehensive platform empowering scientists and fostering innovation in DeSci research while harnessing the potential of the Cardano blockchain.
No dependencies
Open Source Status of SciCh₳in Outputs
All content produced by SciCh₳in will be publicly accessible and completely free, including events.
All events, webinars, and their recorded materials will be fully accessible on our platform and social media channels, reinforcing SciCh₳in's commitment to transparency and open science.
By making all outputs public and freely available, SciCh₳in aligns with Cardano's values of decentralization, innovation, and global accessibility, fostering a thriving ecosystem for decentralized science (DeSci) research.
SDG goals:
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Reduce inequality within and among countries
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
SDG subgoals:
Ensure significant mobilization of resources from a variety of sources, including through enhanced development cooperation, in order to provide adequate and predictable means for developing countries, in particular least developed countries, to implement programmes and policies to end poverty in all its dimensions
Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
Fully operationalize the technology bank and science, technology and innovation capacity-building mechanism for least developed countries by 2017 and enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology
By 2030, reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births
Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all
By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination
Support the research and development of vaccines and medicines for the communicable and non‑communicable diseases that primarily affect developing countries, provide access to affordable essential medicines and vaccines, in accordance with the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, which affirms the right of developing countries to use to the full the provisions in the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights regarding flexibilities to protect public health, and, in particular, provide access to medicines for all
Strengthen the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks
By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all
Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women
Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, smal
Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Proportion of total government spending on essential services (education, health and social protection)
Total net official development assistance to medical research and basic health sectors
The following report is applied for the selected Planetary pressures-adjusted Human Development Index:
Argentina is ranked 47 (Human Development Index) and when adjusted for the Planetary pressures is ranked 21 a rise of 26.
In 2021 it had a Human Development Index (HDI) value of 0.842 that when adjusted for the Planetary pressures-adjusted HDI (PHDI) had a value of 0.759, a difference of 9.86.
The Planetary Pressures adjustment factor of 0.90 is made up of the SDG9.4 Carbon dioxide emissions per capita (production) 2020 of 3.47 tonnes (indexed value 0.95), and the SDG8.4 and 12.2 Material footprint per capita of 15.81 tonnes (indexed value 0.85).
For more information about the details of the PHDI please reference:
The specific SDG targets
Source data: (table 7)
SciCh₳in – a Cardano-powered content platform focused on DeSci – aims to address the critical issue of limited access to blockchain technology, thereby enhancing the research capabilities of scientists.
The challenge to be addressed is overcoming the barriers that hinder the effective integration of blockchain technology into scientific research. Key challenges in TradSci include the lack of access to blockchain education and specific resources for scientists, the need for platforms that enable secure and transparent collaboration in research, and the difficulty in obtaining funding and support for innovative projects at the intersection of science and technology. The existing problems are even more pronounced and manifest across various key áreas:
1- Knowledge Gap: There is a significant limitation in the understanding of blockchain technology in the scientific context, which hinders innovation using the benefits of this technology. Many scientists and academics are not familiar with the capabilities and potential of blockchain to revolutionize research methods and data management. This results in slow and limited adoption of blockchain in the scientific field due to a lack of knowledge.
2- Transparency and Reproducibility: Science faces a reproducibility crisis and a lack of transparency in research processes. Blockchain offers unique solutions for immutably recording experiments, facilitating the verification and reproduction of scientific results.
3- Barriers to Scientific Collaboration: Collaboration in science is hindered by outdated data management systems, concerns over data security and intellectual property, leading to restrictions on access and sharing of scientific information. This limits scientists' ability to collaborate effectively and advance research collectively.
4- Access to Funding: Securing funding is a constant challenge in the scientific field, especially for innovative projects or those seeking to explore new applications of emerging technologies. Traditional financing mechanisms often lack the flexibility or accessibility needed for pioneering projects in DeSci.
Due to the above four points, we identify a notable:
5- Lack of an Integrative Platform: A space that acts as an effective bridge between science
and blockchain, providing tools, resources, and creating a community to support scientists in integrating this technology into their research.
The primary reason for addressing these issues is that the SciCh₳in team is mainly composed of scientists who, for over 15 years, have faced all the challenges of the TradSci system, especially in Latin America where economic and infrastructure challenges are also prevalent. Today, DeSci is booming globally, mainly driven by other blockchains such as Ethereum, where the term and movement of DeSci originated. Although Cardano is known as the 'scientific blockchain,' there are not many projects in the ecosystem focused on communicating about DeSci.
Currently, scientists have the opportunity to benefit from blockchain technology, a new revolutionary wave, yet many cannot access it due to a lack of knowledge of its multiple benefits for enhancing science and innovation. On the other hand, the Cardano community has the chance to join the movement and attract more scientists, honoring its standard and drawing more scientists whose ideas could revolutionize both the blockchain and the world.
Creating SciCh₳in, a comprehensive platform (website with videos, courses, and other educational resources) fully focused on DeSci will directly address the needs and challenges faced by the scientific community and the interested public, and directly help grow the Cardano community.
The proposed strategy emphasizes the importance of informing and educating the scientific community and the public about adopting blockchain technology to overcome current barriers. The main reasons are detailed here:
Blockchain Capabilities:
Blockchain technology offers unique solutions to the challenges faced by the scientific community, including data security, transparency, and decentralized collaboration. Utilizing Cardano, known for its focus on sustainability, scalability, and security, provides a robust platform for developing scientific applications. Leveraging Cardano’s strengths, is distinguished by its focus on peer-reviewed academic research and rigorous development, making it especially suited for applications in science. Its architecture and principles align with the values of scientific research, emphasizing security, scalability, and sustainability.
Need for Specialized and Democratized Education:
Technology can be complex and overwhelming for newcomers. Offering targeted education and practical resources will enable scientists and academics to effectively understand and apply this technology in their fields of study. Videos and structured courses can break down complex concepts into more accessible lessons, enhancing overall understanding and promoting wider adoption. Through education, confidence in blockchain technology can be increased, and by understanding how it works and its potential benefits, scientists and the public may be more willing to adopt and apply these technologies in their work or research.
Promotion of Transparency and Reproducibility:
Blockchain can directly address the crises of transparency, traceability, and reproducibility in science by providing an immutable and verifiable record of experiments, results, and scientific publications.
Building an Interdisciplinary Community and Promoting Global Collaboration:
Creating a global community around DeSci promotes the exchange of ideas and resources, accelerating innovation and the application of blockchain-based solutions across various scientific fields. Additionally, DeSci fosters collaboration between disciplines, enriching research and opening new areas of study. Science is inherently collaborative and benefits greatly from the integration of knowledge and resources at a global level. Blockchain facilitates this borderless collaboration, ensuring data integrity and enabling secure information exchange.
Innovation in Research Funding:
DeSci offers new financing models, such as NFTs or decentralized crowdfunding, which have not yet been widely implemented in the scientific community, offering access to resources that would otherwise be unattainable. SciCh₳in will address these themes and bring scientists closer to new models of decentralized funding.
Moreover, it is expected to:
Inspire Innovation:
Many promising research projects and initiatives in the field of DeSci lack visibility. Through our newsletters and reports, SciCh₳in aims to highlight these works, providing a platform for them to reach a broader audience, offering visibility and support to initiatives that might otherwise go unnoticed. We will drive innovation by inspiring viewers to envision new applications of blockchain in science.
Participate in Scientific Events:
Spreading knowledge about DeSci could attract more stakeholders to the field. Presence at events increases the visibility of SciCh₳in and blockchain in the scientific community, promoting its integration into research.
By addressing the problems of TradSci, we seek not only to improve access and adoption of blockchain technology among scientists but also to promote a positive change in how scientific research is conducted, making it more collaborative, transparent, and accessible. SciChain is a multifaceted project that aims to be a unified and reliable source in DeSci, establishing itself as a leading authority and invaluable resource for global scientific innovation, where it not only addresses identified issues but also creates a comprehensive ecosystem to accelerate scientific progress through blockchain."
Scientists and Researchers will gain tools and insights to integrate blockchain into their work, facilitating collaboration and efficient data management.
Students will benefit from innovative education that prepares them for future technological demands, opening new career opportunities.
Cardano Developers will discover new applications for their skills, extending blockchain technology into the realm of science.
Cardano Community will see the ecosystem grow with scientific applications, demonstrating the versatility and potential of the platform.
SciCh₳in will serve as a bridge between scientists seeking solutions to TradSci challenges and the world of blockchain. It aims to build a global community, guiding them toward the tools offered by Cardano, the world's first scientific blockchain. (We've started sketching out the platform's design! Click here to view the draft)
Demonstrating the impact of SciCh₳in involves effectively measuring and communicating the results and benefits. Here are the evaluation strategies and metrics:
Tracking SciCh₳in Community Engagement and Growth
Assessing the Quality and Utility of Educational Content
Impact on Research and Development Projects
Collaborations and Strategic Alliances Established
Success Stories and Testimonials
To effectively communicate impact, SciCh₳in will prepare bi-monthly impact reports, publish updates on its website and social media, and share them at events or webinars. These activities will not only demonstrate the project's value to the community and sponsors but will also promote a culture of transparency.
The solution proposed by SciCh₳in is unique in several aspects, benefits multiple stakeholders, and is particularly important for the Cardano ecosystem for the following reasons:
Specific Focus on DeSci: It fills a vacant niche within the Cardano community by specifically applying blockchain technology within the scientific realm.
Integration with Blockchain: Cardano is renowned for its scientific rigor and focus on sustainability. The solution leverages technology that is itself the result of advanced academic research, ensuring a natural affinity between the tools used and the target audience.
Combination of Education, Collaboration, and Financing: Offers a holistic approach that not only educates about blockchain but also promotes its practical application in real scientific projects and will provide sources of financing information to support developments in DeSci.
Creation of DeSci Community: due to the extensive network of scientific contacts, universities, Cardano community and blockchain projects.
Demonstration of Applicability: Demonstrates Cardano’s utility in the academic-scientific field, highlighting its ability to manage data securely and efficiently, which is crucial in scientific research and innovation.
Expansion: By attracting scientists and researchers to the Cardano ecosystem, it diversifies the community and enriches it with innovative projects that may lead to new markets and areas of application.
Reinforcement of Vision: Cardano’s mission to change the world through technological innovation is bolstered by projects that apply its technology to solve real problems in science and research.
Stimulus for Ongoing Innovation: Feedback and the needs of the scientific community can drive the development of new functionalities and enhancements in Cardano, ensuring it remains a leader in technological innovation.
In summary, SciCh₳in is not only unique for its integrated approach in DeSci but also benefits a broad spectrum of society, from the scientific community to blockchain developers and the global Cardano community, demonstrating the applicability and transformative impact of blockchain technology in advancing scientific knowledge.
The SciCh₳in project has the potential to create a significant positive impact on the Cardano community, adding value in several ways. Here’s how this impact can be defined, measured, and shared:
Increased Adoption and Diversification of Use: By applying blockchain technology in scientific research, the project expands the scope of Cardano, demonstrating its utility in highly specialized fields and promoting its adoption among technical and academic professionals.
Strengthening the Ecosystem: Collaboration between scientists, developers, and enthusiasts on the platform will drive innovation, leading to the development of new tools and Cardano-based applications that can benefit the entire community.
Promoting Cardano in the DeSci Ecosystem: By focusing on science and research projects, the project underscores Cardano's commitment to sustainability and research-based innovation, reinforcing its position as a leading and ethically conscious blockchain platform.
How will you measure this impact?
Quantitative Metrics:
Growth of the SciCh₳in Community: Measuring the increase in the number of users involved through registration and participation in webinars and events.
Qualitative Metrics:
- Testimonials and Case Studies: Collecting testimonials from participants interested in applying Cardano technology in their research.
- Community Feedback: Assessing the feedback provided by the Cardano community on social media and through surveys, regarding the impact of the project on their perception and use of the platform.
How will you share the outputs and opportunities that result from your project?
Sharing Outputs and Opportunities
-Publication of Results: The outcomes of the project, including key statistics and testimonials, will be regularly shared through the website and monthly via the SciCh₳in newsletter.
- Events and Webinars: Organizing events and webinars to showcase the achievements of the project, discuss its impact on the Cardano community, and explore future opportunities for DeSci applications.
- Collaboration with Cardano Media Outlets: Working in conjunction with Cardano news channels and media platforms to spread the successes and opportunities arising from this project, thereby reaching a broader audience.
- Participation in Scientific, Blockchain, and DeSci Events: Efforts will be made to attend more than one event per year to communicate advancements and build new networks of contacts.
By implementing these measurement strategies and effectively sharing the results, the project will not only demonstrate its value to the Cardano community but also foster an environment of collaboration, innovation, and ongoing growth within the Cardano ecosystem.
"If you're curious about the role of DeSci on the Cardano blockchain, or wish to deepen your understanding, watch J.J. Siler, Chief of Staff at IOG (Input Output Global), explain its significance at DeSci London 2024 🎓 [video link]. His insights illustrate the critical need to invest in and support this innovative fusion of Science and Cardano technology."
Leading the Way: Why I Am Equipped to Lead the Project. (For updated information, please visit the following link with my CV🔗)
With a strong scientific background, proven leadership skills, and active involvement in the Cardano community, I believe I'm uniquely positioned to lead this project. Here's why:
Academic Background
International Experience
Scientific Contributions (link🔗)
Technology Transfer (link🔗)
Professional Experience (link🔗)
Financial Management (link🔗)
Awards and Distinctions (link🔗)
Blockchain Education and Experience
Written articles about Blockchain/Cardano/DeSci (check the link)
Cardano Community Involvement
Catalyst Working Group- Buenos Aires - May 11- 2024 (Photo)
Gobernanza en Cardano - May 11-2024 (POA 026)
Posts in X
Youtube Record my scientific and technological background, as well as my extensive network, I aim to connect scientists worldwide, blockchain .To explore more about my work, publications, and background, check my personal links and feel free to contact me at []( This platform includes various links to my social media, professional profiles, and other relevant resources.
contact me at:
Moreover, our diverse team, comprising experts in data analysis, finance, design, and scientific research, provides the technical prowess and leadership needed to drive forward our project with innovation and efficiency. With their collective expertise, we are poised to navigate the complexities of SciCh₳in's development, ensuring its technical feasibility and success in the Cardano ecosystem.
Milestone 1
Title: Planning and Launching SciCh₳in
1. Planning and Design of SciCh₳in: Clearly define the goals, scope, and structure of the project.
2. Website Creation and Social Media Launch: Establish the infrastructure for hosting educational resources and launch related social media channels (Instagram, X, YouTube, TikTok, Telegram, etc.). (definir cantidad de material)
Acceptance Criteria:
1. Project planning document with defined goals and structure
2. Initial platform design and social media strategy
Evidence of Milestone Completion:
Links to project planning and platform design documents, and the live website with social media links
Costs (ADA): 21,000
Delivery Month: 2
Completion: 21%
Milestone 2
Title: Content Creation and Promotion
3. Creation and Weekly Publication of DeSci Content: Develop educational material, including blog posts, relevant documents, videos centered on DeSci and Cardano technology, global event schedules, weekly posts on X and Instagram, etc.
4.Promotion: Launch advertising campaigns to attract users. Campaigns should be active on social media and related media outlets.
Acceptance Criteria:
3. Educational content available on the website, YouTube videos, and social media posts
4. Active campaigns on social media and related platforms
Evidence of Milestone Completion:
Links to: 3.educational content online and 4. active advertising campaigns
Costs (ADA): 21,000
Delivery Month: 4
Completion: 42%
Milestone 3
Title: Newsletter Creation and Merchandising
5. Creation of the SciCh₳in Newsletter: Launch a newsletter to share the most relevant news about the DeSci ecosystem and Cardano.
6. Creation of Merchandising Products: Develop merchandise to support the economic sustainability of SciCh₳in, with initial creations raffled to engage and grow the community.
Acceptance Criteria:
5. SciCh₳in newsletter created and products raffled to the community
6. Merchandising products available for sale on the website
Evidence of Milestone Completion:
Links to: 5. the SciChAin newsletter registration and 6. reports of designed products.
Costs (ADA): 17,937
Delivery Month: 6
Completion: 60%
Milestone 4
Title: Collaborations and Ambassador Programs
7. Creation of an Ambassador and Collaborator Program: Establish a rewards program for individuals who want to collaborate with the project, offering fungible or non-fungible tokens for activities performed. We're currently exploring TMinusOne ( for fungible tokens (FT) and NMKR for non-fungible tokens (NFT). These platforms offer advanced features for token creation and management, providing a comprehensive solution for token-based projects. Their flexibility and integration capabilities make them ideal for blockchain and NFT-related initiatives.
8. Establishment of Collaborations: Form strategic alliances with related blockchain projects, other DeSci communities, and scientific organizations.
Acceptance Criteria:
7. Online implementation of the rewards program
8. Collaboration agreements signed and official collaborator list published
Evidence of Milestone Completion:
Links to: 7. the rewards program implementation and 8. collaboration agreements
Costs (ADA): 12,200
Delivery Month: 8
Completion: 72.2%
Milestone 5
Title: SciCh₳in Events on DeSci
9. Host the first online DeSci discussion event, gather user feedback, and assess the initial impact on the decentralized science and Cardano community.
10. Participation in or Creation of a DeSci Event: Participate in at least one physical event or organize a DeSci discussion event if in-person isn't possible.
Acceptance Criteria:
9. Successful online DeSci discussion event
10. Event participation report documenting activities and outcomes
Evidence of Milestone Completion:
Links to: 9. reports on the online DeSci event and 10. the event participation report,
Costs (ADA): 10,500
Delivery Month: 11
Completion: 85%
Final Milestone
Title: Final Report and Video Summary
11. Final Report: Summarize the project with an analysis of expansion and scalability based on feedback and initial results, with a plan to expand and scale SciCh₳in.
12. Video Summary: Create a video that summarizes the project's achievements.
Acceptance Criteria:
11. Final report that outlines the project's results and future scalability
12. Final video summarizing the project's achievements
Evidence of Milestone Completion:
Links to: 11. the final SciCh₳in report and 12. video summary
Costs (ADA): 10,300
Delivery Month: 12
Completion: 100%
These milestones are divided over 12 months, providing a systematic framework for the development of SciCh₳in, ensuring that the project progresses in an organized manner toward its objectives and sustainably empowers scientists with Cardano technology while promoting decentralized science.
SciCh₳in : Roadmap for Attracting the new era of Scientist to Cardano
SciCh₳in team comprises a dynamic group of professionals, each bringing specialized expertise essential for the project’s success.
Team Members:
-Dr. Rivero Martin (CV 🔗): With a PhD in Medical Science from the UBA and a diverse background spanning biotechnology, data analysis, and blockchain education, Dr. Rivero brings a unique skill set to the DeSci movement. His extensive experience in scientific research, international collaborations, and financial management positions him as a capable leader. Through active involvement in the Cardano community and a track record of awards and distinctions, Dr. Rivero demonstrates a commitment to driving innovation and transparency in scientific funding. His expertise will be invaluable in steering the project towards success within the Cardano ecosystem.
Julieta Rocco, PhD (CV): A scientist and researcher at CONICET, specializing in regenerative medicine. With exceptional leadership skills and experience in leading scientific teams, Dr. Rocco contributes significantly to SciCh₳in's scientific endeavors. (link to scientific papers 🔗)
Agustín Sabbione, PhD (CV): With a PhD in Agricultural Sciences and expertise in bioinformatics, Agustín brings over two years of experience in data analysis for international companie
Franco Birocco, BSc (CV)(🔗): Holding a degree in Biotechnology and a Master’s in Company Administration, Franco is a professor at Universidad del Litoral.
Nerina Ermacora, Tec (CV): Nerina’s experience in financial operations, compliance, and stakeholder management ensures trust and accountabilit
Lucas Ermacora, Tec: With a background as a chemical technician and expertise in data analysis, web programming, and design, Lucas enhances the technical and analytical frameworks of SciCh₳in.
Cesar Saccavino: Founder of Kolorido, Cesar is a skilled graphic designer and video editor
Content Manager: We have verbally agreed with a leading figure in scientific content communication and their team to join us. However, due to confidentiality agreements, we are unable to disclose their identities at this moment. Once funding is secured, we will formally introduce our content manager, who is poised to significantly enhance our project's outreach and impact.
Community Manager: Engaging our online community, managing social media, and organizing event.
UI/UX Designer: Crafting the user interface and experience for our platform
With this robust team configuration, our project is poised not only to meet its objectives but also to innovate and push the boundaries of what’s possible in the freelance and blockchain sectors. Each team member’s role is designed to synergize with the others, creating a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach that leverages our collective strengths to benefit the Cardano community and beyond.
Budget Breakdown for SciCh₳in at ADA Exchange Rate of 0.4269 USD (as of 5/13/2024, 02:20:00 AM)
_Source: CoinMarketCap
Human Resources Investments:
Specific Expenses by Milestone:
Total Project Budget: $41,579 USD equivalent to 97,397 ADA*
*For a project of this magnitude to be developed within a 12-month timeframe, we believe it's cost-effective given the expertise of the participating profiles, ensuring a favorable cost-benefit ratio.
This detailed financial outline demonstrates SciCh₳in's commitment to transparency and fiscal responsibility while engaging top talent and resources to ensure the platform’s robust development and compliance with legal standards. This budget supports DeSci ErA's mission to seamlessly merge Cardano's blockchain technology, establishing a strong foundation for the project's future scalability and success.
Distribution of funds
The cost of the SciCh₳in represents value for the Cardano ecosystem in several key ways, aligning the investment with tangible benefits and strategic advancements.
Here’s how the value proposition breaks down:
Driving Adoption: by focusing on empowering scientists with Cardano, the project directly contributes to increasing the adoption of the Cardano blockchain. Educating scientists and researchers about the benefits and applications of Cardano not only expands its user base but also showcases its versatility beyond financial transactions.
Innovative Applications: the development and demonstration of specific scientific applications on Cardano highlight the platform's capabilities in handling complex, data-intensive, and secure transactions, further solidifying its position as a leading blockchain solution.
Skill Development: the investment in educational content and resources builds a community well-versed in both blockchain technology and the specific advantages of Cardano. This informed community can drive future innovations on the platform, creating a cycle of growth and development.
Long-Term Value: by encouraging the exploration of new use cases for Cardano in science and technology, the project invests in the blockchain’s long-term relevance and sustainability. Innovations developed through this initiative could lead to breakthroughs that bring significant returns on investment.
Enhanced Visibility: the project acts as a marketing tool for Cardano, increasing its visibility across scientific communities and beyond. Showcasing real-world applications of Cardano in science can attract attention from investors, developers, and users.
Success Stories: documenting and sharing success stories from the project can serve as powerful testimonials, highlighting the value of Cardano in facilitating cutting-edge research and collaboration. This can enhance the ecosystem’s reputation and attract further investment and talent.
Furthermore, because this project involves highly qualified personnel and will be spread over a period of 12 months, we consider it a project where the long-term benefits are substantial.
This strategic duration ensures that every aspect of the project is meticulously developed, maximizing the potential for impactful outcomes within the Cardano ecosystem and demonstrating a significant return on investment over time
The costs previously listed correspond to the market rates for qualified personnel in Argentina; however, we are continually seeking to improve the cost-benefit quality to complete the project in the most effective manner and in the shortest time possible.
We believe that the detailed expenses of the project could incubate SciCh₳inover 12 months and equip it with tools to be self-sustaining over time.
This investment approach not only ensures that SciCh₳in is developed with a foundation of economic prudence but also positions it as a pioneering project within the Cardano ecosystem, ready to leverage blockchain technology for sustainable scientific communication.
Additionally, our project incorporates a contingency plan and an economically sustainable model for long-term viability.
Contingency Plan. The volatility in ADA's price can pose significant challenges for the financing and sustainability of SciCh₳in. To mitigate the risks associated with price fluctuations, we will implement:
1. Diversification and Contingency Reserve
- Upon receiving a Catalyst disbursement, we will not rely solely on ADA for project financing. We will consider diversifying assets, including into fiat currencies, to reduce the risk associated with volatility.
2. Continuous Market Monitoring
- We will continuously monitor the cryptocurrency market, especially ADA, to anticipate significant price movements. This information will be used to make informed decisions about when to convert ADA to fiat or other cryptocurrencies, based on market conditions.
3. Flexible Contracts
- Where possible, we will negotiate flexible contracts with suppliers and personnel that allow for adjustments in payments if significant fluctuations in ADA's value occur.
4. Staged Financing and Payments
- We plan the project’s financing and payments in stages, releasing funds only as needed and based on predefined milestones.
5. Strategic Partnerships
- We will seek to form strategic partnerships with other entities or projects within the Cardano ecosystem that can provide financial support or resources in critical times.
6. Economic Sustainability
-SciCh₳in is designed to be profitable and self-sustaining, enabling it to endure beyond the completion of this project's milestones. The scientific communication market is expanding, with an increasing demand for verifiable and accessible information. SciCh₳in could generate revenue through sponsorships, advertising, and premium services. Collaborating with educational institutions and tech companies can open new avenues for funding and growth.
Final remarks
In the future, we expect to generate additional revenue through monetization via ad views, paid advertising, Google Adsense, affiliate programs, sales of DeSci+Cardano design products (merchandising), and personalized consulting services.
The adoption of blockchain technology in science promises to revolutionize research, creating a sustainable and growing market for DeSci.
In summary, the investment in the development of SciCh₳in nprovides value for the Cardano ecosystem by actively promoting the scientific adoption and utility of the Cardano blockchain, fostering a knowledgeable and innovative community, enhancing visibility and strategic alignment with Cardano’s mission, and setting the stage for long-term impact and returns.