Last updated 10 months ago
Validate additional revenue streams that could benefit SPOs. These could be projects that SPOs could support now or potential new projects that could provide future income streams.
This is the total amount allocated to Validate additional income streams and projects that could benefit the SPO community.
Conduct in-depth interviews and surveys with the SPO community to identify and validate opportunities for new income streams. Highlight untapped revenue sources, pain points and areas of growth.
We will publish our findings in an online paper that will be available by various social media resources and platforms as well as via the following Github link -
SDG Goals
9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG Subgoals
9.b - Support domestic technology development, research and innovation in developing countries, including by ensuring a conducive policy environment for, inter alia, industrial diversification and value addition to commodities
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
9.b.1 - Proportion of medium and high-tech industry value added in total value added
Certain members of the stake pool operator (SPO) community face challenges in sustaining profitable operations due to the evolving nature of the ecosystem and competitive pressures. There is a need to explore and highlight potential new innovative revenue streams to ensure long-term viability and success.
Overall, the findings published will have a positive impact on SPOs, ensuring they are aware of present, future practices and trends that will improve their income streams.
Identifying new income strategies for SPOs will ensure the following -
Delivering a research project of this kind and targeting the Cardano SPO community requires technical knowledge of how an SPO works as well as knowledge and relationships with the wider Cardano echosystem, all of which we have. Jest has previously carried out various technical research projects it gives us a combination of skills that are well suited for this project.
The project would need the co-operation of key stakeholders in the SPO community and Cardano echosystem to give this project the ability to compile and present the research which is something we know we can obtain and deliver.
1) Define project scope, objectives and deliverables.
2) Develop a detailed research methodology, incorporating both qualitative (in-depth interviews) and quantitative (surveys) approaches.
3) Prepare research interview questions and survey questionnaires.
1) Identify and engage with key stakeholders including SPOs and Cardano community leaders.
2) Carry out in-depth interviews with key stakeholders.
3) Issue a pilot survey questionnaire to a smaller known group of SPO community members.
4) Identify any issues and make necessary adjustments to the survey questionnaire.
5) Target SPO community members that can be issued with the survey questionnaire.
6) Issue the survey questionnaire to the targeted SPO community members.
7) Monitor survey questionnaire data collection to ensure quality and completeness.
1) Compile the information and data received from the interviews and survey questionnaires.
2) Analyse the statistical and relating information and draw out key findings.
3) Compile a draft initial report incorporating analysis and findings with recommendations.
4) Circulate draft report to known group of SPO community members for feedback.
1) Finalise the report, incorporating all feedback and additional analysis.
2) Publish and distribute the report through various social media and other channels.
Ami Bening - will research and compile the project and its deliverables. He has worked as a software developer, product consultant, business analyst and software architect in various global organisations, where he has contributed to the design and development of major software projects and been instrumental in initiatives to improve software development and business processes.
The budget of the project is ₳19,200 which is calculated as follows:
Break down of cost per milestone -
The project will be carried out over a period of 4 months, this will give enough time between milestones to compile findings before moving to the next milestone.
In summary, the milestones and payments are as follows -
The cost of the project offers good value for money as follows -
Overall the findings in the project will provide valuable information to potential new projects that will add value to the Cardano echosystem and increasing it's profile globally.