Last updated 9 months ago
For users to engage with the Metera Protocol, they require precise weights of assets, making portfolio balancing exhaustive. They must obtain and transfer each token separately to mint a portfolio.
This is the total amount allocated to Metera Protocol DEX Aggregator Integration.
Submit a deposit order in a portfolio directly from the Dapp when the user doesn’t have the necessary tokens via an integration with a Dex Aggregator to improve user experience.
This will not be fully open source at the beginning.
Our proposed solution for this user experience is to integrate Metera Protocol with a DEX aggregator in order to facilitate ADA swaps to CNTs and following the necessary swaps, swapping those CNTs into MTKs. By doing this, investors will mint MTKs and get exposure to the Cardano Ecosystem in a more straightforward way and bringing liquidity to the CNTs will be easier.
Thanks to capabilities offered by the Cardano Blockchain we have been able to build an asset management platform that allows users to diversify their holdings via multi-asset indexes, where they own 100% of the underlying assets provided to the strategy.
100% of the assets provided by the user are backed via smart contracts and only redeemable back to the user itself. This mechanism provides unprecedented asset security but comes with some minor hurdles for the user.
How does the current version works?
Users are required to deposit the underlying assets following the right proportion of assets calculated by our approximation balance algorithm (Check out the "Balance Approximation" section at our Gitbook). Users need to buy the underlying assets on a DEX before attempting to build a transaction within Metera Protocol which will result in the minting of an MTK. This results in a hard job for the user as they need to exit the Dapp and mint the underlying assets elsewhere and then come back with the exact amount to mint the MTK.
User: User interacting with Metera Protocol.
Metera Protocol: Metera Protocol service which consists of a web app and a smart contract backend.
External Dex: Users need to exite Metera Protocol Dapp and buy tokens from a DEX to buy the correct weight the MTK is asking.
How will the user experience benefits from this change?
User: User interacting with Metera Protocol.
Metera Protocol: Metera Protocol service which consists of a web app and a smart contract backend.
Swap Aggregator: Steel Swap or Axo Trading Baskets.
Main flow:
About the Metera Protocol Platform
Metera Protocol offers a decentralized approach to asset management by guaranteeing user’s investments 100% by smart contracts. All user funds are safely stored in vaults which in turn are represented by a token, users can redeem their tokens easily through the platform in return of underlying assets of these vaults. It provides a marketplace for tokenized strategies where Portfolio Managers and Users together can work towards following strategies to outperform the markets.
Metera Protocol allows Portfolio Managers to earn income by setting fees through their strategies and in turn provide crafted strategies to their users.
Users benefit from the diversification that our instruments provide and also by following the strategies proposed by Portfolio Managers in the Platform.
As a benchmark, the Index and ETFs industry is worth approximately $11,833.4 bn USD allowing both retail and institutional investors to diversify their investments, tokenization through blockchain for these type of investments represent a huge market opportunity by removing the middleman and allowing users access to easily diversify their portfolio within the Cardano Ecosystem.
The Protocol will help bring liquidity to Cardano by removing the hurdles of investors to diversification.
Our value proposition to the Cardano Ecosystem:
Metera Protocol will help bring liquidity via retail and institutional investors.
Lowering the barriers of connecting users to leading asset managers in the industry.
Increase the exposure of technological innovation within the ecosystem.
Allowing users to take ownership of their own investments with 100% guarantee of their assets.
Metera Protocol has worked alongside great devs teams such as Mlabs and TxPipeShop to deliver solutions for the Cardano Ecosystem. Most recently we’ve finished developing our product private test-net with *fund 11 capital:
*Final milestone in progress. The Metera team has made significant progress towards the development of this scope and is expected to finish earlier than expected.
The Metera team posts regular weekly updates informing its community about challenges and
Through trial and error we’ve identified limitations on our previous architecture and have opted to adopt a more straightforward approach towards our smart contracts in order to deliver a high quality and intuitive product to the whole Cardano Ecosystem.
The approach feasibility under this proposal has been validated by various on-chain transactions posted during the long 1.5 years development process we’ve had.
Our team has a track record of transparency of constant progress updates through social media and official mediums.
TxPipe Shop have delivered some of the biggest Dapps in the ecosystem and have been part of Catalyst since its inception. Both team have worked successfully in the past months to bring new opportunities on Cardano.
Initial Research for Implementation and Frontend High Fidelity Figmas: (1 Month)
A. Milestone Outputs:
B. Acceptance Criteria:
C. Evidence of Milestone Completion:
DEX Aggregator Alignment + Frontend Integration: (2 months)
This milestone consists of working through the changes needed for the transaction building of the selected DEX Aggregator, supported by the DEX Aggregator themselves and our development team.
A. Milestone Outputs:
B. Acceptance Criteria:
C. Evidence of Milestone Completion:
Integration: (1 month)
A. Milestone Outputs:
B. Acceptance Criteria:
C. Evidence of Milestone Completion:
Testing and Feedback (3 weeks)
A. Milestone Outputs:
B. Acceptance Criteria:
C. Evidence of Milestone Completion:
Final report and video (1 week)
A. Milestone Outputs:
B. Acceptance Criteria:
C. Evidence of Milestone Completion:
Daniel Sampson:
CEO and CoFounder of Metera
Entrepreneur and innovator in the web3 ecosystem with a strong background in traditional asset management.
Experience in marketing, project management and investor relations. Full Stack developer in progress.
Carlos Ernesto:
COO and Founding Team Member of Metera Protocol. Business manager and strategist. With experience in the creation, development and administration of projects. Experience in planning, management, and daily operation of Fintech and Crypto projects.
Deep interest in new technologies and passionate about making things happen.
Txpipe.shops has provided a third party development T&M team to Metera Protocol for the past 6 months. In case of receiving funding through this proposal we will continue working alongside TxPipe Shops as our main development partner.
Milestone 1:
Initial Research for Implementation and Frontend High Fidelity Figmas: (1 Month)
Total: 24,200 ADA
Milestone 2:
DEX Aggregator Alignment + Frontend Integration: (2 months)
Total: 70,800 ADA
Milestone 3:
Feature Integration: (1 month)
Total: 28,400 ADA
Milestone 4:
Testing and Feedback (3 weeks)
TOTAL: 13,650 ADA
Milestone 5:
Final report and video
Funding this project will help accelerate the inclusion of robust financial instruments needed for the broader adoption of the Cardano ecosystem in the rapidly growing DeFi ecosystem.
Funding new DAPPs looking to innovate in the space will help broaden the Cardano ecosystem and help onboard new investors and users into the ecosystem.