Last updated 9 months ago
Products, tickets, services and digital goods cannot easily access simple payment processing without incurring heavy custom development costs. We have a tech barrier for merchants and consumers.
This is the total amount allocated to Web2 Friendly, Open-Source Crypto Payments System.
An open-source payments system that can queue blockchain payment tasks to confirm payment, validate ownership, send NFTs, create orders and loop back to e-commerce stores, games and project pages.
No dependencies.
This project is fully open source. It includes the creation of the code bases for the five physical components as well as live-hosted versions of those repositories to serve as living examples of the solution in action. We hope that the creator and merchant community goes on to clone these servers for their own purposes and instigate the speed of development in the ecosystem.
NFT communities, creators, performers and traditional merchants all need a simple way to integrate cryptocurrency payments into their existing merchant technologies in a consumer-friendly way, with flexible payment, redemption and token validation options for sellers.
Mainstream consumers should be able to purchase NFTs with fiat. Those NFTs should be easily redeemable for other NFTs in an automated way. Token holders should be validated without paying, in order to submit checkout data as a form of governance or privileged order submission with merchant-defined forms.
Cardano needs a free, open-source payments solution that creates a bidirectional relationship between a project, videogame, or social sales link and a platform-agnostic payments system all projects can leverage for scalable payment production and detection, without needing a deep understanding of blockchain.
Main Goals
By providing a series of options for requiring payment, or simply validating possession of currencies, NFTs or fungibles, and then by sending other tokens automatically and recording an order object, we can provide projects and merchants with an extremely flexible and easy to use payment validation mechanism for their business.
When user payments are detected, this system is capable of performing follow-on tasks aside from querying the blockchain and marking the task as Paid. The task object can include instructions for the billing server to transfer assets from a specific hot wallet on-file to a provided address. The form of payment specified can be any token in the Cardano ecosystem, from ADA to fungibles to NFTs.
The primary benefit of this project to the Cardano ecosystem is a potentially significant lowering of development costs for all projects that involve some form of payment processing or token turn-in. By speeding up development for everyone we will surely see more great apps that can get a profitable, revenue-taking app launched in less time and requiring fewer project funds.
The primary components defined in the scope of this project are:
With this solution in place, Cardano project teams can each save themselves a large amount of work re-coding a proprietary solution to this particular component. DApp projects involved in or interested in a form of payment processing can use this billing server in flexible ways to facilitate payments for things of value such as app access, streaming video, wallet verification and other use-cases. Furthermore, this open source billing framework will be put to use in an app that is already live but would make use of this server to allow creators to monetize videos without making an NFT campaign and without needing coding skills.
Five primary physical components have been broken into eight actionable use-case milestones, which were then broken down into 48 detailed work sprints. Each work sprint has been defined in scope and given a thoughtful conservative estimate of work-hours until completion. These and other internal diagramming provides me with the confidence that I will complete these milestones within the stated timeframes.
The team involved in this project has already created Cardano apps in prior funds and are looking to expand on what we have learned along the same theme of blockchain as a service.
We have already set up our UML diagramming, shared drives, and project management through ClickUp. Top-level work-sprints were made to assess the time and cost of this project, and once funded will be broken down into smaller tasks for assignment.
We will share the progress and results of this work product on our website as blog updates as well as in partnership with project partners on Twitter and Youtube. We want to assist Cardano organizations to utilize this service layer to token gate video such as live streamed events and educational material, ideally through the use of existing popular and commonly used NFT series.
See worksheet link for all work sprints (outputs/criteria) that detail these milestones.
See worksheet link for all work sprints (outputs/criteria) that detail these milestones.
See worksheet link for all work sprints (outputs/criteria) that detail these milestones.
See worksheet link for all work sprints (outputs/criteria) that detail these milestones.
Abe Ellis
Fullstack developer and project manager
Abe creates operational business strategies from competitive and internal analyses of e-commerce brands. As a Plutus Pioneer student he devotes his time to learning smart contracts for use in B2B services to grow utility and tooling on Cardano.
Relevant Experience: In over 14 years of experience in competitive consumer industries, Abe was in charge of strategy development and execution, managing large-scale technical projects with teams of up to thirty-five people. Abe is bringing a mix of Cardano blockchain experience, self-taught coding skills and digital marketing background to the project. Abe was in the Plutus Pioneer Program to lead Haskell development for Cardano projects.
Below is a summary of our projected hard costs and labor, organized by expense category. For a full list of all planned purchases and expected expenses please review the proposal worksheet, tab name Project Costs.
The costs listed are in USD as they pertain to real-world expenditures, but the proposal has been converted to ADA where necessary at a presumed rate of 0.47 cents.
The cost of this proposal is a one-time price that will produce a self-service Cardano app that can be used by the entire community to pay-gate creative content. It has the potential to allow all NFT projects and web-based content creators to monetize films, governance privilege, video game access, and traditional e-commerce.
The flexibility of this server would let development teams gamify NFT redemption or reward users with a transfer of fungible tokens. The hope is that this billing server can be incorporated into the majority of common use-case requirements for NFT utility projects.
All team members have committed to a baseline cost of living for the duration of the project. All hard costs have been plotted out, and the hourly rate for labor amounts to approximately $10 per hour. We do not plan to outsource development work, and this proposal will allow the team to focus on the project around the clock until it is completed.