[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Thomas Langlois
[GENERAL] Are you delivering this project as an individual or as an entity (whether formally incorporated or not)
Entity (Not Incorporated)
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces)
We will build an Open-Source SDK (Software Development Kit - tools, libraries and corresponding documentation) for Java developers to access the CardanoBI API.
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.”
No dependencies.
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] Please provide here more information on the open source status of your project outputs
The entire source code of this project will be open-sourced under Apache License 2.0.
[METADATA] Horizons
Developer Tools
[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution
CardanoBI is the first fully Open-Source Business Intelligence API Layer for Cardano.
It exposes data grouped in 3 distinct Domains:
- Core: all on-chain data of Cardano (accounts, blocks, transactions, contracts, pools....)
- Analytics: data derived from Core offering offering analytics data points
- Partner: on-chain and off-chain data, showcasing the business value outcome of Projects delivering utility on Cardano (think of it as the Bloomberg of Cardano where Financial Institutions, News Agencies, Trades alike can get access to the business data of Cardano products (Oracle, DEX, Defi ....)
It is a set of tools, libraries and documentation, allowing Java developers to integrate the CardanoBI API in their own Java application.
The benefits for Java developers is that they can directly augment their application's code base, with a streamlined access to Cardano's data, without having to get outside of their technology stack.
This allows them to build on Cardano in a more efficient and consistent manner, promoting shorter time to market and greater software quality.
[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community
The benefits of this solution to the Cardano ecosystem are significant.
Firstly, it simplifies the process of developing utilities on Cardano, by offering a better Java Developer Experience.
Secondly, by commoditizing the access to Cardano's data to Java developers, we will attract more Java developers and businesses to leverage Cardano's capabilities.
This increased interest and participation in the ecosystem will contribute to its growth and vitality.
[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?
We are the team that successfully built and launched CardanoBI.
The proposed solution will be built by the same team.
We have 23+ years' experience in software development for the financial industry and will be as transparent in our project reporting as we have been for the initial CardanoBI project.
We have Java development experience.
[PROJECT MILESTONES] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
- Activities:
- Project initiation, including defining the scope and objectives (All 3 CardanoBI Domain will be covered: Core, Analytics, Partner)
- Gathering detailed technical requirements for the SDK (starting point being our Javascript SDK).
- Creating a comprehensive SDK architecture and design plan.
- Acceptance Criteria:
- A well-documented project plan with clear objectives and scope.
- A design document detailing the SDK's architecture, modules, and interfaces, approved by the technical team.
- Activities:
- Setting up the Java development environment with necessary tools and libraries.
- Developing the core functionalities of the SDK, such as API connectors and data processing utilities.
- Integrating the SDK with the CardanoBI API.
- Conducting extensive testing, including unit, integration, and performance tests.
- Acceptance Criteria:
- A functional development environment specifically configured for the project.
- Completion of core SDK modules with high-quality code and adherence to design specifications.
- Successful integration with CardanoBI API, demonstrated through rigorous testing.
- All tests passing with high code coverage and resolved issues.
- Activities:
- Creating comprehensive documentation, including setup guides and API references.
- Providing real-world usage examples.
- Releasing a beta version for community feedback.
- Launching the official version of the SDK.
- Establishing mechanisms for ongoing support, feedback handling, and updates.
- Acceptance Criteria:
- Complete and accessible documentation for various user levels (docs.cardanobi.io).
- Positive community feedback and addressed concerns from the beta release.
- Stable and well-communicated official release.
- Established system for post-release support and regular updates.
[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
The same team that delivered CardanoBI REST API will deliver the Java SDK:
1.Lead, architect, backend/frontend dev: Thomas Langlois
2.Data architect, event-driven architect, backend dev: Ahmed Abouelnour
[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources
Here are the expected resources and budget for each of our 5 milestones:
1x Solution Architect @ ₳75/h for 40h (1 week)
1x Java Developer @ ₳75/h for 160h (4 weeks)
1x Java Developer @ ₳75/h for 66h (1.5 weeks)
The total ask is ₳19,950
[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
The cost of the project represents value for money for the Cardano ecosystem in several ways:
- Enhancing Development and Innovation: The investment in developing the CardanoBI Java SDK and its associated components facilitates the creation of innovative applications and services on Cardano. This leads to increased developer engagement and brings new ideas and solutions to the ecosystem. The resulting innovation and growth contribute to the overall value and competitiveness of the Cardano platform.
- Supporting Ecosystem Expansion: The costs associated with the project contribute to the expansion of the Cardano ecosystem by enabling the creation of utility services. These services unlock the business value stored in Cardano's on-chain data, promoting the growth of the ecosystem as a whole. This expansion attracts more users, stakeholders, and investment, creating a virtuous cycle that amplifies the overall value proposition of Cardano
Furthermore the provided hourly rates are highly competitive when you consider the level of expertise of these resources.