Last updated a month ago
Māori do not have a DAO launch blueprint to speed the adoption of Cardano & create culturally appropriate on-chain organisations to manage TribalDIDs, Treasury, DePIN & RWA infrastructure
This is the total amount allocated to TribalDAOs = Indigenous Economic Sovereignty.
Framework Development and Initial Engagement
Cost: ₳ 30,000
Delivery: Month 3 - Nov 2024
Community Engagement and Feedback Integration
Cost: ₳ 30,000
Delivery: Month 6 - Feb 2025
Refinement & Validation
Cost: ₳ 25,000
Delivery: Month 8 - Apr 2025
Documentation and Dissemination
Cost: ₳ 15,000
Delivery: Month 9 - May 2025
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Steve Reeves
Stephen MacDonell
We'll research & develop a launch blueprint for a culturally appropriate TribalDAO to enable Cardano's technologies to be more easily adopted & utilised by 8300+ Māori Trusts, 160+ Iwi (Tribes)
No dependencies
Open source/Creative commons
SDG 4 - Quality Education
SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
Our research will deliver the basis for an entity from which we will be able to demonstrate the value of Cardano and its technologies customising them to serve the specific needs of Māori and Pacific people to govern identity, data and finance infrastructure.
Aiming at launching a kin to Project Catalyst in the future, our endeavors encapsulate the essence of local governance and sovereignty.
Success will contribute to the global discourse on Cardano's utility, its identity, and data sovereignty solutions, and its social mission; "Making the world better for all".
This proposal centres on creating the optimal DAO launch blueprint to facilitate ongoing development of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), data availability, and finance protocols. These include TribalDIDs, Project Catalyst funding, and regenerative financing (Refi) stacks. The DAO will enable tribes to govern and sustain their development.
We will document our process and share our learnings to open up partnership opportunities, particularly with other East, Southeast Asian, Oceanic and Pacific Island peoples represented in the Eastern Town Hall and Pacific Town Hall.
This research is crucial to create an entity through which sustainable incentives are aligned, localised self-healing and evolving systems to serve the Māori economy can be implemented and enduring partnerships can be entered into.
The Āhau and TribalDIDs open-source technology projects already in motion stand as a compelling, self-starting, self-determining use cases.
We have created traction, demand and have delivered a proof of concept, working alongside Project Catalyst community members, the AtalaPRISM tribe (who announced the launch of Open Enterprise Lab as part of Hyperledger Foundation 5/12/23 enabling our project to move forward, and many experts in Aotearoa.
We are already fielding partnership enquiries and user requests due to the provision of immediate benefit to our Māori community through:
Focus Area: Polycentric Society
An entity is needed to provide a structure for efficient operation, risk management, sustainable research, development, innovation and continuous evolution, tailored to meet the long-term goals of our project and the broader needs of the Māori community. This proposal focuses on researching and creating the launch plan for that entity essential for nurturing and sustaining our evolving ecosystem.
To deliver a concept, we will research a range of polycentric society-enabling structures, such as Māori Incorporations to ensure fair and just governance and maintain the integrity of the Indigenous tribal ecosystem.
Engagement of Stakeholders
By collaborating with academic institutions, business associations, technology partners and with support of New Zealand government departments we aim to create an entity capable of accepting grants, donations, and investment and fulfilling the demands, obligations and responsibilities as a vital utility in the digital economy should.
Goal: Readiness to create a first TribalDAO for Māori in Aotearoa
The entity will serve as the backbone for the development phase of our ecosystem, leading up to the point where the system of protocols becomes self-sustaining.
Our research approach will ensure that the entity is culturally attuned and able to facilitate a smooth transition to a self-sustaining model.
Significance to Cardano
This concept is vital to Cardano as it provides a blueprint for other communities, indigenous or otherwise, to create their own grounded, jurisdictionally compliant and culturally sound independent, self-determining and interoperable ecosystems.
Demonstrating our impact
To prove the impact of our research we will prototype an institution, we will assess the prototype’s ability to meet the designed criteria for governance, jurisdictional compliance, and support for a tribal identity and finance ecosystem.
This will include feedback from the Māori community and stakeholders on the prototype's effectiveness and potential for real-world implementation.
Success will be indicated by the prototype's alignment with cultural, legal, and technological requirements, setting the stage for the establishment of the entity.
The progress and insights gained will be shared with the Cardano community, demonstrating the potential for broader application and impact.
With a proven track record of five years working collaboratively, our collective has demonstrated our commitment and competence in delivering successful projects, including the development and delivery of Atala PRISM/Identus Identity infrastructure and integrations, for example with the opensource indigenous registry and archiving app Āhau.
Having delivered over $ 1.5 million of funded projects in that period, each endeavour required meticulous reporting, transparent communication, and the successful attainment of project objectives.
Our collective experience showcases a consistent dedication to accountability and transparency, adapting to diverse communication methods, and ensuring project success.
This established cohesion, coupled with our expertise and track record, and a raft of productive partnerships, uniquely positions us as the ideal team to confidently and effectively deliver the proposed project.
A list of a few of the recently funded projects has been provided below:
To successfully deliver the project, we have an experienced team that possess a range of capabilities and experiences across various domains. Our fields of expertise include:
By combining the team experience, expertise and already functional PoC developed in the TribalDIDs = indigenous data sovereignty project, the project team will continue to build trust through transparency, accountability, and a demonstrated commitment to user needs and security along with regular communication with the community throughout the development process.
5 年間の共同作業の確かな実績により、当社のチームは、Ahau アプリケーションの開発と提供を含むプロジェクトを成功に導くためのコミットメントと能力を証明してきました。 その期間中に 150 万ドルを超えるプロジェクト資金を提供しましたが、それぞれの取り組みには細心の注意を払った報告、透明性のあるコミュニケーション、そしてプロジェクト目標の成功裏の達成が必要でした。 私たちの集合的な経験は、説明責任と透明性への一貫した献身、多様なコミュニケーション方法への適応、プロジェクトの成功の保証を示しています。 この確立された結束力と、当社の専門知識と実績により、当社は、提案されたプロジェクトを自信を持って効果的に実行できる理想的なチームとして独自の地位を確立しています。
プロジェクトを成功させるために、私たちはさまざまな領域にわたる幅広い能力と経験を備えた経験豊かなチームを擁しています。 私たちの専門分野には以下が含まれます:
分散型 ID (DID) と検証可能な資格情報:
分散型識別子 (DID) や検証可能な資格情報の使用を含む、分散型 ID システムの設計、実装、管理に関する専門知識。
オープンソース プロジェクトを主導または貢献した経験があり、コミュニティ内で信頼を構築する際の透明性とコラボレーションの重要性を理解しています。
エンドユーザーのニーズを優先し、直感的で使いやすいインターフェイスを作成するためのユーザー エクスペリエンス (UX) およびユーザー インターフェイス (UI) のデザイン スキル。
tribalDIDs = 先住民データ主権プロジェクトで開発されたチームの経験、専門知識、すでに機能している PoC を組み合わせることで、プロジェクト チームは、透明性、説明責任、およびコミュニティとの定期的なコミュニケーションとともに、ユーザーのニーズとセキュリティに対する実証的なコミットメントを通じて信頼を構築し続けます。 開発プロセス全体を通して。
Milestone 1
Prototype Design and Framework Development
Establishing a detailed design and framework for the prototype institution.
Weeks 1-2
Weeks 3-8
Milestone 2:
Stakeholder Engagement and Feedback
Engaging Māori community and stakeholders to refine the prototype design.
Weeks 9-12
Weeks 13-16
Milestone 3:
Prototype Testing and Validation
Testing the prototype and finalising the completion report and video.
Weeks 16-20
Weeks 21-26
Final Milestone:
Final Completion Report and Video
Throughout these 6 months, we will maintain rigorous documentation and reporting protocols. Regular team meetings and progress tracking will be essential for timely completion and addressing any emerging challenges. Additionally, constant communication with all stakeholders will be maintained to ensure transparency and collaborative problem-solving.
The successful realisation of the project's objectives hinges on the effective collaboration and integration of expertise alongside the core team across these diverse domains.
Core team
As Product Owner of the project solution, Ben will play a pivotal role in driving the development and success of the project. Ben will be responsible for ensuring the product meets the needs of both the development team and the diverse communities it aims to serve.
Professional Experinence:
Key Responsibilities:
Is our community liaison for the project leading our co-development approach between the product development team and the communities we serve. Engie will be responsible for developing an engaged community user base, fostering collaboration, addressing concerns, and ensuring a positive and inclusive experience.
Personal experience:
Key Responsibilities:
As the senior developer for the project, Mix is a key player in the design, development, and implementation of our decentralised identity solution on the Cardano blockchain. His expertise will drive technical excellence, innovation, and the successful delivery of a robust and scalable open-source product.
Personal Experience:
Key Responsibilities:
Experts who'll help us – have already been engaged in our project(s)
過去 5 年間、私たちのチームはコミュニティが設計したテクノロジーの構築と提供に成功してきました。 以下は、このプロジェクトを主導するチームメンバーです。
プロジェクト ソリューションのプロダクト オーナーとして、Ben はプロジェクトの開発と成功を推進する上で中心的な役割を果たします。 ベンは、製品が開発チームとその製品が提供することを目的とする多様なコミュニティの両方のニーズを確実に満たす責任を負います。
2017 年以来、Ahau のプロダクトオーナーとしての確かな経験
ssb-atalaprism モジュールの中心的な貢献者として、AtalaPrism と Cardano に精通している
分散型アイデンティティの概念、検証可能な認証情報、および関連テクノロジーを深く理解しており、デジタル アイデンティティ NZ 2019-23 の議長およびニュージーランド政府のアイデンティティ製品諮問グループのメンバーを務めています (現在)
2022 年以降、Earth Defenders Toolkit コミュニティ スチュワードとしてユーザー ベースと製品ビジョンを明確に理解
ユーザー中心の設計原則を支持し、UI/UX デザイナーと緊密に連携してフィードバックを実装し、使いやすさを向上させます。
プロジェクトのコミュニティ連絡役として、製品開発チームと当社がサービスを提供するコミュニティとの間の共同開発アプローチを主導します。 Engie は、熱心なコミュニティ ユーザー ベースの開発、コラボレーションの促進、懸念への対処、ポジティブで包括的なエクスペリエンスの確保を担当します。
11 月 22 日以降、TribalDID の先住民主権プロジェクトの主要研究およびコミュニティ参加としてのコミュニティ登録についての深い理解
テ・リンギ・マラエ書記 (マラエ管財委員)
2017 年からコミュニティ ソフトウェア開発者として働いている、優れた技術的理解とコミュニティ製品開発
潜在的なユーザー コミュニティと積極的に関わり、強力な関係を構築します。
プロジェクトの上級開発者として、Mix は、Cardano ブロックチェーン上の分散型 ID ソリューションの設計、開発、実装における重要な役割を担っています。 彼の専門知識は、卓越した技術、革新を推進し、堅牢でスケーラブルなオープンソース製品の提供を成功させるでしょう。
Loomio ガバナンス ツールのコア開発者
Dark Crystal v1 の主な貢献者
Scuttlebutt の中心的な開発者およびコミュニティ オーガナイザー
Āhau の主任開発者 の創設者
より強力な P2P コモンズを構築し、学習を共有し、コラボレーションを促進する新しいプロジェクト
開発チーム内で技術的なリーダーシップを発揮し、分散型 ID ソリューションの実装を指導します。
特に Cardano と AtalaPrism プラットフォームにおけるブロックチェーン開発の取り組みを主導し、安全かつ効率的な統合を確保します
コーディング標準とベスト プラクティスを強制して、高品質で保守可能で効率的なコードを維持します。
暗号化や安全なキー管理などの堅牢なセキュリティ対策を実装して、分散型 ID システムの整合性を確保します。
Concept Design and Framework Development
Cost Estimate: ₳30,000.
Community Engagement
Cost Estimate: ₳30,000.
Stakeholder Engagement and Feedback
Cost Estimate: ₳30,000.
Administration, Documentation and Reporting
Cost Estimate: ₳10,000.
Total Estimated Budget: ₳100,000.
The budget will be regularly revisited throughout the project with shared responsibility between the project leads to ensure that funds are allocated optimally and to accommodate any emerging needs or changes in scope. Additionally, maintaining a detailed and transparent record of expenditures will aid in effective budget management throughout the project lifecycle.
The cost of the project represents significant value for money for the Cardano ecosystem, considering the scope and potential impact of the project, here's how:
Technical and Cultural Innovation: The integration of traditional tribal governance with modern digital ecosystems represents a unique blend of innovation. This kind of pioneering work in the field of decentralised identity and finance protocols showcases Cardano's capabilities in addressing complex, real-world contexts and complicated regulatory problems beyond those in the US.
Impact and Broad Application to East, Southeast Asian, Oceanic and Pacific Island nations: The project focuses on the process of developing a jurisdictionally and culturally appropriate legal entity for the Māori community in Aotearoa. This not only benefits the local community by aligning with their cultural values and legal requirements but also provides a blueprint for similar initiatives by East, Southeast Asian, Oceanic and Pacific Island nations and entrepreneurs in other indigenous populations globally, enhancing Cardano's reputation.
Enhancing Cardano's Ecosystem: By demonstrating the practical use of Cardano's technology in culturally sensitive and legally complex environments, the project contributes to the broader narrative of blockchain for social good. This enhances Cardano's appeal to communities, developers and users interested in meaningful economic societal change.
Value for money:
In summary, the project represents value for money by delivering a high-impact, culturally significant innovation within a reasonable budget, considering the specialised nature of the work and its potential for wide-ranging implications within and beyond the Cardano ecosystem.