Last updated 9 months ago
For searching the blockchain, one has to reveal his own addresses in the query. We develop a privacy enhanced service that keeps these private on the client and provably returns correct results.
This is the total amount allocated to Research on blockchain search with proven privacy.
1) a research paper elaborates and discusses the performance of the solution and strategies for optimisations.
2) a new blockchain search PoC demonstrates improved privacy.
No dependencies.
The research paper is to be submitted as Open Access.
The PoC of the implementation of the system is published under "Apache License 2.0".
While searching the blockchain using a third party tool like an explorer on the Internet a user has to reveal the search term like address or staking address to receive matching results. Such information is sensitive and ideally kept private.
I am researching and developing a new type of blockchain information search that maintains a good level of privacy and provably returns correct results. This is achieved on the user's end with encoding the query in a filter using hashing the search terms. The filter is then handed over to a third party service which applies it to a blockchain search and returns the matching results to the client. In a final step this result set is further trimmed on the user's end to extract the true results.
The query is not revealed to the service in plaintext. It only learns about the query's results, which contain the true results but also many false positives.
There is some overhead involved in this type of search which is inevitable. In the research paper I am quantifying the overhead and discuss strategies to optimise the search. Also shown is an evaluation of the new method, which is benchmarked against a search without privacy preservation.
Improved privacy in searching the Cardano blockchain.
I imagine that there will be paid services to run safer blockchain queries, or that current explorer implementations will adopt the new type of search.
Marketing USP: this is an innovative and novel implementation of blockchain search preserving users' privacy that to my knowledge does not yet exist in other blockchain projects.
I have working experience with Cardano since its mainnet launch in 2017. I have been working with IOHK (later IOG) from 2018 until 2023 on the node and on commercial blockchain solutions.
I team up with Blockchain Data Analytics who has delivered a number of solutions to the Cardano community.
The feasibility is covered from a theoretical point of view: the underlying theory of Bloom's filters is well established and understood. It has been shown that searching with a Bloom's filter outputs a result set that provably contains the true positives. I will concentrate on the evaluation of the performance overhead that this type of search has and the implementation and completion of the service as an MVP.
M1: research paper
duration: 2 months
goal: investigation and research into privacy preserving blockchain search using statistical filters
output: sketch of the paper, a number of tests of the new search, specification for the implementation in milestone M2.
acceptance criteria:
The research paper establishes the foundation of this project by applying statistical filters to blockchain search. It outlines the improvement of users' privacy when using such a service. It will also estimate the increased complexity and computational overhead in comparison with a direct search and shall discuss potential optimisations. These results will guide then the implementation of the MVP in the later milestones.
M2: implementation of PoC
duration: 1 month
goal: implementation of backend search functionality, and webapp frontend with encoding and post-filtering
output: code published in the Github repository, tests, working backend and web application
acceptance criteria:
Implementation of Bloom's filter in C for the database search. Encoding of the search query using hashing on the client in the frontend. The returned result sets are filtered for the true positives.
M3: data gathering and analysis
duration: 1 month
goal: evaluation of runtime behaviour and optimisation strategies
output: code and data published in the Github repository, data analyses, tables and graphs added to the paper
acceptance criteria:
M4: finalisation and submission of the research paper
duration: 1 month
goal: write up and submission of the paper as Open Access
output: documentation published in the Github repository, preprint version of the paper online available
acceptance criteria:
Alexander Diemand,
role: initiating the project, research and design & architecture responsibility, and leading the development to ensure delivery on every milestone.
M1: 2 x $8000 = $16000
M2: $8000
M3: $8000
M4: $8000 + $2500 (publication fee) = $10500
cloud infrastructure costs: $1000 (5 months at $200 per month)
sum: $43500 eq ADA 108000
(1 ADA eq $0.4)
Marketing: this represents a true USP that distinguishes the Cardano blockchain from other projects in the domain.
Volume: the Cardano blockchain is renowned for stability, and improved user privacy means it might attract more investors/HODLers.
Most of the granted value will be spent on labour.
The project results in various artefacts that will influence the Cardano community: