Last updated 9 months ago
A Therapy Session can be expensive for the average person in our times
We want to provide free therapy sessions to people in need, utilising a NFT+CNT project on the Cardano Blockchain. is the total amount allocated to Psychology Therapy Sessions Distributed to People in Need for Free, "Coffee Monks" NFT+CNT Project.
With an NFT+CNT minting mechanism, people will be able to do 2 Therapy sessions for themselves, or donate 1 therapy to a treasury for people in need, and keep the other one for themselves. dependencies
The project outputs will be fully open source based on the Apache license 2.0
Abstract of the Solution
“Coffee Monks” is a NFT + CNT project that aims to utilize the Cardano Dapps and blockchain to provide mental health support to people in need, through an anonymous donation mechanism.
In addition it will create a reward payment system for the users that replace FIAT transactions with ADA in their everyday life payments in physical and digital stores, rewarding them with “Coffe Monks” Tokens.
Privacy of the Data collected and anonymity is an important factor for the project! So potential collaboration with, IAMX, IAGON, MIDNIGHT or any other Zero Knowledge Proof projects would play significant role.
The “Coffee Monks” NFT + CNT Project, is aiming to bring 4 solutions for the Cardano blockchain, the people of the Cardano community and beyond this community.
(Real life world and other blockchains communities).
Below we will describe in a short way those solutions, and later in the script you will find the fully developed idea and the mechanism of how it will work.In addition you can watch the Video Explanation for an easy understanding of the overall project.
Video Explanation :
The Solutions will be described below and are 4 in total, the main product we are aiming to launch with this funding proposal is the “Solution No1 (Phase 1)”
Short Explanation of 4 solutions:
Solution No1 (Phase 1) :
“Coffee Monks” NFT + CNT Project will Provide Therapy Sessions by Professional Psychologists to people that cannot afford it. For free! These free therapy sessions, will be accumulated in a treasury. Then people in need, will be able to claim a free therapy session by activating a smart contract with their Cardano wallet. Users that Mint a “Coffee Monks” NFT will be able to donate these free sessions to the Treasury, at their will, with the extra “Coffee Monks” tokens they receive, when they mint the NFT.
This “Donation Mechanism” is inspired by Café Sospeso Italian Tradition (Pending Coffee), where someone would order 1 coffee at the Local Café bar, but would pay for 2 in advance. This movement started after the World War II, where coffee was an expensive treat for the average person to have.The second coffee (Café Sospeso) would be anonymously added in a list of pending coffees, then people that couldn’t afford to buy one coffee, could come and claim one coffee from that list for free.
With the above mechanism people will be freely motivated to share their experience after the therapy, and if they were pleased with that experience they could potentially attract people from their social cycle to use the Cardano Blockchain in order to start a Therapy Session for free.
In a conclusion with the Solution 1 we attract people to use the Cardano Blockchain in a positive real utility way of getting to know their self for free. And we can potentially offer Job opportunities to Therapists from the Cardano Community, in case the project show great success.
The mechanism of this “Solution No1” will be fully explained later in this script in the Chapter “ Fully Developed (Phase 1) Idea”.
Solution No2
Connecting the Cardano blockchain with real life world utilities/payments, bringing adoption/connection to the Cardano ecosystem with people that might not even know what Blockchain is, through a rewards payment system.
The "Coffee Monks” Project is aiming to create a reward payment system for the users that replace FIAT transactions with ADA in their everyday life payments in physical and digital stores, rewarding them with “Coffee Monks” Tokens. This will be achieved by utilizing the “Coffee Monks” CNT tokens. Vision of the Project is to make partnerships with Physical and Digital Stores and reward every buy/payment/transaction, that happened using ADA instead of FIAT.
For example a hypothetical Partnership Scenario: A partnership between The “Coffee Monks Project” and a Coffee Bar in the Netherlands.
Every time a costumer of that Coffee Bar is purchasing his favorite daily coffee, but choosing to pay with ADA instead of FIAT, the Bar will be rewarding this client with a Cash-Back in “Coffee Monks” Tokens immediately with a smart contract. Then the costumer that received those tokens will be free to either Swap them for ADA in a DEX or Donate them to the Treasury for Free Therapy Sessions.
The Project is aiming to come in contact with Partnerships all over the world that have an awareness about Mental Health and not only.
Possible Partnerships could be:
· Coffee Places and Restaurants that are open to ideas that would bring awareness about mental health
· Universities that Include Psychology departments
· Cardano Hotel in Barcelona
· Charles Hoskinson’s Health and Wellness Clinic
· Vipassana Meditation Donatios:
· Yoga Centers
· Collaboration with other NFT projects
And many more possibilities to discover on our way through.
A partnership as described above with the Coffee Bar example, would be a Win-Win situation for Both of the partners:
Win A) :
The Cafeteria would gain exposure to new audience immediately through the Coffee Monk Project and the Cardano Community.
(Website , Banners-Cards with info/instructions on how to get a “reward-discount” on your daily coffee instantly, using ADA )
Win B):
The Coffee Monks Project and Cardano blockchain would be Instantly exposed to all the Costumers of the Cafeteria, helping like this to bring more adoption and utility to the everyday world.
Solution 3:
Zero Knowledge Proof technology usage.
Because of the Sensitive Data that will be collected and the Privacy that must be respected in a Therapy Session, the “Coffee Monks” project aims to Partner with Protocols like: IAMX , IAGON, MIDNIGHT and more, to protect the anonymity nature and data of the process. Utilizing projects like the above would leverage the usage and the transactions of the “ZK proof” technology and projects menioned here, adding to them and to Cardano Blockchain one more real-life utility usage.
Solution 4:
Interoperability. "Coffee Monks" project aims to attract users from other chains into the Cardano Blockchain using the “Coffee Monks” tokens. After the creation and the successful function of the Project on the Cardano Blockchain, the team is looking forward to create “Bridges” and “Liquidity Pools” to other blockchains like Ethereum, BSC, Pulsechain, Solana etc.
Like this we will be able to make aware of our Token+NFT Project on Cardano to other blockchains by creating arbitrage opportunities and attracting people to come and mint the NFT on the Cardano Blockchain.
Fully Developed (Phase 1) Idea
The “Coffee monks” NFT + CNT Project mechanism explained in depth and detail:
When a user will be minting a “Coffee Monks” NFT, they will be receiving in their Cardano wallet :
1 “Coffee Monks NFT”, plus an (x) amount of “Coffee Monks Tokens” (CNT)
NFT: The NFT will be attached with a free therapy session, by professional psychologists. The holder of the NFT will be able to claim that free session by visiting the “Coffee Monks” website-platform, connecting their wallet to prove the ownership of the NFT and book an appointment to do the therapy session for free. After that claim of the session, the NFT will be “empty”, and won’t be able to provide more therapy sessions. It remains in the user’s wallet as a normal JPG NFT now.
CNT Tokens: With the additional, (x) amount of “Coffee Monks Tokens”, the users received when they Minted the NFT, they have now 3 utility choices:
Choice No1: The users will be able to spend the CNT tokens they received, for a second therapy session for free for themselves, simply by sending the tokens to a smart contract in the platform and booking a new appointment with their Therapist.
Choice No2: The users will be able to Donate the CNT tokens they received, in a Treasury. In that Treasury there will be accumulated “Free therapy sessions” from donations. The tokens (that represent the sessions), will be in the Treasury Locked until a Cardano Wallet (a person in need), comes and claims one free session from the treasury by activating a smart contract. The wallet that activated that smart contract can now go to the “Coffee Monks” platform and book an appointment for a Free Therapy Session.
Burning Mechanism:
Every time the Platform receives the CNT tokens from the users and they realize a Therapy Session (either that happened with the ChoiceNo1 or with the Choice No2, as the choices mentioned above), the platform Locks those tokens in a contract, and later Burns those tokens by sending them to the “Cardano burn address” as soon as the Session finishes! This act makes the CNT tokens more scarce with every free therapy session that is happening.
Choice No3: If the users don’t want to realize the tokens for a second therapy session for themselves (Choice No1) or they don’t want to donate the tokens (Choice No2), in that case the users, can simply take their free tokens, and either trade them for $ADA in a DEX or make a Liquidity Pair with ADA to earn fees every time someone else is trading that pair!
Income and work distribution to the Psychologists-Therapists.
The Therapists will be getting paid for every therapy session they will be doing. The income of the Therapists will be coming from the “NFT minting Profits”.
Team of the Therapists
"Coffee Monks" project is aiming to have a Core team of Therapists, spread all over the world so it could cover various differnet Languages. The Project will do an open call in the Cardano Community to send their CVs and do an interview for possible Jobs opportunities as Therapists and not only. Connecting like this Therapists in need to reach a wider audience.
In Addition the team of the “Coffee Monks” Project is already in Contact with Universities, to make Partnerships for an Internship Program, where Interns Psychologists will be able to realize the precious hours they need to fully get on the work field. The “Interns Psychologists” will be monitored by professional psychologists to ensure the quality of the sessions.
“Buy and Donate Burn Mechanism”
When a client (new client or existed client) decides to buy more therapy sessions, they will be able to purchase a package of therapy sessions with ADA or a Cardano Stable Coin through the “Coffee Monks” Platform.
Every time a client will be buying a package of new sessions as mentioned above, the “Coffee Monks” platform, with the use of a smart contract, will be taking a percentage of the value of that package that just got sold, and will be “Market Buying” on a DEX “Coffee Monks” tokens, those tokens that just got bought, they will be immediately sent into the Donation Treasury (same treasury the free sessions are getting accumulated as in Choice No1) to be accumulated there and later get claimed for a free therapy session.
Like this the “Coffee Monks” Platform creates a constant Buy pressure, Donate pressure and Burn pressure for the CNT tokens (as explained in the paragraph “Burning Mechanism”).
Elevating like this the already well known in Crypto Markets “Buy and Burn” mechanism to “Buy and Donate Burn” mechanism.
Coffee Monks Project is here for the Long Term to make a better world through Mental Health Awareness and Blockchain Adoption.
The success of the "Coffee Monks" project would bring one more Real World Utility case to the Cardano Blockchain, by raising Mental Health awarness and Blockchain adoption. It would be a way to spread the Blockchain usage to people that don't know what blockchain is without having to invest, trade or gamble any capitlal but just through a Therapy Session they claimed for free, using a Cardano Native wallet.
In addition, already members of the Cardano community will be able to access or donate a therapy session for free, giving like this the motivation and for a positive interaction between the members.
"Coffee Monks" Project will also give Job opportunities to the people of the Cardano Community in positions like: Psychologists, Counselors, Administration and more positions that might appear with the success of the project.
We will be able to measure the impact of the "Coffee Monks" project on the Cardano Blockchain with the examples below.
The sales of the NFTs, The amount of the Terapies made, the amount of the Donations made, and questionnaires filled by participants in the therapies will indicate us in numbers like:
1) How many new users - wallets we attracted in the Blockchain
2) If the user was aware of what a Blockchain is
3) If the experience was positive and if they would share it with other people out of the blockchain.
4) If they found a Job positons or thinking to find one through the project.
Evangelos Karakatsis is a 33 years old Man with a "BSc in Physical Education and Sports Science", and an "HPD in Psychology Counseling".
The last 4 years he has been into the Crypto-Blockchain Environment involved and working with Projects in Ethereum, Pulsechain (DEXs backtesting) and in the Cardano ecosystem as a member in the Greek DAO OdyC and a past community manager in an NFT Project. He is also teaching in a Greek Crypto Education Academy, subjects about how to uses DEXs, non-Custodian wallets and the Cardano Ecosystem.
With the experience he gained working in the Blockchain Ecosystem and being part of various communities, he is gathering a team of Developers, Psychologists, Artists, Consultants, Mathematicians and Physicians, to be able to succesfully launch the project "Coffee Monks" (Phase 1)
After studying and working in various fields like: Taekwondo, Ski and Yoga Instrcutor, Musician and Tenor Singer and worked for years in HO.RE.CA. as a waitor, barista and a cook and ran succesfully his own company for 2 years (Evibe Video Productions), he found out that he wanted to see a Better World through Happier People.
That's how he inspired to utilize the Blockchain Technology and specifically his favourite one Cardano, to launch the "Coffee Monks NFT+CNT" Project and make his "Vision for a better and happier world" true.
1st Milestone (3 months)
Milestone outputs
Acceptance criteria
Evidence of milestone completion
2nd Milestone (3 months)
Milestone outputs
Acceptance criteria
Evidence of milestone completion
3rd Milestone (3 months)
Milestone outputs
Acceptance criteria
Evidence of milestone completion
4th Milestone (3 months)
Milestone outputs
Acceptance criteria
2. We will gather an organised team of Therapists to be able to provide the service for the Project.
Evidence of milestone completion
Evangelos Karakatsis
Project Founder - Manager
"BSc in Physical Education and Sports Science", and an "HPD in Psychology Counseling".
The last 4 years he has been into the Crypto-Blockchain Enviroment involved and working into Projects in Ethereum, Pulsechain (DEXs backtesting) and in the Cardano ecosystem as a member in the Greek DAO OdyC and a past community manager in an NFT Project.
Leonardo Bonelli
Artist - Designer
With a BSc Architecture and a lot of passion and inspiration for drawing and sketching for the last 15 years in physical and the last 2 years in digital form, Leonardo has dived into the world of NFTs with "Coffee Monks" being his second NFT project to participate.
Kostas Siagas
Community manager and Public Relations
I'm Konstantinos Siagas, a musician and technology enthusiast involved with the Greek Cardano DAO, OdyC.
As the initial developer of the OdyC website and a key player in affiliate outreach, I work alongside fellow members to foster innovative ideas and community engagement.
With a background in music, including collaborations and concerts, I am passionate about merging creativity with technology to lead and inspire in both arenas.
Project develpoment ≈35% of the Funding
The 30-40% of the funding will be distributed to developers to make the back end of the project true and functional
Website and Art Design of the Project ≈15% of the Funding
The ≈15% of the funding will be distributed to web designers and artists for the realizations of the NFT project.
Desingning and Launching the Token, Legal Advice and consulting ≈20% of the Funding
Project Managing, Marketing, Social media ≈20% of the Funding
Back up treasury ≈10 %
A back up treasury to cover any of the above use cases or new cases that might be needed for the succesful launch of the project on Mainnet.
The Coffee Monks Project will add one more Real World Utility to the Cardano Blockchain ecosystem by raising mental health awareness to the community and motivating the people to pass on the positive message to other fellow members of the ecosystem and out of it.
The real utility of this project can attract people out of the blockchain ecosystem, motivating them to take a Therapy session for Free, without having to invest, trade or gamble any tokens, only by learning how to use a Cardano native wallet.
The funds will be used to make this project true and promote the Cardano blockchain to the Real World.