Last updated 9 months ago
Contract audits are expensive so not everybody can afford them. So, lets make some of the automated audit checks more accessible and free for everybody on Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to KuberIDE 2.0 [Audit readiness module]: Preparing your smart contracts for audit.
This proposal is about making some of the audit checks that can be done automatically more accessible to average developer. We plan to enable that on KuberIDE for FREE for all.
The project depends on KuberIDE core compilers used in the browser code compiling and execution.
The outputs produced under this proposal will be open source. However, the project itself considering the complete IDE which depends on some closed sourced modules cannot be made open source.
Getting started with writing smart contracts on Cardano with Plutus is hard because of the dependencies baggage. It can easily take days for developers to have a working and productive system setup for Plutus smart contract development. It does not have to be that way. Look how easy it is to get started on Ethereum.
There are several awesome people, projects and proposals on Cardano trying to address this problem by offering easy infrastructure setup for Cardano node, vscode like editors, and tools. This is great to see. However, we believe we can do better. How about no setup at all? All you need is a browser and a good internet. How does that sound? As a developer, if you can start writing smart contracts directly on the browser, compile the contract by clicking a button and deploy/interact with your contract by directly interacting with your favourite wallet. Wouldn't that be awesome? We believe so.
KuberIDE is our solution to the problem. It is a fully browser based IDE for a complete Plutus smart contracts development experience. No setup required. Just writing Plutus contracts, compile them on demand with a button and create transactions, sign them, interact with your favorite wallet, all within the browser. It may sound like selling a dream, it is not. In fact, KuberIDE is already live and you can start using it for free here:
This proposal is here to ask for your support so we can develop KuberIDE v2.0 with the features that further enhances the developer experience on Cardano and production readiness:
The proposed solution lies under 'Developer Tools' proposal type based on the challenge brief. The proposal is essentially an IDE for Plutus smart contract development that improve the lives of smart contract developers releasing them from the hassle of maintaining the infrastructure themselves.
In the last two years, we have trained several developers on Plutus/Haskell and we know the pain. We know first hand, getting somebody trained and make them productive on Cardano smart contract development is expensive. Having done smart contracts development on EVM chains ourselves before, we can feel how big the gap is. So, it was in our interest to make the process of training efficient and getting developers productive as quickly as possible. Exactly for that, we have made a significat personal investment to get KuberIDE to what it is now. With KuberIDE, it has become so much productive to get a developer onboard. We use the IDE for our own contract development and testing and constantly improve with perf improvement and bug fixes.
We believe so many Cardano developers can benefit from KuberIDE. Especially new developers just trying to join the journey of developing smart contracts on Cardano. KuberIDE hides the complexity of the infrastructure and lets developers focus on what is important - contract code.
We have participated and helped organize Hackathons where we have majority of the participants struggle at the first step of getting the environment setup. At the end they get a feeling of not-so-productive hackathons. That is sad. Imagine now organizing Hackathon with KuberIDE. The participants can get directly into writing smart contracts, compile the code with a button and deploy their contracts by interacting with the wallet. They will get a sense of achievement at the end of the session. Wouldn't that improve the Cardano developers experience?
Quantifying the impact, we would consider KuberIDE a success if we can improve the developer experience of 100 developers in a year, realistically speaking.
In terms of capability, we believe we're the best team to deliver the project for these reasons:
To demonstrate that we can manage the funds properly, we plan to show how employ the agile software development methodology as we have always done ourselves internally.
Milestone 1: Preparing the checklist
Intended Outcome:
Milestone 2: Integration on the IDE
Intended Outcome:
Final Milestone: Project completion
Intended Outcome:
Sandip Pandey, Project Manager
Sudip Bhattarai, Lead engineer
Nabin Pokharel, Plutus/backend developer
Bibishan Pandey, frontend developer
Ankit Sapkota, frontend developer
This is the same team that built the current version of KuberIDE.
Resources: 2 backend Plutus/Haskell developer, 1 frontend developer
Timeline: 4 months
Budget: 130,000 Ada
Project Management (1)
Timeline: 4 months
Budget: 20,000 Ada
Total budget: 150,000 Ada
First and foremost, we have been doing the development of the IDE ourselves for over a year without any external investment. This is a significant commitment and investment from our side. We believe that investing in developers productivity will pay off over time. Preventing the waste of developers time struggling to get the infrastructure working in itself is a very satisfying feeling. Hope the community agrees with me.
While we made the investment building the first version of the IDE which is available for free for everybody to use, we would like your support in building the next release with features like audit checklist as presented here which will help to improve the security of the contracts deployed on cardano and help developers who cannot afford to pay for security audits.
The costs are reflective of the time required to build the features mentioned in this proposal.