Last updated 3 weeks ago
Project Catalyst does not have an Open Source tool for deep research, analytics, and accelerating funded projects to become successful companies and unicorns.
This is the total amount allocated to for Project Catalyst research, acceleration, & analytics platform. 2 out of 5 milestones are completed.
Research & UI/UX
Cost: ₳ 75,000
Delivery: Month 2 - Oct 2024
Zero Click Homepage
Cost: ₳ 75,000
Delivery: Month 4 - Dec 2024
Funds, People, Groups & Completed Project NFTs
Cost: ₳ 58,000
Delivery: Month 6 - Feb 2025
Jormungandr Explorer
Cost: ₳ 13,000
Delivery: Month 7 - Mar 2025
Dynamic Analysis & Funded Project Acceleration
Cost: ₳ 39,000
Delivery: Month 8 - Apr 2025
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Open Source the Lido Nation Catalyst Explorer and move it to its own domain: Add more tools for research, analytics, and business acceleration.
No dependencies.
The current code base of the Lido Nation Catalyst Explorer will be extracted from the site, overhauled, made public and open source under Apache-2.0 license. The tool will be available for free to anyone.
The Lido Nation Catalyst Explorer is an amazing tool for Project Catalyst research, dicing and slicing and exporting CSVs of proposal data. This was an experiment that has proven to be needed and useful. It’s time for the experiment to graduate to a robust open source product that benefits directly from the rich Cardano hive mind.
The big idea: will take everything we’ve learned from the existing tool and build a beautiful and enjoyable product that makes researching, and analysing Project Catalyst data as easy as possible.
It will be Open Source from day 1 so that anyone who wants to contribute or help shape the production can jump right in.
For winning Project Catalyst teams, the product will also provide tooling for accelerating winning proposals into startups and companies.
Lurkers and phd researchers alike, get ready to make sense of Project Catalyst data like never before.
Zero Click Insight
Lots of people come to Lido Nation to ask a specific question about Catalyst. What’s the largest ever funded proposal? What was the total voting power last fund? What are the top ten funded companies in Project Catalyst history? What’s the largest ever funded proposal? How many votes have my proposal received in the last 10 times of refreshing the page? The homepage of Catalyst Explorer will be a zero click destination to answer many of these common questions.
Deep Proposal Research
We’ve spent the last two months scraping telegram channels and a dozen other Project Catalyst related spreadsheets to compile a wide range of additional data including: funding distribution data, community review aggregate and payout data, milestone data, etc. will enrich the already extensive proposal data to enable a new dimension of Project Catalyst research. Imagine seeing the true total cost to the treasury of each proposal, linking payments for community reviews and milestone reviews. Imagine being able to link directly to the on-chain transactions for a given fund, or proposal? We’re still structuring and parsing the data to get a full sense of what’s permissible. See our milestone section for specific deliverables.
Dynamic Analysis & Charts
The current Lido Nation tool already has the concept of ‘Search Metrics.’ As you slice and dice, there’s a persistent bar that gives you limited aggregate metrics about the proposals matching your search. The big idea is to take this to the next level and show your full charts with fund over fund trends, and other metrics.
Compare Proposals
In almost every fund, there are separate teams proposing similar ideas. A comparative table view stacking these ideas next to each other will help users suss out the best ideas without context switching between tabs or windows.
Jormungandr Explorer
We’ve indexed all voting records from fund 10 and 11. The big idea here is to add an explorer for seeing actual voting records from the Project Catalyst sidechain, just like we see transaction recordings on the Cardano main chain. For the first time the community will be able to click on a stake address and see votes cast for that stake address and voting power…while still preserving privacy of the specific voting details. This opens up all kinds of opportunities for analysis and addressing voter related issues or helping teams shape their marketing efforts.
Cardano community. will positively impact the Cardano community by:
Informed Voting Decision: Empowering voters with the necessary information to make educated decisions about which proposal to fund, critical in the Voltaire Era.
Zero click knowledge: Allowing any cardano community member to easy answer questions about Project Catalyst impact and successes (and challenges) with zero clicks. This makes a world of difference when you’re in a twitter space and all you have time for is to type three letters, accept your browser autocomplete and hit enter.
Partnerships & New Ideas: Empowering the community to be able to drill down Project Catalyst knowledge well of ideas with ease will make it easy for budding entrepreneurs to find each other and build a stronger team. Perhaps you’re curious to see if anyone in Project Catalyst ever tried to partner with a German Car Maker.
Measuring the Impact
To measure the impact quantitatively and qualitatively, we will use the following metrics:
The same team that brought you the existing Catalyst Explorer tool as well as is the team that will be delivering this project. Needless to say, governance tooling is kinda our jam. We deliver.
Timeline 1 Month
Output: Community Workshop to gather some zero click questions and other needs.
Acceptance criteria: Notes from community workshop
Output: User Stories
Acceptance criteria: pdf and miro board of user stories.
Timeline 2 Months
Output: UI/UX of all user stories
Acceptance criteria: Figma designs of pages
Output: Open Source project bootstrapped and contribution guidelines defined
Acceptance criteria: link to Open Source repo with contribution guidelines
Output: New homepage works with charts and metrics
Acceptance criteria: You can visit and see new homepage with charts and metrics. #ZeroClickInsights
Output: Proposals page is migrated
Acceptance criteria: You can visit and search, filter and export proposal lists.
Timeline 2 months
Output: Funds, Fund Category, People, Groups pages migrated
Acceptance criteria: You can visit, and browse catalyst people, funds, and the categories.
Output: Accounts and login support
Acceptance criteria: Public with existing Lido Nation catalyst accounts can login. Anyone can create a wallet or email/password login
Output: My registration and voting history, bookmarks, lists
Acceptance criteria:
Output: Mint Completed Project NFT
Acceptance Criteria: User that have successfully completed and closed out their project can mint a completed project NFT.
Timeline 2 Months
Output: Jormungandr Explorer Live
Acceptance criteria: Public can visit a page to see all voting history txs, view a single tx, visit a privacy preserved single page view of any wallet voting wallet and see their privacy preserved voting history and associated voting power.
Output: Compare Proposals
Acceptance criteria: From the Proposals page, the public can bring up a table view coparing multiple proposals.
Timeline 1 Month
Output: Dynamic Analysis & Charts
Acceptance criteria: From the proposals page, the public can pull up charts of their current search results. Ie: you search ‘NFT’ now you want to know the trend of funded from fund to fund.
Output: Funded Project Accelleration
Acceptance Criteria: Logged user with with funded projects can:
We are Cardano enthusiasts and a growing collective of dreamers who believe in providing insightful education about Cardano in plain English, Swahili, and Spanish. Most online blockchain content is written by and for developers and finance geeks. We break down complicated technical ideas for everyday people, and provide relevant news in quick bites, and build tools that everyone can use.
Our website is a resource for anyone who wants to learn what Cardano is, why they should care, and how they can participate. We want to make these resources accessible to as many people as possible.
Stephanie is a teacher and technologist with a passion for helping non-profits navigate and capitalize on technology. She applies her communication skills at Lido Nation by writing and editing articles, and helping to organize ideas in a way that people can understand.
Darlington is an engineer by day and at all times a dancer, humanitarian, idealist and entrepreneur. Darlington has deep knowledge about blockchain technology and broad experience in the Cardano ecosystem.
Darlington Wleh: Co-Dreamer at Lido Nation.
Co-Founder of Lido Nation.
Senior Developer.
Blockchain writer & Educator.
Cardano Ambassador.
Stephanie King: Co-Dreamer at Lido Nation
Co-Founder of Lido Nation.
Art & Design lead.
Blockchain writer & podcaster.
Cardano Ambassador.
Project manager
Emmanuel Titi: Nairobi Blockchain Lab Junior Developer Lead.
Titi has been on the Lido Developer team at the Ngong Road Blockchain Lab in Nairobi Kenya. Titi leads and manages an ever-changing staff of junior developers who come through our mentorship program to learn about Cardano, skill up on Web3 development, and contribute to active projects.
Donbosco Otunga: Digital Marketing Specialist
“Project Catalyst is the world’s largest decentralised innovation engine for solving real-world challenges.” For the engine to work and churn our impactful innovations, lots and lots of ideas have to be put, tried, and tested.
Having a tool to make sense of all this data, raises the usefulness and value of Catalyst in ways we can’t even imagine yet.
One concrete value we can imagine today is a much more informed voter.