Last updated 2 months ago
DAOs are popular within the Web3.0 space, but very little understood among decision makers in established businesses & industries. Corporate governance and legal setups are not yet prepared for DAOs.
This is the total amount allocated to DLT360: Highly Beneficial DAO Use-Cases for Corporate World. 3 out of 4 milestones are completed.
Project setup & planning and drafting the detailed content-structure of the deliverables
Cost: ₳ 20,000
Delivery: Month 1 - Sep 2024
Draft Versions (V0.10) of Requirements Specification and Solution Specification in place
Cost: ₳ 30,000
Delivery: Month 2 - Oct 2024
Completion of Requirements Specification, Solution Specification, Business Model Specification, and of the dedicated Website, the Pitch-Deck and the Pitch-Video
Cost: ₳ 30,000
Delivery: Month 3 - Nov 2024
Completion of PoC-Workshop and final release of all agreed deliverables
Cost: ₳ 20,000
Delivery: Month 4 - Dec 2024
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
It is all about BENEFITS, RISKS, PEOPLE, PROCESSES and then TECHNOLOGY. Following this understanding, we identify, analyze and outline the most promising DAO applications for business and industry.
There are no direct dependencies for this CONCEPT, as we are primarily aiming to understand (together with our industry-expert-community), which DAO-applications are sufficiently promising for justifying subsequent MVP developments. Nevertheless, already during this CONCEPT work, we will reach out to the top DAO experts within the CARDANO Community, mainly for forming intelligent future partnerships. This will be very important for the MVP Phase, as DLT360 does not want to 'reinvent the wheel' but try to form mutually beneficial collaborations.
Other important remarks:
This proposal would highly benefit from getting also the following two F12 proposals funded:
1) DLT360: Relaunch SMART INDUSTRY FORUM for Real-World-Adoption
This would allow us to involve experts from business and industry in a much more systematic way during this CONCEPT Phase.
2) DLT360: Real-World Business Development Framework
All our four proposed industry applications
are planned to become available within this TOGAF-compliant DLT360 Business Development Framework (see This open Enterprise Architecture Framework is important for allowing frictionless PoC, Piloting, Customization, Roll-out and Application Lifecycle Management according to best-practice industry standards. It would be VERY helpful to get a green light for establishing this Real-World Business Development Framework already in parallel to the CONCEPT Phases of the 4 scalable applications.
ent Framework already in parallel to the CONCEPT Phases of the 4 scalable applications.
Publicly available deliverables
Our general ambition is to make this corporate-DAO CONCEPT available based on a suitable open source license. Nevertheless, establishing the Requirements Specification, the Solution Specification Business Model Specification and the PoC requires the close cooperation with business and industry experts, who might require certain information to be confidential.
It is therefore currently impossible to decide, if all the results of this corporate-DAO CONCEPT can be published according to openSource licensing. Therefore we decided to declare the following outcome as 'publicly available deliverables' (and some other outcome as 'not publicly available' as described further below). Here the publicly available deliverables:
Not publicly available (can be made on-demand available upon request and agreement)
At this very moment, the access to following outputs of this project need to be restricted due to the above mentioned reasons. These confidential output are:
[8] Descent Work and Economic Growth
[9] Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
In our increasingly complex world, less and less strategies and activities can be solely top-down developed and deployed. Therefore, most business- and industry corporations are struggling to 'pick and engage the hearts and brains' of their global consumers, customers, suppliers and employees. So far, this has been very difficult due to outdated corporates governance, traditional hierarchies and challenging legal hurdles. In this context, the Web3.0 world is trying to 'sell-in' the concept of DAO (DAO: Decentrallized Autonomous Organization), just to find out that this new governance approach is very little understood among corporate decision makers.
For this corporate-DAO concept, we benefit from previous research funded by Catalyst Fund 7 and 8 and additional background research driven also by Brussels School of Governance under the lead of Sven Van Kerckhoven (Vice Dean and also Senior Advisor to DLT360), with contributions of Maury Shenk (Senior Advisor to DLT360) and Jonas Weinberger (Co-Founder of DLT360). This research was recently published by ROUTLEDGE.
Purpose of this corporate-DAO Concept
For implementing any Web3.0 application (at scale) into corporate environment, a complex ‘buying network’ with various typical stakeholders needs to be convinced and won-over from scepticism to promotership. Especially corporate risk-management, legal departments and the 'Web2.0 and Cloud-Computing-socialised’ CIO and CISOs need to be convinced. This requires strict focus on BUSINESS-BENEFITS, REDUCTION OF RISKS and on WINNING OVER PEOPLE. This also requires understanding corporate PROCESSES and ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURES. Only after overcoming these hurdles, detailed TECHNOLOGY arguments play an important role. Following this understanding, we identify, analyze and outline the most promising DAO applications for business and industry.
Deliverables of this Concept Phase
corporate-DAO in the context of the DLT360 Overall Startup Strategy
Establishing our complete DLT360 approach, consisting of interconnected products and solutions, is structured into various phases and iterations. The corporate-DAO Concept and our other proposals introduced to Fund 12 are important elements of our overall strategy, which can be laid out as following:
Summary & Next Steps
The corporate-DAO Concept is a key-element of our overall DLT360 business approach. This (together with our other proposals submitted to Fund 12) is an important milestone in succeeding with our lean and iterative startup strategy. Once this Concept is in place, we plan - hand in hand with partners from the Cardano Community - to develop the MVP in Fund 13 and scale this solution with first real-world customer implementation projects.
Value to the Cardano Community:
How to measure the impact ?
To measure the success of the project, we will employ a combination of quantitative and qualitative measures. The following are some key areas we intend to measure:
How we will share the outputs and opportunities that result from this project?
The way we plan to make the results of this project available has been described in the 'Open Source Section' earlier in this proposal. Due to the nature of the project, this will be a mix of publicly available and not publicly available outputs (this is unavoidable due to the nature of the resulting outputs).
The publicly available parts of our outputs will be shared as following:
DLT360 was founded by an ambitious core-team coming from many years of leadership experience in business and industry, combined with the fresh perspective of young talents in various disciplines (see CVs and team description later in this proposal). The senior founders have also been active members of and contributors to the Catalyst community since early-on. DLT360 has successfully completed all earlier projects from Fund 6, 7 and 8. This project is now a major element of orchestrating many of the previous projects, making us finally ready for scaling up the work with Corporate Clients from business and industry.
Our team (including the closely linked free-lancers) has many years of experience in:
We use best-practice infrastructure and tools like e.g. GitHub and MIRO for supporting our collaborative processes and document management.
Milestone Title:
Project setup & planning and drafting the detailed content-structure of the deliverables
Milestone Outputs:
Acceptance Criteria:
Evidence of Milestone Completion:
We will deliver a brief video in which we will go through the individual outputs, the acceptance criteria and the evidence. The video will cover:
Milestone Title:
Draft Versions (V0.10) of Requirements Specification and Solution Specification in place
Milestone Outputs:
After establishing the content-structure of the deliverables in milestone 1, milestone 2 focuses on content creation. This will result in completed draft version of the Requirements Specification (V0.10) and the Solution Specification (V0.10) with approximately 80% completion state.
Acceptance Criteria:
Part 1: Content Draft (V0.10) of Requirements Specification (the actual chapter-structure was the deliverable of the preceding milestone 1, therefore the structure shown here below is only for orientation and might change based on learnings along the project):
Part 2: Content Draft (V0.10) of the Solution Specification (the actual chapter-structure was the deliverable of the preceding milestone 1, therefore the structure shown here below is only for orientation and might change based on learnings along the project):
Evidence of Milestone Completion:
We will deliver a brief video in which we will go through the individual outputs, the acceptance criteria and the evidence. As evidence we will provide:
Milestone Title:
Completion of Requirements Specification, Solution Specification, Business Model Specification, and of the dedicated Website, the Pitch-Deck and the Pitch-Video
Milestone Outputs:
Milestone 3 will deliver the following outputs:
Acceptance Criteria:
The outputs of Milestone 3 are validated by following acceptance criteria:
Evidence of Milestone Completion:
We will deliver a brief video in which we will go through the individual outputs, the acceptance criteria and the evidence. As evidence we will provide:
We will also provide links for allowing deeper-going review.
Milestone Title:
Completion of PoC-Workshop and final release of all agreed deliverables
Milestone Outputs:
1) PoC under involvement of expert(s) from potential customer(s)
2) Updating of all Deliverables
3) Internal Project Closing with
4) External Project Closing
Acceptance Criteria:
1) PoC Workshop Summary completed
2) Deliverables updated and released (V1.00 or V1.01)
3) Closeout Report completed
4) Closeout Video completed
Evidence of Milestone Completion:
We will deliver a brief video in which we will go through the individual outputs, the acceptance criteria and the evidence. As evidence we will provide:
We will also provide all required links for allowing deeper-going review.
Project Lead
Key Contributors & Corodinators
Domain Experts from Academia, Industry and Cardano Community
Development Resources and Freelance Assistance
Besides our core-team, this project will be supported by the freelance and partner resources:
Pease note that this project can produce VERY substantial value. With this approach, many of the historic mistakes of developing premature applications before understanding product/market-fit (customer needs and implementation context) can be avoided. It is difficult to quantify, but prematurely announced, ‘hyped’ and then failed industry applications can be of great harm to the reputation of the entire Cardano ecosystem. This corporate-DAO CONCEPT helps avoiding such issues and provides the foundation for finally getting to real-world-adoption at scale.
2) For MONEY
The following background is important for understanding the calculation of our average global hourly rates: