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The required minimum transation ADA (1.2 ADA) for transactions of Cardano assets(Tokens) prohibit Cardano based system operations. This is a serious disadvantage against other block chains.
This is the total amount allocated to Token use case with Multi Address wallet based on eUTXO model for social welfare system. 1 out of 4 milestones are completed.
Token distribution and voting experiments at events
Cost: ₳ 20,000
Delivery: Month 2 - Oct 2024
Start Multi-address system development
Cost: ₳ 20,000
Delivery: Month 3 - Nov 2024
Complete Multi-address system development
Cost: ₳ 20,000
Delivery: Month 5 - Jan 2025
Implement the event using the developed application.
Cost: ₳ 25,000
Delivery: Month 6 - Feb 2025
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Masahiro Enomoto(Yuitabi organization)
Tabino Otomo Cafe members near by Tokushima station
Cafe Staffs are primarily responsible for organizing events.
Yuitabi members (Yoshinogawa city, Tokushima, Japan)
Yuitabi members are primarily responsible for providing works. Act as a recipient of votes and donations.
We will develop and test a simple donation/voting system that takes advantage of eUTXO's multi-address design and multi-token design, which are one of Cardano's features.
In this project, the pilot test to use multi adrress is important. Therefore, the place for the test(tabino otomo cafe) is necessarry. In order for the café to continue to function as a testing site, it needs Japanese subsidies. For this reason, the implementation location may change depending on the application status of the subsidy project. The company also plans to outsource development to an outside company.
The product tool will be release as an application system. Everyone can use this system. The source code itself will not be open immediately but there is a possibility to open in future plan.
By using the multi-address management system and wallet function adopted by Daedalus, Yoroi, etc., multiple accounts using multi-addresses, which are thought to be used at exchanges, etc., can be managed with one wallet. At the same time, we will develop a system that allows holders of each address to receive and utilize points based on the content of their transactions. Furthermore, we will verify whether this system can be applied to a donation system at social welfare facilities.
Cardano includes 1.2 ADA when sending tokens. This may not be a problem for some traders who trade large amounts of money, but new users are often confused. Additionally, the Locked ADA display is difficult to understand. This problem is particularly pronounced with NFTs, where a significant amount of ADA is locked up in NFTs and tokens. I understand that this measure is included for security reasons.
Due to these problems, it is technically easier to develop a service that involves direct ADA sending. However, various functions cannot be provided only with the payment function of crypto assets. Therefore, in the future, we expect transfer fees to be paid by specific tokens or a vote to abolish associated ADA. (BABEL Fee model) However, we believe that the BABEL Fee model will not be put into practical use unless we stimulate demand for tokens in Cardano and increase the value of tokens by developing services equipped with token functions ahead of the current situation.
One of the advantages of Cardano is highlighted as easy money transfer with low fees and free token issuance, but these advantages are negated by the ADA attached to the token. Furthermore, it will also hinder the operation of simple systems that use tokens.
To address these issues, we would like to make efficient use of the added 1.2ADA, eliminate the disadvantages of Cardano, and emphasize the advantages of multi-address, which makes managing tokens very easy. . However, in such proposals, it is necessary to verify the practicality of the system.
On the other hand, there are social welfare issues surrounding handicapped individuals who, for some reason, have difficulty doing regular work. Subsidies are being developed in various countries to address this issue. On the other hand, it is the Handicapped Person's own wish that their work be evaluated fairly. For example, in design work, people want their work to be legitimately compared with the designer's work. Depending on each person's preferences, in certain cases, there is a possibility that one's own work will receive a higher evaluation than that of the designer. However, if the vote is for a charity or other event where the person is identified as a Handicapped Person, it cannot be confirmed that the evaluation is legitimate.
A sales method that eliminates these problems is called a blind sale, in which all works are mixed together and sold at regular stores. The same applies to mail order and the like.
One possible way to use anonymity in blind sales and other events to obtain fair evaluations is to apply anonymity through blockchain. Specifically, crypto addresses can be used to vote on designs and give away chips. In this case, in a normal system, it is necessary to cover multiple addresses as a management system. However, in the case of Cardano, it is possible to easily manage all deposit information by using a wallet such as Yoroi or Daedalus. At the same time, even if tokens are used, the Token balance will be integrated and the accompanying ADA will be 1.2 ADA in total. Furthermore, 1.2ADA can also be released by sending money to the original token holding address.
In this project, we will develop a point system that utilizes the UTXO of the wallet in order to take advantage of these characteristics of the Cardano wallet.
Specifically, we plan to develop a system that will allocate addresses to each producer and award points to each producer by referring to UTXO information at each address. By creating an account, producers can easily check the content of tokens sent to them.
What must be noted here is that this system itself can be easily implemented using only a wallet and the currently available Cardanoscan functions. Therefore, there is no need to spend a large amount of money to develop this system. However, if there is a system that reduces the usability of Cardanoscan functions and the complexity of the management system, it should be possible to more easily build a point system using Cardano tokens.
Based on this, this project will first conduct a trial run of the point system, mainly manually, and detect any problems. Take advantage of charity events, etc. This is also to promote that Cardano is used as a base system. After the problem detection is completed, we will develop an application that can be used as a point system and use it again at events to test the usability. The project provides usage reports for the application and each event.
This project provides the cost-saving benefits of using Cardano. It also provides practical examples of tokens based on social welfare. These examples will serve as a track record when promoting Cardano in the future. Furthermore, by making the application public, it is possible to significantly reduce the initial cost of subsequent projects. We would like to support the creation of blockchain projects using Cardano with as little capital as possible.
Mrs. Mineko Enomoto
Mineko Enomoto has been working on social welfare issues for many years and currently operates a cafe near Tokushima Station in Japan where Handicapped Persons can work. Furthermore, we are making advanced efforts to incorporate remote customer service using a new system.
Mr. Masahiro Enomoto
Masahiro Enomoto has been working on social welfare issues for many years and currently runs an employment support office in Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. He has supported many Handicapped Persons and is familiar with the reality of Handicapped Person support.
Tabino Otomo Cafe members near by Tokushima station
Cafe Staffs are primarily responsible for organizing events.
Yuitabi members (Yoshinogawa city, Tokushima, Japan)
Yuitabi members are primarily responsible for providing works. Act as a recipient of votes and donations.
The concept of this project is to prove that anyone can start a project using Cardano-based blockchain. At the same time, the purpose is to promote Cardano's suitability for solving social problems.
For this reason, this project will make maximum use of already available Cardano products, except for the application system that will be developed by outsourcing. For example, tools such as Daedalus Wallet, Yoroi Wallet and Cardanoscan.
In implementing this project, it is necessary to sympathize with Cardano's philosophy. It is also important to develop services using Cardano from a state with little technical knowledge of blockchain. Of course, we will take advantage of advice from the Cardano community. However, the most important thing is the experience of working closely with social issues over many years. With minimal development, using blockchain directly in your efforts can also be an inspiration for other projects.
Furthermore, facilities that can be deployed at any time for events and other events are also important. Based on these considerations, we believe that the project manager has a very good background and conditions.
Token distribution and voting experiments at events
In order to utilize the multi-address system in this project, we will distribute tokens to some users and ask them to vote. The voting results will be aggregated using Cardanoscan and the voting results will be communicated to the producers. Analyze event reports and create a design document for application development in Milestone2.
event report
Application design document
Multi-address system development
Develop the application based on the design document created by referring to the results of Milestone 1. Development will be outsourced to an external company, but the company will select a company with which it can actively collaborate to check operation. We also place importance on understanding and empathy towards Cardano.
application link URL
Implement the event using the developed application. The basic content follows the content of Milestone 1, but reflects the feedback obtained from Milestone 1. Furthermore, a point system through the application allows producers who receive votes to receive some benefits.
EVENT report
Final report
Mrs. Mineko Enomoto : Project Leader, EVENT management with Tabino Otomo Cafe
Mr. Masahiro Enomoto : Handicapped persons support, with the organization
85,000 ADA
Two EVENT 35,000 ADA (17,500 ADA/EVENT)
Details for each EVENT
the operation fee for the EVENT 7,000 ADA (500,000 JPY)
the EVENT Promotion fee 3,000 ADA (200,000 JPY)
the cost for the campaign items 5,000 ADA
The benefit for the applicant 2,500 ADA
the EVENT is not one day EVENT, to get many applicant of this EVENT, we will perform EVENT at least a week and up to 1 month.
Application Development 40,000ADA ($ 17,500)
250 hour for the development
100 hour for the planning (include feedback sumarry of the EVENT)
Management fee 10,000 ADA
1250 ADA / month (90,000 JPY)
We are also aiming to expand the actual use cases of Cardano by promoting the results of this project to other social welfare organizations and enabling low-cost implementation.
We believe that providing examples of social welfare contributions in Japan and providing applications for that purpose will be important for the future development of Cardano, and that we can provide value for the cost.