Last updated 2 months ago
How can you ensure the secure transfer of your digital assets to chosen recipients in case of emergencies (death or incapacity), whilst preventing such access until a specific event triggers.
This is the total amount allocated to Conditional Transfer of Digital Assets via Digital Identity and Verified Credentials.
Cost: ₳ 9,600
Delivery: Month 2 - Oct 2024
Final design and PoC
Cost: ₳ 9,600
Delivery: Month 4 - Dec 2024
Close-Out report
Cost: ₳ 12,800
Delivery: Month 5 - Jan 2025
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
This is a research project where Digital Identities and Verifiable Credentials are used to allow the decoding of secrets by anyone who was granted this right, pending on some external conditions.
Dependencies on Atala Prism (now just renamed HyperLedger Identus). Our project will make intensive use of their system and will rely on the availability of Identus Agent Nodes.
MIT License
SDG goals:
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG subgoals:
9.b Support domestic technology development, research and innovation in developing countries, including by ensuring a conducive policy environment for, inter alia, industrial diversification and value addition to commodities
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
9.c.1 Proportion of population covered by a mobile network, by technology
Disclaimer: It's important to clarify that this project falls under the "Concept" category and does not assure definite outcomes. While the ideas hold significant value and the problem is crucial, there is currently no apparent solution in the market. Thus, it remains a research project with uncertain results. To address this uncertainty, I have extensively researched all underlying concepts and conducted various proof-of-concepts, leading to what I believe is a feasible approach. Moreover, I have minimised the budget requirements to maximise value, considering the higher-than-normal risk involved.
Problem: My aim is to securely manage the access to all my digital assets (primarily my private keys), ensuring that they remain confidential without anyone else's awareness, and be convenient to retrieve only by myself. Yet, in the event of death or severe incapacity, I want those assets to transition securely to designated individuals without further involvement from me. How can this be achieved? Solving this challenge could revolutionise the wills and testament industry and prevent permanent loss of digital assets in the growing crypto industry at large.
Solution: The emergence of Digital Identities and Verifiable Credentials introduces a novel approach. It enables secure and private communication without necessitating intricate knowledge about the other party. Additionally, within these secure channels, Verifiable Credentials can convey factual information or grant rights to other entities. Moreover, leveraging AnonCreds allows us to obtain proof of granted rights without disclosing all associated conditions openly. This opens the way for encrypting/decrypting secrets based on proofs of identity and proof of specific rights. In such scenario, the seed phrase of a wallet could be passed encrypted onto a person of choice, and its decryption would only be permitted after some external trigger happen.
Engagement: the current and ongoing research, test scripts, and proof (what works vs what does not work) will be transparently published on the GitHub repo as they happen. The design of a feasible solution will also be delivered as part of this research project. A presentation to the Catalyst/Cardano community will be planned by end of the project, as well as video reports of the final findings.
Impact: The project will solely use Atala Prism, which is built on Cardano. Therefore, Cardano stands to gain primarily from its implementation. Subsequently, if it progresses to wider commercial adoption, either through my continued efforts (which I am committed to) or by others benefiting from this research, it could bring substantial benefits to the Cardano Community. Notably, although the project has cross-chain functionalities and would benefit the whole crypto industry, it takes fee payments in ADA (via Atala Prism).
This research project will establish the feasibility and architecture design for a secure conditional asset transfer automated system. All milestones will be delivered open-source and be available for anyone in the community to reuse or improve. This project can deliver transformative impacts to the broader Cardano community. Success will manifest in several ways, bringing substantial value:
In the past few years, I have personally developed from start to finish, 3 different projects, which all combined, prove my capability to conduct this research project and deliver it within the set milestones. Here are those projects and acquired credentials:
1/ a cloud-based SaaS secret sharing app ( - although it does fairly more than "just" encoding / decoding secrets, its approach to keeping secrets safe (encoded and offline, via QR code) is the premise for how to establish secure secrets, and pass them with conditions.
2/ a wallet authentication system ( - which identifies a user via its wallet's public key, and works cross chain for signing authentication messages via private keys.
3/ a Digital Identity and Verifiable Credentials project for AIs ( - which makes extensive use of Self Sovereign Identity and Verifiable Credentials
I have also delivered two Catalyst projects on time and on budget (Fund8: NFT Picture Profile AI generator ; Fund9: Sign-in with Cardano) ; I am currently delivering another project in Fund11 : Identity solution for Autonomous AIs living on Cardano. I believe that in the past 2 years since joining Cardano, I have shown a total transparency and 100% accountability to deliver projects to the Catalyst and Cardano community.
I am also part of the Atala Prism pioneers and a regular active member of their developer community. As part of the wider Cardano Developers Community, I also hope to leverage my connections and validate my choices, as well as brainstorm other ideas, with the most knowledgeable devs within my circle.
M1 - Research
I will use the first milestone to spend time researching the best solutions for conditional sharing of secrets via Decentralised Identity. In particular:
Milestone outputs
Acceptance criteria
Evidence of milestone completion
M2 - Design and PoC
I will use the second milestone to finalise the architecture design, and provide a small Proof of Concept. I have assigned a full month (20 days) for this task, although it may be that I spend a few more days /weeks (at no extra cost), if it is necessary for the best possible outcome.
Milestone outputs
Acceptance criteria
Evidence of milestone completion
Final - Close-Out report
This is the final milestone, including a close-out report, community engagement, and demo video recordings.
Milestone outputs
Acceptance criteria
Evidence of milestone completion
The project team consists of Eric Duneau, who will do the Research, Design, and PoC development. Eric brings extensive experience in the software industry, with over 20 years of experience and prior experience as CEO/CTO of a $30 million software business. After successfully selling the business in 2019, Eric has redirected his focus towards AI and Digital Identity projects on Cardano.
Eric has a proven track record of delivering projects within the Cardano ecosystem, and has set a delivery deadline for this project of 6 months. Note that this project is estimated at 45 days at most, which is less then 2.5 months full-time. Therefore, it is set on a path of "easy to achieve" deadlines over 6 months.
The budget of the entire project is calculated at ₳65,333. However, since this is a project with higher risk than normal, I have take the decision to discount it by more than 50%, and offer this proposal at a cost of ₳32,000. The original budget was calculated as follows:
The table below explains the "true" cost per each activity (before a 51% discount):
In summary, the final budget retained for each milestone is as per below:
Total = ₳32,000 ($14,400 ; 45 days ; $40 per hour)
The cost of the project represents excellent value for money. As the sole resource, Eric is based in the UK, where he generally command a rate way in excess of the average $40 per hour agreed for this project (45 days, for 32,000 ADA).
The project's cost accounts for 0.3% of the allocated budget for this category. If all projects deliver comparable value, it would allow for the funding of 325 projects in this category alone, which is a larger number than the 314 projects which were submitted in this category. Basically, if everybody else showed the same restraint and value for money, it could be possible to fund all the projects!
This project addresses how to share secrets between two unrelated entities via Digital Identities and Verifiable Credentials. It is a critical aspect of wallets security and safe asset transfer based on conditions. It would work cross-chain but would benefit Cardano first, as fees for generating the safe secret exchange would be paid in ADA.
The reach is wide, and the opportunity to place Cardano as a global leader in secure but conditional asset transfer built on a Trust Framework is not to be missed.
Finally, the project was made as high-value as possible, by those two factors:
(i) the project's costs have been carefully considered and slashed by more than 50% of real cost, to reflect a small investment for what is mostly a research project ;
(ii) the project duration has been extended from 2.5 months to 6 months to allow for potential difficulties in the research and design phases, whereas any additional work would not cost any extra ADA to the Community.
I believe that by delivering exceptional value for money, at 32,000 ADA, this project maximises the impact of the allocated resources and aligns with the goals and aspirations of the Cardano ecosystem.