Last updated 9 months ago
Statistical data shows millions of dollars worth of tokens are lost every year due to wrong address transaction. Our AI-based wallet with unique usernames solves this issue.
This is the total amount allocated to Unique Username based Cardano Wallet that Removes wrong Address Transaction.
We will develop a wallet that lets users use a unique username for easy transactions and has a real-time receipts address analysis system to prevent dead/burned address transaction.
No dependencies.
The project will be released under the MIT License, ensuring transparency and granting developers the freedom to use, modify, and distribute the code without restrictions. The code will be hosted on GitHub, providing an open and collaborative platform for engagement with the community.
Our application aligns with the sustainable development goals(SDGs) of the UN. It addresses
SDG 1: No Poverty, Our project can contribute of SDG 1 by providing a financial inclusion and access to digital asset for individuals who may be underserved or excluded from the traditional banking service. It offers a user friendly cryptocurrency wallet, especially to those in a region with limited access to financial infrastructure, Our project helps empower people economically and reduce the risk of financial exclusion.
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth: Our project supports SDG 8 by fostering economic growth through the adoption of blockchain technology and facilitating secure transactions. By enabling individuals to participate in the digital economy and access financial services, our project contributes to creating opportunities for decent work, entrepreneurship, and sustainable economic development.
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: Our project promotes innovation and supports SDG 9 by introducing new solutions for financial services and infrastructure. By leveraging blockchain technology to develop a user-friendly cryptocurrency wallet, our project contributes to advancing digital innovation, improving infrastructure resilience, and promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization.
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities: Our project addresses SDG 10 by reducing inequalities in access to financial services and empowering individuals from diverse backgrounds. By providing a platform that facilitates secure and accessible transactions, regardless of geographical location or socioeconomic status, our project helps bridge the digital divide and promote greater equality in financial inclusion.
SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: our project aligns with SDG 16 by promoting transparency, security, and accountability in financial transactions. By offering a secure and reliable cryptocurrency wallet, your project contributes to building trust in financial systems, reducing the risk of fraud and corruption, and strengthening governance mechanisms within the digital economy.
In the rapidly growing ecosystem of cryptocurrency, one of the persistent issues that happens is sending transactions to the wrong addresses. This issue not only make a financial loss but also creates a fear to the crypto user community. Recently there was a 68 million dollar worth token loss happened in the crypto industry by sending to incorrect address. This was just one transaction. Imagine how many millions of dollar is lost annually. It is becoming common to see people asking on how they could recover their tokens after sending to the wrong addresses.
Problem Statement
The traditional cryptocurrency transaction method relies on sending to of crypto currency from sender to receiver by copying the wallet address of the receiver which is consist of strings of alphanumeric characters sending to it from the sender. This complexity of the large address mostly causes a significant barrier to new user adoption and it increases the likelihood of human error, resulting in irreversible losses when transactions are sent to incorrect addresses.
Moreover the Cardano ecosystem’s adoption of large-digit wallet address increases this challenge, causing a considerable issue for users attempting to transfer tokens and causing fear. Users may send to wrong address or even users may panic while sending thinking if they sent to the correct address.
Our proposed solutions aims to solve the issue mentioned above by introducing a Cardano wallet that prioritizes user convenience, security and users error prevention. The key features of our wallet includes
So, when we come to implementation, this is the starting main structure of the application. From the normal wallets this method separates our wallet. Beside the normal functions of a wallet. Our app will have a data base that stores hashed unique usernames with their address. This database stores hashed value of the usernames because it is supposed to be a one-way method. Meaning that no one, even the dev team can know whose username is connected to which address. Beside this our app has a real time security service. by using AI tools, we implement security scan of the receipts address to check if the address is dead/ burned or has suspicious things.
Who will your project engage?
Our project aims to engage the entire cryptocurrency community, particularly users of the Cardano blockchain. This includes both experienced crypto enthusiasts and newcomers who may be deterred by the complexity of traditional wallet addresses. By offering a user-friendly and secure solution, we seek to attract a wide range of users and promote adoption of our wallet application.
How will you demonstrate or prove your impact?
We will measure our impact through various metrics, including
By tracking these metrics and continuously improving our product based on user feedback, we will demonstrate the effectiveness of our solution in addressing the challenges of sending transactions to incorrect addresses and fostering confidence in the Cardano ecosystem.
In Conclusion, We are planning to revolutionize the way transactions are conducted on the Cardano blockchain by introducing a user name based transaction methods. By prioritizing simplicity, security, and user experience. Our wallet aims to mitigate the risks associated with sending transactions to incorrect addresses, ultimately fostering widespread adoption and confidence in the Cardano ecosystem.
I am a full stack blockchain developer with a very good experience in developing decentralized applications(Dapps) for years, I have a good track record of delivering solutions with a focus on trust, security and accountability. Additionally, I am supported by a highly skilled team of professionals who bring diverse expertise to the project.
I have successfully completed numerous projects in the blockchain space, ranging from decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms to supply chain management solutions, all of which have been delivered with high levels of trust and accountability.
Furthermore, I plan to diversify our team by hiring another seasoned Cardano developer, complementing our existing expertise and broadening our skill set. This would help our team to tackle the problems in different perspectives.
To ensure the reliability and security of our project, we employ rigorous quality assurance and testing practices throughout the development lifecycle. This includes comprehensive unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing to validate the functionality and robustness of our application. Additionally, we conduct regular code reviews, security audits, and compliance checks to uphold the highest standards of quality and integrity.
In summary, our project benefits from a wealth of experience, a dedicated team of professionals, and a rigorous approach to quality assurance and feasibility validation. I am confident in our ability to deliver the project with high levels of trust and accountability while ensuring that our approach is feasible and well-validated.
Project Initiation and Planning (Duration: 1 month)
Acceptance Criteria:
Development Phase (Duration: 2 months)
Acceptance Criteria:
Testing and Quality Assurance (Duration: 2 months)
Acceptance Criteria:
Deployment and Launch (Duration: 1 month)
Acceptance Criteria:
1.Fraol Bereket , Senior blockchain developer and lead developer
2.Kidus Abebe , Senior Fullstack developer
3.We will hire one senior Cardano developer to diversify our team and to finish our project based on the time given.
Milestone 1: Project Initiation and Planning ( 20000 ADA)
Milestone 2: Development Phase (18000 ADA)
Milestone 3: Testing and Quality Assurance (38000 ADA)
Milestone 4: Deployment and Launch (24000 ADA)
On the Infrastructure, we expected to buy hosting and the AWS DB for annual use. Plus it includes some risk reserves.
The cost for developers is assumed based on freelancers average salary.
We have 3 developers getting 1400 USD ~ 3000 ADA monthly. When we break it down.
8 hour work daily 5 days per week 4 weeks per month = 160 hours
So the hourly rate of developers is around 8.75 USD which is the average salary for blockchain developers.
For the testing purpose we are aiming to have many beta testers that will participate on using the application with some reward.
For security and audit, we are going to hire Auditor company to audit our application.