Last updated 9 months ago
Many of the Cardano Builders are early stage and need support to become investment-ready and turn great products into profitable businesses, increasing the ventures' likelihood of success.
This is the total amount allocated to Techstars investment-readiness program for Cardano Builders.
Techstars will train Cardano Builders, making them investment-ready, and providing access to the world's most active pre-seed investor network.
This program will convert Cardano builders to companies.
No dependencies
While we will share many metrics and content being transparent in our approach, we cannot guarantee we share every aspect of our business as a privately owned and operated company.
Around 70m USD were granted in 11 Catalyst funds for over 1600 projects. Many great builders got funding to work on infrastructure and use cases for the Cardano Blockchain.
However, there is a missing layer, recognized also by the Catalyst Working Groups proposal in fund 11 and with ongoing working group sessions around the world (started in Barcelona).
The missing layer is how to transfer those great teams and initiatives into investable companies that can build great products on Cardano.
Our proposal is for Techstars to partner with the Cardano ecosystem in support of its innovation mission to broaden its startup collaboration capabilities and support a holistic group engagement, by providing an investment-readiness program to its existing builders.
Techstars Startup Community Catalyst aims to support Cardano’s mission to work with thousands of startups for the years to come and integrate them into its platform.
We will achieve this through the following two program pillars:
1. Ecosystem Development Lab (EDL) - A proven and immersive, two-day peer-to-peer training program designed to train, activate, and connect Cardano community leaders.
We will make this in-person session around the Cardano Summit in Dubai in October to benefit from and support the summit and the community members who will be attending the summit.
2. Founder Catalyst (FC) - A ten-week virtual part-time program that includes mentorship, networking, and critical entrepreneurial skill building for selected Cardano Builders to be investment-ready.
This second program will include also an investment pitch day for Techstars teams and Techstars investors network.
The Techstars Ecosystem Development Lab (EDL) further strengthens the foundation of Cardano’s entrepreneurial ecosystem from the ground up by educating, activating, and connecting local stakeholders with foundational knowledge and resources to build sustainable and resilient companies through Techstars Community methodologies, networks, and programs.
Techstars Community Experts lead the 2-day immersive program, as participants meet fellow community leaders, learn key program methodologies, and grow their network. The program is designed to be practical so that participants can quickly adapt, and then apply the knowledge they gain to further develop their ecosystem.
The Cardano Builders selected for the program will benefit from Techstars' curated content, best practices, and early-stage methodologies. They will gain access to an unmatched global network of founders, mentors, investors, and corporate innovators.
The program will focus on 4 pillars:
I. Founder Best Practices
Program participants will learn best practices on how to build a scalable high-growth company. The program specifically focuses on the needs of Early Stage Startups that are preparing to raise initial capital. After the program, you will have 20 new experts in your ecosystem steeped in the #GiveFirst culture of Techstars. Raising the level of Venture Capital expertise in your community and having a positive impact for years to come.
II. Connection to a Global Network
The success of Techstars alumni companies is partially a credit to our mentor-driven approach. Your early-stage startups will learn from the wisdom of experienced founders, operators, and experts in our network.
III. Readiness to Raise Capital
Founders Catalyst alumni have the experience to make them good candidates for Techstars Accelerators and other forms of early-stage Investment. The strongest graduates will be referred to Techstars Accelerator teams for consideration.
IV. Stakeholder Reporting
We will provide a comprehensive report on the activities, connections, and mentorship that occurred during our program, providing the data analysis you need to inform your stakeholders and assess the value of our program.
In summary, this program will convert teams building in Cardano to companies.
Techstars’ Startup Community Catalyst empowers communities and enterprises to grow and sustain a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem through entrepreneur-led development. For over 12 years, Techstars has worked with more than 1,850 cities, 300 corporate partners, and over 175 countries around the world.
Furthermore, Techstars has run more than 400 startup programs, and invested in more than 4400 companies, resulting in:
Up to 50 participants from the Cardano ecosystem will meet fellow community leaders, learn key program methodologies, and grow their network. We intend to host the (EDL) during the Cardano Summit in Dubai, therefore maximizing its impact and ensuring maximum attendance.
Startups selected for the program will benefit from Techstars' curated content, best practices, and early-stage methodologies. Additionally, they will gain access to an unmatched global network of founders, mentors, investors, and corporate innovators. Our partners receive accurate reporting on program performance to demonstrate return on investment.
Founders apply to Founder Catalyst and selected companies will go through an interview process with a pre-selected panel. The Techstars team will shortlist candidates and work with Cardano in the selection process.
End of Program Pitch Day
Please find here the recording of our Global Pitch Day, wrapping up one of our programs with JETRO - the Japanese External Trade Organization.
Final report
Post-program support
Techstars will onboard graduated founders on its platform, connecting with program resources, and other Founder Catalyst alumni, and providing access to the Techstars network.
Techstars will track and support founders' performance up to 6 months after program completion.
Head of Ecosystem Development
Director of Ecosystem
Program design and implementation
Director of Ecosystem Operations
Program design and implementation
Managing Director Techstars Web3
The team above will support program design and implementation. Moreover, we'll assign Program Managers, Speakers, and a pool of dozens of international Mentors, bringing specific skills, from its network and the Cardano ecosystem.
Ecosystem Development Lab - ₳250,000.00 including:
Founder Catalyst program - ₳1300,000.00 including:
Admin, Program, and Post-program reporting - ₳50,000.00