Last updated 9 months ago
Poor customer service makes Ghanaian taxi drivers lose competitiveness to private apps who seem to be trained on their job leading to a loss of clients, market share and increase in unemployment
This is the total amount allocated to Train taxi drivers in customer service and Cardano Project Catalyst..
Provide Customer Service training to 200 Taxi drivers in Accra and create awareness on Cardano Project Catalyst to the Drivers with higher education qualification.
No dependencies
We shall upload the video on You tube for community and public viewing. We shall also send links to telegram platforms.
Taxi drivers in Ghana have become very uncompetitive with the private driver applications such as Bolt, Uber, and Yango due to weak customer service attitude. Drivers in the private vehicle businesses are trained and act more professionally and would be preferred each day by people. For lack of training in customer service, most Taxi drivers have lost their clients, and we propose this training for them to recapture some level of market share. Poor customer service would always lead to loss of client. This project intends to select based on initial screening, drivers who have taken on this job due to unemployment and create awareness on project catalyst, to give them opportunity to participate in the community. We shall ensure before training is conducted, an initial screening is conducted to be able to select Drivers with higher education for easy communication of Cardano and Project Catalyst. This training would be targeted at a minimum of 200 drivers with 40 of them in a session resulting in 5 sessions.
The planned approach consists of three stages:
Stage 1: Inception Activities
Stage 2: Material Design
Stage 3: Training Delivery and Reporting
Stella Seyram Myers
Stella is a member of the Cardano community, a community reviewer in Fund 10 and 11, and a funded proposer in fund 11. In my profession, I am a training and business management Consultant by profession.
Faakor Fiadzigbey:
Faakor has been part of the Cardano community since Fund 8 during which she was a Community Assessor (CA). She was also a challenge team member for the Grow Africa, Grow Cardano challenge in Fund 8 and a CA in Fund 9 as well. She is a Human Resources Management Practitioner by profession. She recently got funded for a project on taking Cardano to the Francophone community in Ghana which she delivered on meeting all her milestones. She is currently running another project funded under fund 11 on Conducting Feasibility study for creating a blockchain-based digital platform for NGOs in Ghana.
Richard Okai
Richard is a member of the Community currently working on the implementation of a Funded proposal in fund 11 with our team. Richard holds a first degree and currently works as the President of an NGO in Ghana.
Milestone Output: Inception Activities
Acceptance criteria
C: Evidence of milestone completion
Milestone 2: Material Design
Acceptance criteria
Evidence of milestone completion
Training Delivery and Reporting
Acceptance criteria
Evidence of milestone completion
Stella Seyram Myers - Team Lead and Content Developer
Stella (Seyram) Myers | LinkedIn
Faakor Fiadzigbey: Trainer and content developer
@Richard Okai- Coordinator and Trainer
A. Tasks Team effort in days
Milestone 1: Inception Activities 20 days
Milestone 2: Material Design 15 days
Milestone 3: Training Delivery and Reporting 25days
· Training and presentation Session (2 days by 5 sessions)10 days
· Training Report 3 days per each session 15 days
Total Number of Days: 60 days
@ Daily rate of 450 Ada
Total Amount required to complete tasks 27,000Ada
B. Additional expenses
Cost of hiring Venue for Training for 2 days for 5 sessions @200 Ada per day 2000Ada
Data and Communication @ 100 Ada
Hiring of Camera @120 for 2 by 5 sessions 1200 Ada
Snack and Honorarium for Participants in Initial meeting and training for target of 200 participants 2500 Ada
Total for additional expenses 6,000 Ada
Total for A & B (Project amount) 32,200 Ada
Overall Total for Project 32,200 Ada
This request of 32,200 Ada is very reasonable and represents a negotiated price in line with development work and reasonable pricing of facilities in Ghana and professional fee of training consultants daily rate in Ghana.