Last updated 9 months ago
Cardano has a technically solid blockchain, ready for payments adoption. We need more day-to-day user-friendly ways for merchants and ADA holders to find each other, network and grow together.
This is the total amount allocated to 45B - Open-source Global Map of Businesses taking payments in ADA.
A simple map-based App for ADA holders to find any retailer willing to take ADA. Where businesses can get listed easily and in a geo-referenced way to reach their Cardano audience and interact.
No dependencies
We will open source as many technical components as possible, but reserve open sourcing the full solution for a later time.
Payments and simple transactions of value are likely the simplest use case for Cardano. However, it is extremely hard to find those close to you who are available to have their day-to-day transactions be in ADA instead of fiat currency.
The PayMeInADA application will enable end users to find establishments where fellow ADA holders are happy to take payments in ADA and network with you to discuss Cardano.
The development of this solution will leverage Marlowe for its smart contracts, ensuring a cost-effective robust approach, with great transparency of its workings.
Payments in cryptocurrencies are legal in many legislations, being considered as ‘in kind’ payments and the value of facilitating Peer-to-Peer transactions is paramount for the use of true on-chain ADA, as opposed to centralized exchanges and VISA-based payment cards.
To address the reality of locations with less clear regulation, the app will present a disclaimer reminding the user of his responsibility to observe regulations applied to him.
We will reach out to partner with entities and organizations in the broader blockchain space to reach retailers already taking payments in other cryptocurrencies.
Further networking like establishing local/regional partners may facilitate reaching users with perks like “PayMeInADA” stickers to have next to your cash register.
Areas for future growth:
One very important outcome of this proposal would be the establishment of a DAO of retailers taking payments in (onchain) ADA. This could spring from the entities listed on the PayMeInADA map, that would gather to discuss how to share resources progress their interests.
The app will also allow listed retailers to mention if they are associated with any DAOs, therefore gathering a list of DAO references that the users can explore directly.
Facilitating adoption and demystification of day-to-day use of ADA will greatly promote that more new ADA holders join and explore the space.
45B is composed of and has access to professionals with an extensive track record of delivering solutions in Finance, Banking and other lines of business. Also they are responsible in helping the promotion and socials of some players on the Cardano ecosystem.
45B will gather input from interested parties (e.g. pilot users and stakeholders) to acess and formalize the finer functional specifications for the app, and liase with development talent in the ecosystem to implement and support the app. We are in close connection to the main developer communities in Cardano.
Planning and Design - 2 months
Partnerships and providers - 1 month
Build app, prepare promotion and networking - 3 months
Build app, prepare promotion and networking - 2 months
Launch and initial user feedback - 1 month
Catalyst close-out - 1 month
Product Manager
Pedro Lucas -
Maestro Developer Experience, BizDez;
Pedro Lucas has over 20y experience in IT. Working as a Technical Business Analyst in Business Process Management and Decision support DataViz solutions in Finance and Banking. He has been in Crypto for 3y and 100% dedicated to Cardano communities and technology for almost 2y. Pedro has helped in Gimbalabs, amongst other communities, created and ran 'Cardano for non-techs' workshop sessions, and now collaborates with Maestro focusing on Developer Experience and Business Development.
Marketing and Community
Marcin Małaszuk -
Growth Manager & Consultant for Your Software & Web3 Agency
My support brings the most value to 🚀 Web3 Agencies, 💻 Software Development Companies, and 📱 B2B Tech Startups.
I am the co-founder of two tech startups, a seasoned marketing manager, and a consultant specializing in the Software Industry.
Development of the APP, costs with app stores and similar platforms
Legal framing and guidance
Promotion and community building
Project and Product management
Total $35000 at $0.30/ADA = aprox 116 600 ADA
Facilitating adoption and demystification of day-to-day use of ADA will greatly promote that more new ADA holders explore and join the space. Global adoption is one of the missions of Cardano and this app will greatly contribute for that at relatively little cost.
The services budget is according to or below standard rates for these professional services in Europe or the USA.