Fixing a biased education systems which provides an unfair choice between expensive university courses that issue career impacting diplomas and online learning with poor proof-of-learning.
This is the total amount allocated to ICanProveIt - proof of learning for continues learners.
Dr. Zagros Madjd-Sadjadi
ICanProveIt uses AI and the Cardano blockchain to create exams and deliver secure certificates for self-study learning. With anti-counterfeiting tech, it provides tamper-proof-of-learning certs.
No Dependencies
The project uses an open source DID implementation, Dominium, which has been used in multiple successful projects funded by Catalyst including building a land registers and international trade. Dominium integrates with AtalaPrism.
Your Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Selection
SDG Goals
1 - End poverty in all its forms everywhere
4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
10 - Reduce inequality within and among countries
SDG Subgoals
1.2 - By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions
1.4 - By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology and financial services, including microfinance
10.1 - By 2030, progressively achieve and sustain income growth of the bottom 40 per cent of the population at a rate higher than the national average
4.1 - By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes
4.3 - By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university
4.4 - By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
4.5 - By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations
4.7 - By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
4.c - By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing States
5.b - Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
1.2.1 - Proportion of population living below the national poverty line, by sex and age
1.2.2 - Proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions
1.4.1 - Proportion of population living in households with access to basic services
10.1.1 - Growth rates of household expenditure or income per capita among the bottom 40 per cent of the population and the total population
5.b.1 - Proportion of individuals who own a mobile telephone, by sex
4.c.1 - Proportion of teachers with the minimum required qualifications, by education level
4.7.1 - Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in (a) national education policies; (b) curricula; (c) teacher education; and (d) student assessment
4.5.1 - Parity indices (female/male, rural/urban, bottom/top wealth quintile and others such as disability status, indigenous peoples and conflict-affected, as data become available) for all education indicators on this list that can be disaggregated
4.4.1 - Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill
4.3.1 - Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months, by sex
4.1.2 - Completion rate (primary education, lower secondary education, upper secondary education)
4.1.1 - Proportion of children and young people (a) in grades 2/3; (b) at the end of primary; and (c) at the end of lower secondary achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in (i) reading and (ii) mathematics, by sex
1.4.2 - Proportion of total adult population with secure tenure rights to land, (a) with legally recognized documentation, and (b) who perceive their rights to land as secure, by sex and type of tenure
ICanProveIt is a platform that uses AI, Blockchain and DID to create a universally respected proof-of-learning certificate built on the highest pedagogical standards which are accepted by academic institutions worldwide.
Availability of Online Learning Material
Thanks to the abundance of freely accessible online educational material, continuous learning is at an all-time high. The modern online learning landscape provides a variety of opportunities for continuous learners. Given the large number of high-quality material available on nearly any subject, it would be easy to assume that a method of satisfactorily proving ‘knowledge acquired’ would have been thought through already. However, as it currently stands, short of an on-the-spot physical demonstration there is little to no way for a self-learners to prove what they have actually learned, i.e. There is no globally respected proof-of-learning certificate for informal learning.
ICanProveIt Certificates That Can Change Lives
ICanProveIt exams are rigorous, conform to pedagogical best practices and reviewed by academics and scholars to maintain high equivalent standards.
Cost Of Attending (COA) an American University
According to Education Data Initiative tuition and fees the average cost of tuition ranges between $11,619 and $47,961 Adding loan interest and lost wages the COA can exceed $500,000. This debt is incurred early in the life of a student when the student’s investment could be left in a bank account and earn over 60 years of compound interest.
An Education System That Isn't Working for Those Classified as Low Income and Minorities.
In the acclaimed exposition RIGGED co produced by the co-proposer Unequal Opportunity for Minorities and people from Low Income Demographics. ( co-proposer Zagros was a contributor to RIGGED) ICanProveIt Works
Curated Repository Of Commons Material
ICanProveIt creates a curated repository of books and documents with human-in-the-loop verification to establish a verifiable repository. Over time, a “humans in the loop” will be unnecessary. Blockchain will provide provenance of source material (See our simplified diagram in Figure 1).
Figure 1
Synthesize Tests From Texts the User Has Read and Videos the User has Watched.
Learners can upload their learning material which are matched with material in the curated repository. ICanProveIt will then generate an exam for the uploaded content but conformant with the curated material. More on building exams that follow the highest pedagogical standards can be found below:
Figure 2
Grade Test, Generate Certificate
Learners will be able to take an exam on material they have learned and receive a sharable digital certificate of learning confirmant with W3C VC-EDU standard (Figure 3). (Fuixlabs has participated in development of VC-EDU standard).
Figure 3
Verifying the Certificate (Anti-Counterfeiting)
To verify the authenticity of an ICanProveIt certificate, the certificate can be uploaded to our verification servers (or sent via Telegram or WhatsApp…) (Figure 4) for cryptographic verification.
Figure 4
Working with Universities and Staff
Universities are undergoing a period of creative destruction as more of our learning can be done online. The value of a college degree for “job market signaling” is rapidly dissipating, if not already antiquated. An AI-driven universal accreditation mechanism is just another domino that has to fall in order to realize an educational system with near zero administrative costs. ICanProveIt will usher in a bright future for university professors, teachers, and grad students, a world where they don’t have to split the rewards for their learning with large administration offices, upkeep trappings of university campuses, etc. Not only can academics continue being creators but ICanProveIt will provide new roles like content curators, online coaches, and online education researchers, while liberating them from the time-consuming tasks of committee memberships, grading of examinations, and advising students.
Advantages For Users
Proof-Of-Learning for Taking Free Online University Content: Universities have started offering their top courses free online including lecture-style courses and often offered in the public domain. These are available from prestigious universities like MIT, Stanford, Oxford and dozens of others universities (see for list). In contrast to the student who pays a considerable financial sum simply for receiving the official degree certificate at the end, ICanProveIt will allow students to learn from the same material and get credit for equivalent pedagogically rigorous tests. The rapidly fading advantages of using a university degree for “job market signaling” make the ICanProveIt offering the last step to bring continuous learning up to the level of degrees even from the most respected universities. Learners can mix and match courseware from the world’s most prestigious universities.
Increased Benefits from Self-Study: Society is still tainted by the false belief that only an official university degree (or similar) can be taken as evidence of knowledge and skills acquired. Most of us are already constantly re-skilling, we just don’t realize it. Every moment we spend consuming online informative content we are increasing our value to potential or current employers. The competition for views, likes and follows has led to an abundance of top-quality, expertly-assembled information becoming available at the click of a button. Whether it is reading or listening to books, watching ‘how to’ videos on YouTube, or trawling the internet for other information, most of us are involved in some degree of continuous, intrinsically motivated learning.
An Easy Way to Showcase Expertise: ICanProveIt certificates are available in both digital and hardcopy formats, meaning they can be framed and hung on the wall just like a university degree. These certificates can be used when applying for new jobs as well as negotiating a pay rise within existing employment. Of course the digital version can also be used to showcase expertise in chat groups like LinkedIn and other arenas. In the fast-changing job market, most current roles come with an implicit expectation that through self-study employees will maintain, sharpen and update their knowledge. However, while this extra-curricula self-study amounts to unpaid overtime, there is rarely (if ever) any link to promotion or pay increases for the employee.
Why The World Needs ICanProveIt
ICanProveIt was engineered to address and solve the problem of demonstrability and verifiability, with relation to self-learning and open new avenues for obtaining demonstrable skills and knowledge. ICanProveIt is especially important for those whose jobs have been recently replaced by technical advancements such as AI.
Reskilling at Scale: By providing independent, yet globally respected, proof-of-learning, ICanProveIt will provide a coveted platform that will allow millions (potentially billions) of users to retrain on any subject, at a miniscule cost compared to the cost of a diploma from an accredited University.
Figure 5
According to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Future of Jobs Report, 2023, an astonishing 40% of working hours will be impacted by Large Language Models alone in the coming years (Figure 5). This will coincide with other forms of disruption instigated by AI. Entire industries and professions are projected to experience massive disruption of existing jobs. These changes have a large impact on sectors such as Banking (54%), insurance (45%), software and platforms (36%), as well as many others. We simply don’t have enough seats in our schools and universities to retrain millions of displaced workers. Displaced workers will not likely be in a position to pay fees for retraining. Displaced workers will also likely often be seeking retraining in domains unfamiliar to traditional academics.
Universities are often poorly equipped to deal with continuous education and are still reliant on the traditional 18-22 year old pool but that pool of potential students is being reduced with declining fertility. All of these factors means that universities with their administrative bloat and emphasis on a captive audience are facing the prospect of rapid antiquation and creative destruction. In 2020-21, there were just 3,931 higher education degree-granting institutions in the United States, down from 4,583 in 2015-16 and a high of 4,726 in 2012-13 (National Center for Educational Statistics)..
Differentiating Organizational Workforces: Without a universally recognized certificate to provide proof-of-learning, informal self-study goes unacknowledged and therefore unrewarded, despite the value these acquired skills bring to employers. This can create inefficiencies in the workplace and results in people being underpaid and feeling ‘stuck in their jobs.’
Encouraging Learning: Curiosity and the desire for self-improvement are innate human characteristics. Unfortunately, however, many people are deterred from pursuing a course of self-study for one simple reason, the rewards are not immediate. Nor for that matter are they guaranteed. With ICanProveIt, the benefits of continuous learning will be both immediate and tangible, creating an entirely more rewarding experience. Upon successful completion of an ICanProveIt exam, any prospective learner will be provided with an official certificate, which they will instantly be able to attach to their respective social media accounts, LinkedIn, as well as all other relevant online profiles.
Creating more Efficient Online Communities: ICanProveIt certificates can be used for the ‘knowledge gating’ of online communities and organizations. Those who want their members to have attained a specified level of proficiency in a certain topic can require proof-of-learning. Online communities can often be inefficient at achieving their collective goal, due mainly to the disparate understanding of key information among members. Blockchain communities in particular would benefit greatly from this capability. Because ICanProveIt certificates are digitally verifiable they can be used in many scenarios which use “token gating”.
Creating Smarter and Happier Workforce: Organizations routinely seek external expertise for skills and knowledge already secured within their existing workforce. Due to these oversights, employees may often grow disgruntled at the apparent and unfair lack of opportunity for growth, or advancement within the company. By having a voluntary or incentivized program where employees are rewarded for continuous learning, organizations can increase their efficiency, and competitiveness, all while fostering a happier working environment for their employees.
— Human Capital Trends’, Deloitte
Making Proof-of-Learning Work
Problems ICanProveIt Solves
The current online learning landscape suffers from several problems that ICanProveIt directly solves.
1. Content creators are expected to create exams for their content. Despite the hundreds of free university courses and other online learning materials available (either direct or indirectly designed as part of a curriculum), most do not offer anything in the way of accreditation or certification upon completion. They are essentially just labors of love to the learner, with certificates reserved for the paying students.
2. Many subjects are highly specialized and the number of students who would take the class does not cover the cost of making the class. The ability to source students from around the world at a fraction of the cost means that these classes now become profitable to provide. Whereas there might be only 10,000 students in a particular course worldwide spread out across 1,000 different universities, this would imply that only 10 students would be in each class. With ICanProveIt, all 10,000 students can be taught using existing educational resources and without requiring 3,000 hours of highly paid professional academics to be in the classroom each week as well as an additional few thousand hours of office hours and grading. Instead of these academics can devote themselves to helping a much smaller number of learners who have trouble with the material or they can create new curated courses that are on the cutting edge of their respective fields. This is not to mention the thousands upon thousands of learners who otherwise would not have been able to afford a university degree without the convenience that ICanProveIt provides. In the end, academics will be able to teach more students more effectively and efficiently and provide more specialized and individualized attention for students who need it most. It isn’t that we will end up needing fewer academics but it will likely be the case that we will simply be able to provide more educational opportunities with the world’s existing academic personnel.
3. Certificates on the internet are not deemed trustworthy either because they are too easy to obtain or because it is impossible for a single learning site to build a reliable reputation. The one exception might be Coursera.
4. All the online and formal courses taken together are only small fractions of the learning opportunities available from reading written content and listening to videos.
5. Online courses must often consider the business impact when determining the qualification for a certificate and often the easier the certificate is to get the more people will pay for the course.
ICanProveIt Certificates are Unique and Respected
When it comes to education certificates, the current market is chaotic, to say the least. Paid online courses are plentiful, and certificates are issued in such an ad hoc manner that any real value is diluted, making them essentially worthless. A great example of this is the online English teaching (TEFL) sector. Which issues thousands of random, ungoverned certificates a year, to the extent that they have practically lost all worth within the industry. ICanProveIt’s certificates are different. The key differences are as follows:
Standardized and Uniform - Tests will adhere to academic standards and will possess the quality of comparability
Self Validating and Transparent - Source questions and certificate holders' answers are made available at a cost to a holder of the certificate - received from the learner. It is unlikely to be a feature that is often used but transparency will build trust and reviews of our system will be with full knowledge. Our curated document repository will ensure the validity of exam questions.
Endorsed By Trusted Academics - ICanProveIt processes will be designed and endorsed by faculty members of well-known universities, subject matter experts and other relevant professionals.
Anti-Counterfeiting Technology - ICanProveIt uses advanced cryptography and blockchain counterfeiting or tampering with the certificates as well as to ensure certificates provide information on the version of the data.
Follow Interoperability Standards - Using accepted standard W3C VC-EDU to make our certificates interoperable with dozens of education organizations worldwide.
Each Exam is Unique - AI allows each certificate to be based on a unique set of questions, so there is no issue with revealing both the questions and answers to those asking for additional proof of learning and the strength of our system.
Secure - Test-taking technology can capture the test taker's face and imprint it on the certificate.
AI Augmented - ICanProveIt will be a lifelong companion helping learners to understand why they succeeded or failed an exam and providing encouragement and advice for mastering a subject. ICanProveIt can synthesize content and practice tests customized for each learner to fill their particular knowledge gaps before trying again.
Reports - ICanProveIt' Certificate is backed with a shareable report that helps learners assess how their knowledge will translate into real world capabilities.
Notifications - Learners can choose to receive notifications.
ICanProveIt is a platform for testing the extent of knowledge acquired through an individual’s self-study, in whatever field. It will also issue industry-recognized proof-of-learning certificates and cover all aspects of continuous learning. The certificates issued use advanced cryptography and blockchain technology.
The ICanProveIt’ architecture is designed as a constellation consisting of a primary language model and multiple specialist language models. It includes a supporting system that manages control flow, inter-model communication, and conversation state. This design aims to improve domain-specific interactions compared to a single general-purpose language model. This architecture contains a separation of concerns while limiting the need for developing redundant embeddings.
Certificates use DID identification and follow the VC-EDU interoperability standard. The ICanProveIt contains, in addition to users information, it contains information on the tested material with a link to a report that lets the user understand what strengths and weaknesses were revealed as well as suggestions for future learning and possible career paths (figure 7).
Figure 7
Certificates use advanced cryptography and blockchain to ensure the certificate is not faked or altered.
Tamper-Evident - The certificate cannot be modified or altered in any way without failing validation.
Counterfeit Proof - Only ICanProveIt can generate a certificate.
Verifiable - Anyone with a hard or digital copy of the certificate can verify the certificate's authenticity.
Attributable - Anyone with a hard copy or digital copy of the certificate can verify the person to have earned the certificate using photo evidence.
Take Test With Laptop or Desktop
Learning certificates are issued based on the outcome of an exam in a non-controlled environment, for instance on the user's laptop. AI driven software will be used to capture images of the user during the exam. One of the captured images is attached to the certificate and can be compared against a person who has come for an on-site interview or who is interviewing on a video call (Figure 8).
This process is accurate up to 99.999%, and the method is already accepted by governments worldwide and frequently used to establish identity in a KYC process.
Figure 8
Exam Question Generation
In contrast to the typical, rigid model, where learners are each given the same set of study material, followed by the same exam, ICanProveIt tests learners on the specific material they have consumed, including material from YouTube videos, blog posts, traditional or audiobooks etc. All exams are created on the fly from a curated repository of content matched with the learners' uploaded content. In the case of courses that mimic those found at traditional universities that have a generally recognized curriculum, the learner’s uploaded content will not be used for exam creation but instead will be used to inform the learner as to whether they have sufficiently studied enough (assuming that they studied all of the material uploaded) to be successful in the examination. Learners will still be able to take tests on such standardized classes if their material does not completely satisfy this requirement, but required areas are not covered by the uploaded materials and will draw their questions from a set of curated materials that reflect the standards required for passage of the material.
Generating exams that are relevant to employers means following pedagogical standards that allow for comparability across subjects. Most online learning certificates are deemed worthless simply because there is little to no information about the test or material studied. Hiring managers are unlikely to dive deeper into the specific areas studied, the source of the information or the reputation of the certificate issuer. ICanProveIt is designed so that all exams generated are relevant to the learning goals and are formulated in a coherent and logical manner, one that clearly demonstrates the acquired knowledge of the student.
Test Quality Metrics
Coverage of Source Material - A metric ranging from 0 - 1 that indicates how much of the input text (material studied) is reflected in the quiz. It is calculated by mapping each question to the relevant sentences in the text and comparing the length of the mapped text to the total passage length. This method is based on the pyramid method used in summary annotations.
Coverage of Curated Material - In cases where there is a typical course content, such as is the case for most principles and intermediate courses in various subjects at the world’s universities, the source material coverage metric will be replaced with the curated material coverage metric that covers the entirety of what is normally expected from a student in such a course and that is similarly given a metric ranging from 0 -1 as evidenced in the Coverage of Source Material metric. This prevents students from selectively choosing material that is narrower than what would typically be found in a standardized course. Employers or associations that wish to ensure coverage of specific topics can have standardized courses offered and learners will be notified as to what percentage of curated material is covered by their source material so that they can determine whether they wish to proceed with the standardized examination or whether they wish to read more of the recommended curated material instead.
Structure - A 1-3 metric assessing if a set of questions flows logically together, i.e. from easy to difficult, or that natural chronological order is used. For example, if the student was being examined on the formation of the universe, the questioning would start with the Big Bang and work towards the creation of our Solar System. This is similar to a measure used in conversational QG, where questions are logically linked for natural conversation (Mulla and Gharpure 2023).
Redundancy - A 1 to 3 metric assessing repetition within an exam, such as identical questions being asked that do not require a differing perspective or adaptation of the student's thought processes. This has been utilized in conversational QG to prevent repetition and ensure natural conversation (Mulla and Gharpure 2023).
Quality Metrics
Ensuring a heightened level of quality regarding the entire test is crucial. However, the individually tailored questions must also meet exceptionally high standards. Questions must be rated on three metrics used to measure the fundamental aspects of a question's quality:
Relevancy - A binary metric which measures whether the question is semantically relevant to the input context.
Fluency - A binary metric used to assess the grammatical correctness and clarity of language in a set of questions. This metric is employed by Mazidi and Nielsen (2014) and Elkins et al. (2023), and is also used in different scales in Mulla and Gharpure (2023).
Answerability - A binary metric which measures whether the question can be answered from the input context. It is not necessary to be able to find a passage from the input that is an answer to the question; it is enough if a student could reasonably answer the question from the context. For example, applying logic explained in the passage to a new situation makes the question ‘answerable’. As above, previous work by Steuer et al. (2021) and Elkins et al. (2023) uses a similar binary metric, and Mulla and Gharpure (2023) suggest similar metrics on different scales.
LLM Architecture
ICanProveIt is a constellation of LLMs trained by academics with “as the user on the loop that can produce exams that confirm to highest academic standards.
AI Agents based system
Using the latest in LLM ICanProveIt is agents with each agent containing a fine tuned LLM that is trained on a base model to handle hallucinations and the possibility of harmful or offensive output.
Figure 9 - Constellation Architecture
Revenue Model
Go To Market Strategy
The market for certification stems from the desire to receive acknowledgement:
Figure 10
Education Data Initiative:
Value to the Cardano Community
ICanProveIt will enhance the Cardano community by demonstrating the real-world application of Cardano’s blockchain technology in education. By leveraging Cardano's secure, decentralized infrastructure for tamper-proof certificates, the project will showcase the blockchain’s potential to transform traditional credentialing systems. This will strengthen Cardano’s reputation as a leader in decentralized applications, attracting developers and organizations seeking to build similar solutions. Additionally, as Cardano expands its user base through ICanProveIt’s global adoption, more stakeholders will join the network, increasing its robustness and ecosystem growth.
Measuring Impact:
To measure the impact on the Cardano community, ICanProveIt will track:
Sharing Outputs and Opportunities:
ICanProveIt will share the project's results and opportunities through:
By actively contributing knowledge and resources back to the Cardano community, ICanProveIt will foster innovation, demonstrating how the blockchain can be a transformative force across diverse industries.
Our team team of developers uses an Agile development process that was designed to catch any issues before they become critical. Included in our processes are:
We will hold monthly twitter spaces to discuss the project those interested in updates to the project can send an email to to receive weekly updates including links to demos with the latest features.
The technology is designed by Tim O'Brien who has spent over 18 years designing complex systems. Tim is an ex-googler with a 12 years prior career as a consultant for companies like Citi Group, Deutsche Bank and other Fortune 500 companies.
Co-Founder, Dr. Zagros Madjd-Sadjad not only has had a long career both as a university professor and economist but has also been an advocate for fair and accessible education for decades including helping make the storied expose RIGGED. proposer, Tim O'Brien, is CEO and founder of Fuixlabs, a leader in blockchain and AI innovation, FuixLabs is exceptionally well-positioned to develop the ICanProveIt platform. Our team of 20 developers specializes in building cutting-edge solutions across blockchain and AI domains, with over 15 blockchain projects and several AI, GenAI, and LLM-based solutions already delivered.
In summary, FuixLabs' proficiency in DID, W3C VC-EDU, blockchain, and AI equips us to develop ICanProveIt into a comprehensive proof-of-learning platform that offers secure, verifiable certificates to learners globally. Our holistic approach ensures that the solution will align with industry standards and provide an impactful user experience for learners, employers, and educational institutions alike.
Phase 1: Project Setup, Initial Marketing Strategy, Development Kickoff, and Early Adopter Outreach
5-Month Project Plan with User Curated Repositories, LLM Tuning, Enhanced Marketing Activities, and Early Adopter Acquisition
Phase 1: Project Setup, Initial Marketing Strategy, Development Kickoff, and Early Adopter Outreach
Phase 2: Core System Development, Marketing Material Creation, LLM Tuning Start, and Early Adopter Engagement
Phase 3: UI Development, Market Launch, Continued LLM Tuning, and Early Adopter Feedback
Phase 4: Testing, Quality Assurance, Preliminary Client Engagement, Complete LLM Tuning, and Sustained Marketing
5-Month Project Plan with User Curated Repositories, LLM Tuning, Enhanced Marketing Activities, and Early Adopter Acquisition
Phase 1: Project Setup, Initial Marketing Strategy, Development Kickoff, and Early Adopter Outreach
Phase 2: Core System Development, Marketing Material Creation, LLM Tuning Start, and Early Adopter Engagement
Phase 3: UI Development, Market Launch, Continued LLM Tuning, and Early Adopter Feedback
Phase 4: Testing, Quality Assurance, Preliminary Client Engagement, Complete LLM Tuning, and Sustained Marketing
Phase 5: MVP Deployment, Client Conversion, Final Marketing Push, and Early Adopter Conversion
Phase 6: Post-Deployment Optimization, Client Support, and Expansion Planning
Dr. Zagros Madjd-Sadjadi ( Co-Proposer, Exam Quality, Business Development ) of Economics at Winston-Salem State University and has more than 30 years of economic consulting and teaching experience.
He is the former Chief Economist of the City and County of San Francisco and has provided consulting services for various governments and businesses ranging from small to medium-sized enterprises to Fortune 500 firms.
His work has been cited in the Congressional Record, helped secure state approval for the I-74 corridor in Winston-Salem, and led to the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act.
He is the author of half a dozen books, including three textbooks, and over 60 academic articles and book chapters. In addition to economics, Dr. Madjd-Sadjadi teaches business ethics and has developed several modules on the ethical uses of artificial intelligence (AI) in the business world.
Zagros was a contributor to RIGGED ( ) an expose on the US education system.
Tim O'Brien (Co-Proposer, Technical Architect, Project Manager)
Coder, Builder, Executive in that order. After an 18 year career as an Enterprise Architect for Fortune 500 companies until in 2018 I started on my journey as an Entrepreneur by prototyping my idea based on blockchain and AI, raised funds, and commercializing my product idea.
Now, after building with blockchain/Web3 and AI for more than six years I still love AI and Blockchain and believe with some safeguards around AI we can build a bright future. I love coding and still code both for recreation and work. I am passionate about Web3 and its power of inclusion and democratization of the financial world. Tim has had multiple projects voted for by Catalyst and delivers them all on time. Tim works on Cardano and DID. - implementor
In 2017, Tim O'Brien - an ex-Googler, started a boutique blockchain development company called FuixLabs, focused on building blockchain infrastructure. As a pioneer in developing algorithms and tooling for the blockchain, and implemented multiple AI and GenAI applications.
A list of employees profiles can be found on the Fuixlabs website
As a sponsor of regional computer olympiads, FuixLabs has access to a talent pool of bright and promising graduates who become seasoned developers under the supervision of Tim O’Brien.
Fuixlabs has worked as an active member of W3C working group in developing the VC-ED Education Certificate
A list of our products includes:
Here is the pie chart illustrating the cost breakdown between development, cloud infrastructure for AI training, and marketing:
6-Month Project Budget Breakdown
Total Budget: $95,000
ADA Conversion Rate: 1 ADA = $0.45
1. Marketing (20% of Total Budget)
2. Cloud Infrastructure for Training AI (20% of Total Budget)
3. Development and Management (60% of Total Budget)
Budget Summary
Total Budget: $95,000 (211,111 ADA)
ICanProveIt provides value for money to Cardano in several key ways:
In conclusion, the USD 150K investment in developing ICanProveIt on Cardano could yield substantial returns not only in direct financial terms but also in enhancing the blockchain's utility, community, and market position.