Last updated 2 days ago
Cardano has plenty of open-source tooling to aid developers in building their own arbitrage or strategic trading bots. However, there is a lack of SDKs in connecting these tools to build trading bots.
This is the total amount allocated to Breeze - Trading Bot Framework.
Framework groundwork
Cost: ₳ 41,000
Delivery: Month 1 - Feb 2025
Technical Indicators, Notifications, & Auto-Cancellation/Take Profit
Cost: ₳ 31,000
Delivery: Month 2 - Mar 2025
Backtesting & Vue.js/TypeScript front-end
Cost: ₳ 44,000
Delivery: Month 3 - Apr 2025
Documentation, Automated Testing, E2E testing, Open-Sourcing
Cost: ₳ 31,900
Delivery: Month 4 - May 2025
Project Catalyst Closeout
Cost: ₳ 26,100
Delivery: Month 5 - Jun 2025
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Provide a uniform trading bot framework to bridge the gap between DEX data providers & DEX aggregating SDKs, while using existing open-source developer tooling.
Dexter -
Iris -
While Dexter provides DEX order submission, and Iris the necessary DEX data, Breeze will leverage the two projects & provide an abstract framework for building trading bots.
As the developer of the two dependencies, maintainability will not be a problem in providing Breeze with the necessary functionality for the framework.
Breeze will be publicly available allowing developers to build their own trading bots, and use TypeScript as the underlying language. Documentation will be provided on how to utilize the framework & utilities necessary for running a trading bot.
The proposed solution is an open-source trading bot framework designed for trading on decentralized exchanges within the Cardano blockchain ecosystem. This framework will allow algorithmic traders to only worry about the strategies they want to implement, saving time & resources building a trading bot setup by scratch.
Key components & features of the proposed solution include:
Trading bots already exist within the Cardano ecosystem, however there is a gap in specific tooling for such projects. This project enhances the accessibility in building trading bots for new programmers, and users getting familiar with Cardano DeFi & DEX trading who may want to automate their strategies.
The collaborative and open-source nature of the Breeze tooling promotes community-driven development, encouraging developers to contribute and improve the tools continuously. This collaborative effort strengthens the Cardano community by fostering a culture of innovation, knowledge-sharing, and support.
Having previously successfully launched impactful products like Dexter & Iris DEX tooling with the Indigo team, I have a deep understanding of DEX-related data & building tools around interacting with DEXs. Over the course of my developer career, I have also built many trading bot frameworks for personal use with similar functionality.
Completion of framework setup, along with an extensible strategy interface for developers to plug in their own strategies. Also include feeding necessary Iris data into these strategies, & allow orders to be placed through the framework.
Outputs : TypeScript package with the ability to instantiate Breeze with a set of strategies. Each strategy is fed data provided by Iris, and allows DEX orders to be placed on the Cardano blockchain.
Acceptance Criteria : A set of user provided strategies can be loaded into Breeze, and fed live DEX data from Iris.
Expected Timeline : 6 weeks
Completion of auto-cancellation & take profit 'cron jobs', along with technical indicators & Slack & SMS notifications upon order submission.
Outputs : An Auto-cancellation process, and Take Profit process which scans orders to determine if they needed cancelled or closed out. A technical indicator interface that developers can interact with within their strategies.
Acceptance Criteria : Orders placed by Breeze are cancelled when the process reaches a specified time limit, and trades are closed out to realize their profit automatically.
Expected Timeline : 4 weeks
Completion of backtesting front-end with TradingView charts displaying the orders placed, along with the ability to trigger backtests through a connector within Breeze. The strategy interface also provides a way for developers to listen for backtests, so they can grab any needed 3rd-party data.
Outputs : Front-end written in Vue.js/TypeScript for backtesting Breeze strategies, along with a connectable websocket instantiated within Breeze for each bot instance.
Acceptance Criteria : Developers can trigger backtests from the front-end, which pulls historic data provided by Iris, and is fed into the desired strategy. Once the backtest is complete, the front-end displays the backtesting results & any orders placed.
Expected Timeline : 4 weeks
Completion of documentation for running a trading bot using Breeze, and extending the framework if the developer desires. This milestone also includes any necessary automated testing needed for open-source development.
Outputs : Open-sourced documentation links on how to utilize Breeze for trading bots, along with how to create strategy files & feed them into Breeze. Documentation will also provide a list of parameters that developers can utilize to fine-tune the framework. Screenshots of passing tests will also be included.
Acceptance Criteria : Documentation provides all necessary steps in utilizing Breeze. The project also includes automated testing to check for possible bugs that may arise during open-source development.
Expected Timeline : 3 weeks
Provide Catalyst Team with close out video displaying a trading bot utilizing the framework, along with a report of implemented functionality & link to the open-source repository.
Outputs : Video displaying Breeze running a test strategy, along with a close-out report.
Acceptance Criteria : Video is a clear representation on how Breeze runs & logs out different actions triggered by the framework.
Cody Butz - Developer
Zachary Sluder - Developer
This proposal is also supported by Indigo Labs, developers of Indigo Protocol. Indigo Labs has a few recent successful proposals such as the following :
Indigo Iris -
V2 Audit -
Multi-DEX SDK -
Milestone 1 (41,000 ₳) - Framework groundwork
Milestone 2 (31,000 ₳) - Technical Indicators, Notifications, & Auto-Cancellation/Take Profit
Milestone 3 (44,000 ₳) - Backtesting & Vue.js/TypeScript front-end
Milestone 4 (43,000 ₳) - Documentation, Automated Testing, E2E testing, Open-Sourcing
Continued Maintenance (15,000 ₳)