Last updated 9 months ago
There are currently no running decentralised bridges between Cardano and Polkadot and we ask ourselves, how we can bring Ada to Polkadot and Dot to Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano <-> Polkadot Light Client Bridge - Feasibility Study.
We drive a Feasibility Study and enable further developments for a Polkadot <> Cardano light-client bridge. These results should also drive other bridge developments on both ecosystems.
No dependencies
All proposal outcome will be licensed under open-source licenses.
We run a feasibility study which will follow:
Research, Anlayse, Summarise and Finalise.
The study will help us to understand what is needed for a bridge.
Including, but not restricted, to the following themes:
The outcome of the study will provide the building ground for further development through the deployment of an MVP.
First of all, this proposal is a direct outcome started with the uniFires proposal in Project Catalyst Fund 11, which is really nice.
By bringing core contributors from both ecosystems together, we uncover common challenges and co-ideate solutions. In this context, we see the lack of Polkadot <> Cardano interoperability. We want to use our uniFires space to identify problems and initiate solutions.
This proposal, introduces the beginning of a phased approach project; ideally leading to a fully operational light client bridge for the Cardano & Polkadot ecosystems, starting an impactful contribution to Cardano's interoperability to other blockchain ecosystems. The impact is obvious, having increased interactions of both ecosystems can significantly increase each others growth.
Further, we make everything fully open-source, giving a nice playground for any developer teams to build upon our achievements and to further enrich tools and solutions for the Cardano & Polkadot ecosystem romance. Dot 'n Dano ❤️
The main outcomes of our feasibility study will be presented via public documents.
The research will be done in two ways
Peer Review
We will share the document with domain experts to ensure a high quality review on our documents
UniFires consists of core contributors at the Cardano & Polkadot ecosystem.
It allows us to ensure getting the right knowledge and resource on place.
This ensures having a high likelyhood to successfully implement our Proposals.
We are developers, community managers, content creators, advisors, ambassadors and whatnot. We are wearing many hats which is an excellent skill for such a project. For everything what we dont have, well ... .
We know our ecosystems well enough and can easily reach out to missing capacities.
We also employ a peer review process, so our contributions validity is checked by other members in the community.
Milestone Name: Research
Milestone delivery month: August 2024
Milestone progress in %: 25
Milestone Bugdet: 25,000 Ada
Milestone Outputs:
Milestone Acceptance criteria:
Milestone Evidence:
Milestone Name: Analysis
Milestone delivery month: September 2024
Milestone progress in %: 50
Milestone Bugdet: 25,000 Ada
Milestone Outputs:
Milestone Acceptance criteria:
Milestone Evidence:
Milestone Name: Summarise
Milestone delivery month: October 2024
Milestone progress in %: 75
Milestone Bugdet: 25,000 Ada
Milestone Outputs:
Milestone Acceptance criteria:
Milestone Evidence:
Milestone Name: Finalise
Milestone delivery month: November 2024
Milestone progress in %: 100
Milestone Bugdet: 25,000 Ada
Milestone Outputs:
Milestone Acceptance criteria:
Milestone Evidence:
UniFires members:
Mark - Cardano Software Engineer, formal methods, functional programming, computer languages.
Frank - Polkadot Software Engineer, Polkadot Ambassador. JavaScript, Rust, German, English. Stuttgart, Germany. I will sell you a shirt with Holograms.
Felix - Cardano Ambassador, Governance, Open Source & grass roots, often being punk, doing great things with people smarter then me and usually having great fun :)
In addition, we plan to invite and include collaborators who will join us along the way.
We make it simple and calculate ADA to 0.50 USD, so that would be around 100K ADA which would enable 50K USD. We will ask additonal funds from the Polkadot treasury to really make this a co-built and co-funded initiative from both ecosystems.
25,000 Ada total per month
Research: 9,000 Ada
Advisory: 5,000 Ada
Operational Budget: 4,000 Ada
Content Creation: 3,000 Ada
Prototyping: 2,000 Ada
Publishing & Outreach: 2,000 Ada
TOTAL - 25,000 Ada per Milestone / per Month
4 Milestones X 4 months = 100,000 Ada
The funds invested into this proposal will return its value in:
What is cool, we will submit this very proposal in Polkadot OpenGov as well, where we ask for additional funds. The goal is to enable funding from both ecosystems as we have core contributors from both communities working on this project.
Note, this is a pilot project and we'll have to see how this actually plays out.