Last updated 9 months ago
Researching the initial design and feasibility of a low-fidelity, Cardano-based peer-review system prototype to enhance transparency and efficiency in academic publishing.
This is the total amount allocated to Decentralized peer review and publication solution built on Cardano.
Cardano values peer review for scientific progress. It outperforms and is one of the most decentralized blockchains. We aim to research how to build a decentralized peer-review system using it.
No dependencies.
Open Access Publication: We intend to publish the results of our research in peer-reviewed open access journals. This will not only expose our work to peer review, ensuring its quality and rigor, but also make it freely available to anyone interested in helping us then utilize this research to develop and build the solution.
The peer-review process is the backbone of science. Academics around the world rely on peer-reviewed manuscripts to both archive the collective progression of science as well as guidance for future scientific studies. Because this peer-review process is the gold-standard for science, Cardano likewise values peer-review for documenting its progress. However, the peer-review process is not without its flaws – there are few to no rewards for reviewing (most professors view it as “service”), there are groups that are less-well represented (with a few universities supplying most reviewers), and there is little to no accountability for poor reviewers.
As new members continue to onboard into the crypto space, we believe that the emphasis on peer-review (as opposed to the traditional move-fast-and-break-things approach of other blockchains) will ultimately draw many academics into Cardano. Many academics value decentralization (peer-review is a decentralized consensus mechanism, at its core), and Cardano outperforms and is one of the most decentralized blockchains. We aim to research how to build and improve upon a decentralized peer-review system leveraging Cardano. We believe that this solution will advance both the Cardano and Academic space.We propose a comprehensive research project to investigate the viability of developing a decentralized peer-review system on the Cardano blockchain. Our study will explore the theoretical framework and potential design of a DApp that could manage manuscript submissions, review assignments, and publication decisions in the future. Central to our research will be the examination of decentralized identifiers (DIDs) to maintain reviewer anonymity and credibility. We will also delve into how the blockchain’s immutable nature could be leveraged to record reviews, thereby creating a more reliable and transparent peer-review process. A significant part of our research will be dedicated to understanding how tokenization on the Cardano blockchain might incentivize participation and ensure the quality of reviews. This research will not involve the actual development of a DApp, but rather lay the groundwork for potential future development by exploring the feasibility, design considerations, and benefits of such a system within the Cardano ecosystem.
Our project will have the potential to transform the Cardano community into a decentralized academic resource where academics and developers will engage with cutting edge research in a truly decentralized fashion.
The Cardano community already contributes a significant amount of research to the academic community – with the housing of a decentralized peer-review system, we expect more academic adoption of Cardano.
Our project aims to create a significant positive impact on the Cardano community by delivering a detailed, well-researched design for a decentralized peer-review system. This design will encapsulate functional requirements and early front-end design concepts, offering a blueprint for future development of such a system within the Cardano ecosystem.
Measuring Impact:
Sharing Outputs and Opportunities:
Value to the Cardano Community:
The success of our project will bring considerable value to the Cardano community by providing a tangible, innovative design for a decentralized peer-review system. This will not only enhance the credibility and utility of the Cardano blockchain in the academic and research domains but also pave the way for future developments that can leverage this design, leading to increased adoption and innovation within the ecosystem. Our project will demonstrate Cardano's potential in addressing complex, real-world challenges, thereby attracting more interest and investment in the platform.
Our team is uniquely positioned to deliver on this project with high levels of trust and accountability, based on our combined expertise in educational psychology, technology program management, and content development.
Robert Danielson, an educational psychologist, brings over a decade of experience in using quantitative and qualitative research methods to address learning barriers. His work, backed by over 25 peer-reviewed publications and nearly $2m in funded projects, attests to his ability to handle complex research projects with professionalism and integrity. His most recent work includes a meta-analysis of studies leveraging refutational approaches to overcoming misconceptions (funded by the National Science Foundation) and a textbook chapter in the Oxford Handbook of Educational Psychology on teaching for conceptual change. Furthermore, he currently sits on three editorial boards (linked below), testifying to his direct expertise and professional connections central to our proposal.
Robert's editorial board memberships:
Alexander James, with his extensive experience in technology product management and content development, strengthens our project's implementation side. His track record of driving successful technology adoption and value-realization projects, in various contexts from startups to government agencies, lends credibility to our capability to deliver. His graduate-level training in qualitative research methodologies further enhances our research capacity.
We both have a clear understanding of the importance of trust and accountability in projects, particularly in the crypto space where transparency is paramount. We are committed to maintaining open communication with the Cardano community, regularly updating them on our progress, challenges, and learnings. We are also open to undergoing any necessary reviews or audits to ensure the utmost accountability.
Finally, our shared passion for the Cardano ecosystem and belief in its potential to revolutionize the way we transact and interact assures our dedication to delivering a project that truly benefits the community.
Milestone 1
Systematic Literature Review
Description: Conduct a comprehensive, cross-disciplinary literature review on the state of decentralized academic peer-review, adhering to the PRISMA ( guidelines. This review will gather and synthesize existing research and case studies related to decentralized peer-review processes.
Acceptance Criteria:
Milestone 2:
Review of Academic Publishing on Blockchain
Description: Perform an in-depth review of the current state of academic publishing on the blockchain, including the peer-review mechanisms used in these publications.
Acceptance Criteria:
Milestone 3:
Interviews with Editorial Boards
Description: Conduct interviews with current and former members of editorial boards of academic journals to gather insights on potential improvements to the peer-review system and explore the feasibility of blockchain-based solutions.
Acceptance Criteria:
Milestone 4:
Publication of Findings
Description: Submit the outcomes of the first three milestones for presentation at conferences and for publication in peer-reviewed, open-source journals.
Acceptance Criteria:
Final Milestone:
Roadmap and Design Concepts
Description: Develop a roadmap outlining the path forward for decentralized peer-reviewed publishing on Cardano. This includes creating early functional requirements, UI wireframes, or mock-ups, and highlighting potential incentive structures and infrastructure needs.
Acceptance Criteria:
Robert Danielson, PhD - Lead Researcher
Robert is an educational psychologist with over a decade of experience utilizing both quantitative and qualitative research methods to eliminate learning barriers for students ranging from 7 to 55+ years old. With a track record that includes more than 25 peer-reviewed publications and close to $2 million in funding secured through the National Science Foundation and National Institutes for Health, he is poised to bring his rigorous research methodology and passion for education to this project. His latest contribution, a book chapter on teaching for conceptual change, is set to appear in the forthcoming iteration of the handbook for conceptual change. His responsibilities in this project will involve leading the research, designing the study methodology, analyzing the data, and preparing the reports.
Alexander James, MA - Technical Program Manager and Content Developer
Alexander brings to the table over a decade of experience as a technical program manager and content developer, having worked with technology teams in various settings, from start-ups and government agencies to large tech enterprises. He also holds a Master's degree with a focus on ethnographic and phenomenological research methodologies. His academic background augments his professional acumen, positioning him uniquely in leading successful technology adoption and value-realization projects. In this project, Alexander will play a pivotal role in technical program management, including planning, execution, and overseeing the development of content related to our research findings, in addition to consulting on qualitative research methods.
Both team members are deeply committed to the project and have been actively engaging with the Cardano community via Discord, ensuring a robust communication line with the necessary resources. We understand the Catalyst funding procedures and are prepared to go through the 'proof of life' verifications and meet any other requirements.
Primary Researchers Compensation:
We anticipate two primary researchers (the joint applicants, Robert and Alexander, listed above) working on the project for a total of approximately 550 hours. This includes time spent on the research, development, data analysis, content creation, and distribution aspects of the project.
Estimated time: 550 hours
Estimated cadence: 10 sprints, each consisting of between 10-and-12 days
Total: $18,500 per researcher
Overall: $18,500 * 2 = $37,000
Expenses & Participation Incentives:
There will be expenses related to subscriptions, fees associated with publication, and other incidental costs.
Additionally, given the importance of obtaining quality data from interview participants, some funds will be set aside to offer as participation incentives. This could help ensure high-quality responses and a broad pool of participants. We intend to pay the participants where possible in ADA, which will also serve as a validation step in some instances that they are active in the Caradno ecosystem, at least to some extent.
Total: $1000
Thus we request 100,000 ADA or approximately $38,000 USD (if valued at .38 USD/ADA)
Value for Money Justification
Impact and Value to the Cardano Ecosystem