Last updated 10 months ago
As Marlowe becomes a community project, and as its core maintainers, we will consolidate and extend Marlowe to make it a first choice for Cardano DApp builders.
This is the total amount allocated to Marlowe 2025.
We will simplify and extend Marlowe to enable oracles and micropayments, optimize execution and provide runtime monetization. The DApp Starter Kit will showcase these and optimize Marlowe onboarding.
IOG has resolved that, reflecting on Marlowe’s growing community momentum, that the Marlowe project should transition towards a community-maintained stewardship model. This means that Marlowe development will no longer be supported by IOG, as of the end of April 2024. IOG is supporting the transition by providing a modest amount of funding and support “in kind” to cover essential upgrades and migrations for the remainder of 2024. This funding will also support TxPipe hosting Marlowe infrastructure in Demeter for the remainder of the year.
The Marlowe Transition Team consists of Nicolas Henin, Tomasz Rybarczyk and Simon Thompson, all of whom are experienced Marlowe team members. The Transition Team members are currently employed by IOG, but Simon will be leaving IOG at the end of June and, the other members intend to leave IOG to work full time on the project if a Catalyst Fund application to Fund 12 is successful. This catalyst application is therefore coming from an independent team rather than IOG itself.
The Transition Team and IOG are working together to develop and deliver the stewardship model for Cardano, and to have this delivered in time for the Transition Team project, if it is funded, to fall under the new governance model. This model includes
It is expected to have these arrangements in place by the end of July 2024, before any potential Catalyst funding would come on stream.
We had hoped to have these structures in place before making the Catalyst application, but this turned out not to be possible. Rather than jeopardize the Catalyst funding application we decided to go ahead in this way, with some of the formal details still to be finalized.
All the code is and will be licensed under permissive “Apache License Version 2.0”.
Marlowe is a robust, open-source technology that provides a special purpose language describing asset flows on blockchain. As a special purpose, domain-specific language (DSL) it offers a higher-level model of contracts than other Cardnao languages, albeit in a more restricted domain. This means that we can provide safety guarantees, such as no assets being held in a script indefinitely, simply by the design of the language, and others, such as tools to fully analyze for contract faults before running a contract.
Marlowe core technology has been audited, and it supports contracts on mainnet as well as in pre-production; its Runtime enables all the necessary on- and off-chain contract activity, including the tedious work of transaction construction; and the TypeScript SDK supports Marlowe as a component within a complete DApp. It is thus a smart contract technology that is complementary to Aiken, PlutusTx or Scalus, and abstracts away from the complexities of Cardano and provides a local, account-based model like Ethereum.
Marlowe is transitioning from an IOG-managed solution to a fully open-source, community maintained project. While IOG is providing funding/resources to help manage the transition and maintain its core capabilities in the interim, going forward Marlowe will need to sustain itself independently with community funding.
As its core maintainers, we will continue to support Marlowe, and to consolidate and extend it to make it an option for Cardano DApp builders by providing oracles and micropayments, optimizing execution and supporting monetization of the runtime. For those contracts that can be expressed using Marlowe, its offers a substantially lower barrier to entry for DApp development; on the other hand, it does not have the breadth of coverage of general purpose language like Aiken. The new Marlowe DApp Starter Kit (DSK) will showcase these advances as well as optimizing onboarding onto Marlowe among small and medium-sized businesses, developers, infrastructure providers, and Stake Pool Operators.
Other developments run alongside this bid. We are working with IOG to move the Marlowe repositories to an independent GitHub organization, and to coordinate community activity and interest by means of a Marlowe Special Interest Group, supported by a new, members-based, non-profit organization. For the moment existing Marlowe channels on X and Discord will continue to be the place to interact, but we expect that by the time that this project would begin, the transition process to the new organizational structure would be complete. We also anticipate making further applications for funding from Catalyst and other sources; this is discussed further at the end of this section.
The proposal
Turning back to the bid, the shift to targeting DApp developers and their businesses will allow Marlowe to leverage emerging market opportunities and increase the accessibility of Marlowe's advanced features, making them more relevant to a wider audience. Marlowe can be particularly attractive to businesses that want to use Cardano because it significantly lowers the risk and cost of initial onboarding to the blockchain.
In this proposal, we aim to unlock the latent potential of the Marlowe platform by implementing critical updates to the Marlowe validator and tech stack, making these advanced capabilities accessible and of benefit to a wider audience. These updates will create new business opportunities by transforming the Marlowe Runtime backend, protocols, and contracts into highly competitive products. Our goal is to make these tools not only accessible but also essential for a broad range of users including small and medium businesses, developers, infrastructure providers, and SPOs.
In developing these enhancements to Marlowe and building the DSK we will budget a contingency of 15% of person-hours for maintenance, ensuring that Marlowe services continue to be available and that critical bugs are fixed in a timely way. If that contingency is not needed, then further effort will be devoted to delivering the milestones.
Marlowe DApp Starter Kit
These advances will be delivered through the Marlowe DApp Starter Kit (DSK), that will consolidate the documentation, examples and tutorials into an end-to-end guide to design and implementation, through to deployment and maintenance, of DApps that leverage Marlowe tools and capabilities. The DSK will include comprehensive support materials such as tutorials, readily available software packages, and pre-built binaries to ensure ease of implementation. The initial DSK will be delivered early in the project, and incrementally enhanced with new technologies as these are developed.
Validator Enhancements
We will implement targeted changes to the current validator, designed to significantly reduce the on-chain execution costs for specific contracts and Marlowe idioms. By pinpointing and addressing inefficiencies in the existing execution flow, we aim to optimize a set of key contracts identified for their potential business value. This optimization process will not only improve efficiency but also expand capabilities, including the integration of off-chain micropayment channels into our framework. These changes will be integrated into the whole Marlowe toolchain as well. Each contract selected for enhancement has been chosen for its feasibility to be transformed into, or integrated with, real-world applications. These contracts will be showcased through accompanying DApp prototypes, each thoroughly documented and made accessible through our marlowe-ts-sdk, ensuring that developers can easily utilize and build upon our improvements.
Configurable Runtime Fee Mechanism
To incentivize infrastructure providers and SPOs to adopt and integrate Marlowe into their services, we will introduce a configurable fee mechanism within the Marlowe Runtime. This backend enhancement will support the safe execution of Marlowe contracts via web applications, bolstered by a new Tx validation layer in our TypeScript client library. This layer will ensure secure interactions, even with untrusted backends, facilitating a wider distribution and adoption of Marlowe technology.
Marlowe Oracle Protocol
We will formalize and expand the 'Marlowe Oracle Protocol' with a detailed CIP specification, building on our MVP oracle scanner. This protocol employs a unique on-chain request-response mechanism, offering distinct advantages over traditional feed-based systems by enabling extensive data set coverage. As part of this development, we will coordinate closely with existing oracle providers on the Cardano network to ensure seamless integration. We aim to make this protocol more interoperable with other languages such as Aiken or PlutusTx, allowing scripts to efficiently manage oracle data. This enhancement will not only ensure compatibility with current technologies but also open up numerous new applications on the Cardano blockchain.
We plan to enhance community engagement through a series of live and online presentations, leveraging our previous experience from participating in local and international Cardano summits, meetups, and workshops. These outreach efforts are designed not just to educate but also to foster a collaborative environment where users can share feedback and insights, further driving the evolution and refinement of our technology.
Marlowe 2025
This is the first proposal that will launch Marlowe as an independent project. We envisage making further bids to Catalyst and other funding bodies for support in the future, and working on these in discussion with the community through the Special Interest Group, potentially in collaboration with other partners. In particular, we plan to develop a separate conceptual track, Marlowe V2, which will focus on fundamental modifications to the language, and this track will be organized through developing MIPs (Marlowe Improvement Proposals), in collaboration with the wider community.
Marlowe is an existing project in the Cardano ecosystem, initially conceived as a financial DSL providing a local account-based model like Ethereum, and now has the potential to evolve into a smart contract technology complementary to PlutusTx, Aiken and Scalus. etc.
Marlowe significantly reduces the barriers to entry for new businesses and developers interested in exploring blockchain solutions by simplifying the onboarding process. Our technology not only mitigates the complexities of the UTxO model through a user-friendly yet robust programming language but also drastically lowers costs, reduces risks, and shortens prototyping time for traditional web2 businesses looking to integrate blockchain functionality. The introduction of marlowe-ts-sdk and the Marlowe Runtime, which integrates with familiar REST APIs, makes it straightforward to build end-to-end DApps incorporating Marlowe on- and off-chain together with traditional web frameworks.
This proposal is designed to sustain and enhance that project. To accelerate adoption, we are committed to enriching Marlowe with efficient real-world functionality and innovative features such as off-chain micropayment channels. The technology's success relies on a thriving ecosystem around it; therefore, our improvements in oracle data availability and infrastructure robustness are critical. By simplifying the initial onboarding process to a single npm install command we anticipate a surge in Marlowe's usage.
In doing this it will benefit a range of different stakeholders in different ways.
Stakeholder beneficiaries
Existing users, including the 8 projects funded to a total of 984,3K ₳ in Catalyst round 11, will be able to continue to use Marlowe with the assurance that it will be maintained by members of the original development team. These users will also benefit from the technical outcomes we deliver, for example by adding monetization to their project, and the productivity gained by using more efficient on-chain evaluation and off-chain support from the Runtime. We’re also encouraging all existing Marlowe stakeholders to join the working group, where they can help collaboratively shape its future roadmap.
Marlowe is also an enabler of Cardano infrastructure, and the addition of oracles and micro-payments into the Marlowe product will benefit not only infrastructure providers, who will be able to simplify or extend their offering, but also DApp developers on Cardano will be able use these features of Marlowe within their development solutions.
The Marlowe DApp Starter Kit (DSK) will onboard new users among SMEs and developers to access and adopt Marlowe technologies more quickly and effectively. Barriers to entry across the development cycle from design to implementation and deployment will be lowered by the developer focus of the DSK, and the individual technical additions (micropayments, oracles) will also act as a beacon for potential users in the DeFi space.
Those curious about learning more about Marlowe will find that simplifications in the Marlowe experience, and the end-to-end support for learning provided by the DSK will be able to learn more quickly about Marlowe’s potential applications, as well as streamlining the process of onboarding in general.
Our proposal is designed to foster a positive feedback loop within the Cardano ecosystem, enhancing the symbiotic relationship between Marlowe technology and its infrastructure. The planned enhancements will not only benefit developers and businesses but will also create incentives for infrastructure providers (possibly SPOs) and oracle services to engage more deeply with Cardano. This collaborative growth, supported by the Marlowe Special Interest Group and existing forums, will help forge a vibrant and sustainable ecosystem, positioning Marlowe as a cornerstone of the Cardano economy.
The impact of our proposal can be measured by the adoption rate of the products we develop. Specifically, we will monitor the following key metrics within the Cardano ecosystem (on mainnet and testnets): the number of active Marlowe contracts, the usage rates of the Marlowe Runtime backend, and the volume of oracle requests and responses. We will also gather data from the Demeter hosted Marlowe environment run by TxPipe and supported by IOG through to the end of 2024. These indicators will help us assess how effectively our solutions are being integrated into real-world applications. We will allow a reasonable time margin to evaluate these metrics fully, recognizing that adoption may increase gradually.
Sharing the impacts
We will support projects currently contributing to Marlowe, and we will also be open to collaboration with other individuals and organizations in the Marlowe ecosystem, informally or formally thorough seeking funding for new projects. In the project itself we will seek to work with community members to test early prototypes and beta versions of tools that we develop.
We plan to enhance community engagement through a series of live and online presentations, leveraging our previous experience from participating in local and international Cardano summits, meetups, and workshops. Online dissemination and interaction will be supported through existing Discord channels and the Marlowe Special Interest Group, and we will participate in any online meetings, such as Cardano360, to which we are invited.
Experience in Developing Marlowe Technology
We are the core maintainers of Marlowe Lang and Core Team members of the Marlowe Project under IOG.
We believe in the value it provides to the community and to the issues it can solve regarding mainstream adoption.
Development process will be public and open-source
Both the output and the development process will be public and open-source. This approach provides an easy way for the Catalyst team and the Cardano community to evaluate the progress at each step of the process
An accompanying chapter will be added to the Marlowe DApp Starter Kit, introducing the feature and describing the prototypes.
An accompanying chapter will be added to the Marlowe DApp Starter Kit, introducing the optimized contract and detailing the underlying features.
Professor Simon Thompson, who is one of the inventors of Marlowe, will coordinate the project, and will act as an “internal customer” for the technologies developed, giving guidance on their functionality and interfaces, as well as acting as writer/presenter of materials within the DSK (Marlowe DApp Starter Kit).
Tomasz Rybarczyk and Nicolas Henin, who have jointly worked on the Marlowe team for four years, will act as Full Stack Engineers and will develop the proposal feature set. The work content has been carefully structured and estimated for two full time engineers proficient in Marlowe technology.
The Marlowe Special Interest Groups will challenge and openly discuss Proposal Implementation details and we’ll eventually include new contributors in the marlowe-lang github organization.
Milestone 1: Initial Marlowe DApp Starter Kit (DSK); end month 1, 40k ADA
Milestone 2: Signed Inputs, end month 3, 80k ADA
Milestone 3: Contract execution optimisation, end month 6, 120k ADA
Milestone 4: Seamless DApp Integration of Deep Contracts, end month 9, 100k ADA
Milestone 5: Open Marlowe Oracle Protocol, end month 10, 80k ADA
Milestone 6: Runtime Monetisation and Close out, end month 12, 80k ADA
The costs presented here include 10% for essential maintenance of the code base and interaction with the community, as well as 10% for project management, documentation and and dissemination.
Marlowe is a key technology for Cardano; this proposal maintains its current capabilities for the community, and supports the projects that depend on it. This provides value for all the projects that depend on the continued availability of Marlowe on Cardano, through bug fixes, Plutus upgrades and Hard Forks.
Our costings are based on prevailing rates for developers in Europe, and we are charging the same rate for all contributors. We have the right combination of skills available through a combination of full- and part-time contributions. The team proposed is highly experienced having previously worked as members of the core Marlowe team; there is therefore no time needed for the team to get up to speed: we hit the ground running.