Last updated 9 months ago
Offering a video/chat platform for experts to share knowledge about tech, business, marketing, and users to learn from them on some subjects with Web3 payments via $ADA Cardano and other cryptos.
This is the total amount allocated to GuruAda - Book Video Chat Sessions with experts, developers, entrepreneurs and gurus + Web3 ADA crypto payments.
An online marketplace platform that allows users to find and book video chat sessions with TOP developers, engineers, gurus, experts, artists and celebrities with Cardano $ADA Pay and crypto payments
No dependencies.
The platform will use confidential data related to user privacy, so the code will not be shared.
An online marketplace platform that allows users to find and book video chat sessions with TOP developers, engeniers, gurus, specialists, experts, artists and celebrities with Cardano ADA Pay and crypto payments.
Offering a video/chat platform for experts to share knowledge about tech, business, marketing, and users to learn from them on some subjects with Web3 payments via $ADA Cardano and other cryptocurrencies.
User Profiles: Allow both experts and users to create profiles showcasing their expertise and interests.
Search and Filter Functionality: Implement robust search and filter options so users can easily find experts based on their specific needs and interests.
Booking System: Enable users to book video chat sessions with experts directly through the platform, including scheduling options and payment processing in crypto/Web3 Payments.
Rating and Review System: Incorporate a rating and review system for users to provide feedback on their experience with experts, helping others make informed decisions.
Secure Payment Gateway: Implement a secure payment gateway that supports Cardano ADA Pay and other cryptocurrencies, ensuring transactions are safe and reliable.
Video Chat Integration: Integrate a reliable and user-friendly video chat platform to facilitate seamless communication between experts and users during sessions.
Content Monetization Options: Offer experts the ability to monetize their knowledge by setting their own rates for video chat sessions.
Community Engagement Features: Foster a sense of community by incorporating features like forums, discussion boards, and Q&A sessions where users can interact with experts and each other.
Mobile Accessibility: Ensure the platform is accessible via mobile devices, allowing users to connect with experts on the go.
We believe that this proposal brings several benefits to the Cardano ecosystem, of which we can highlight:
A community that brings together individuals who want to invest in startups, to entrepreneurs who develop products and services with the potential for growth in scale.
We will give the community some sort of progress report as we go along, in the form of a monthly news release on Cardano Feed, to measure the progress of our proposal.
Success for this project can be defined:
Our team has previously been approved in 5 projects on Catalyst and all projects were successfully completed and with a project closure report containing all proof of delivery (4 projects in Fund 8 and 1 project in Fund 9) and 2 projects in development in Fund 11.
Our team is composed of developers, UX / UI, Marketing, SEO, Marketing, Business and we developed the largest media coverage platform, with more than 1,000,000 monthly visits and also the largest "Cardano Ecosystem" project directory (approximately 1,200+ projects).
Our team has already organized several official Cardano events for the community, including:
We attended Cardano's global workshop on CIP-1694 Governance in person in Edinburgh UK (July, 2023).
Milestone 1
Cost: 30%
Month: 1 month
% Completion: 30%
M1 - Acceptance Criteria
(A) Delivery of the information architecture
(B) Definition of the Mind Map and sections of the site
(C) Creation of the platform wireframe
(D) Creation of news tracking on Cardano Feed
Milestone 2
Cost: 30%
Month: 1 month
% Completion: 60%
M2 - Acceptance Criteria
(A) UX/UI studies for the first website interface
(B) Definition of tech requirements
(C) Creation of news tracking on Cardano Feed
Milestone 3
Cost: 25%
Month: 1 month
% Completion: 85%
M3 - Acceptance Criteria
(A) Start of Front-end programming
(B) Start of Back-end integration
(C) News release about measure tracking proposal on Cardano Feed
(D) Invite of eCommerce sites to use the platform
Milestone Final
Cost: 15%
Month: 1 month
% Completion: 100%
MFINAL - Acceptance Criteria
(A) Completed of Front-end and back-end integration
(B) Whitelist with Users for Platform MVP
(C) Form with Collecting of feedback on platform
(D) Link with News published on Cardano Feed
(E) Launch of the platform
Otávio Lima -
Founder & CEO at Cardano Feed
Entrepreneur and passionate about technology, I started working at age 16 when I set up my first technology company and I never stopped. I founded some internet startups, some successful and others not so much. Started my business for 6 months in Silicon Valley/Silicon Valley, California (USA), in Rio de Janeiro and Belem.
I have practical and theoretical knowledge in B2B and B2C e-commerce, marketplace, digital marketing, UX/user experience, navigation tests, interface, information architecture, big data, data driven, data science, web metrics , BI (Business Intelligence), open innovation, crowdsourcing, ERP integrations, digital signage/digital signage and out-of-home digital media.
I actively participate in the cryptocurrency/blockchain, DeFi, cryptocurrency, enthusiast and fan of digital currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Cardano (ADA), ZCore (ZCR), B2U coin (B2U) and Binance coin (BNB).
Felipe Barcelos -
CTO at Cardano Feed
I started studying computers at the age of 9. Always looking for ways to solve problems and generate value. All of this took me on the journey of entrepreneurship and made me open my startup at the age of 18.
In recent years, my dedication has been to improve my technical expertise with Clean Code, refactoring, TDD, DDD, design patterns, clean architecture and languages like Javascript. Using frameworks like Next JS, Angular JS, Nest JS, Strapi and a few more.
Lucas Fernandes -
Marketing Assistant
Founder of an Education startup in 2021 in São Paulo from an insight that our current teaching model is not aligned with the needs that the job market needs. Since then, my main purpose has become to create, share and connect experiences and knowledge with people around the world, offering new opportunities to develop the skills they will need for the professions of the future, today.
Today, my biggest motivation comes from showing that any dream is possible and that there are no limits for those who really dream big, have their feet on the ground and take one step at a time. We are certainly only at the beginning of a great journey.
Manage workload:
We currently have a team of 7 additional collaborators working together with our core project team. We were able to distribute and organize tasks and sprints within our development roadmap. And we also have a bank of technical professionals waiting to be hired according to the increase in projects.
Detailed budget breakdown:
Developer Front-end = $2,800 x 4 months = $11,200
Developer Back-end = $2,800 x 4 months = $11,200
Product Owner = $900 x 4 months = $3,600
Scrum Master = $900 x 4 months = $3,600
Designer UX/UI =$900 x 4 months = $3,600
SUBTOTAL: $33,200
Marketing Assistant = $600 x 4 months = $2,400
Social Media = $800 x 4 months = $3,200
Marketing Budget = $800 x 4 months = $3,200
SUBTOTAL: $8,800
Amazon AWS Services Maintenance (1 year) = $1,600
Add-ons, notifications and endpoints: $900
Video Streaming SDK and APIs: $2,230
SUBTOTAL: $4,980
TOTAL: $46,980 x $0,47 ADA = ₳ 99,957
This project can represent significant value for the ecosystem in several ways:
Access to Expertise: By providing a platform where users can easily connect with experts across various fields, the project offers immense value in terms of access to specialized knowledge and advice.
Efficiency and Convenience: The platform streamlines the process of finding and booking consultations with experts, saving users time and effort compared to traditional methods of seeking advice.
Monetization Opportunities: For experts, the platform represents an opportunity to monetize their expertise by offering paid consultations. This can be a lucrative source of income for individuals with specialized knowledge, while also enabling them to reach a broader audience beyond their local or professional network.
Global Reach: By leveraging video chat technology, the platform transcends geographical barriers, allowing users and experts to connect from anywhere in the world. This global reach expands opportunities for collaboration and learning, enriching the ecosystem by fostering cross-cultural exchange and diversity of perspectives.
Cryptocurrency Integration: Integrating Cardano ADA Pay and other cryptocurrencies for payments adds another layer of value by offering users and experts alternative payment options that are secure, fast, and decentralized.
Community Building: The platform can serve as a hub for building communities around shared interests and expertise.
Overall, the project represents value for money by providing a platform that facilitates knowledge exchange, fosters economic opportunities for experts, promotes global connectivity, embraces cryptocurrency innovation, and cultivates a sense of community and collaboration within the ecosystem.