Last updated 2 weeks ago
There isn’t an open-source DAO smart-contract that can execute treasury withdrawals, and participate in Cardano Governance.
This is the total amount allocated to Open-source Plutus v3 DAO Smart-contract.
Plutus v3 DAO Smart Contract Business Specification
Cost: ₳ 60,000
Delivery: Month 1 - Feb 2025
Plutus v3 DAO Smart Contract technical solution specification
Cost: ₳ 60,000
Delivery: Month 2 - Mar 2025
Plutus v3 DAO Smart Contract MVP live on-chain
Cost: ₳ 40,000
Delivery: Month 3 - Apr 2025
Plutus v3 DAO smart contract cyber security attacks & stress tests
Cost: ₳ 10,000
Delivery: Month 4 - May 2025
Plutus v3 DAO smart contract open sourced.
Cost: ₳ 30,000
Delivery: Month 5 - Jun 2025
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
We’re building and open-sourcing a DAO smart-contract that allows people to vote on treasury withdraws, parameter changes, and Cardano governance participation.
No, we’re designing this and building this in house.
We haven't fully decided on what license we'll use when we open-source this code. We are leaning towards GPL as it requires future uses of this code to also be open-source. We believe this will push the community forward with more open-source code.
We’re building a DAO smart-contract for Cardano projects and then open-sourcing it so that anyone can use it to save time and money.
This DAO smart-contract will have data in it that is protocol parameters based on what protocols will need. When an admin creates this smart-contract he will be able to select a governing Cardano Native Token. This token will be used to spend money from the treasury, or to change protocol parameters. People will be able to create proposals, vote, and update protocol parameters all through on-chain governance.
Protocols will be able to save time and money by focussing on what new products they’re bringing to Cardano, instead of having to rebuild their own DAO contract. At minimum this contract will help a new builder understand how to build a DAO on Cardano.
This year we’ve shipped two smart-contracts, a dashboard with wallet features, and 24 educational videos that make Cardano easy.
We’ve built a team of 9 people that have shipped smart-contracts, apps, front-ends, and DAO smart-contracts on Cardano in the past. You can view what we've shipped so far here:
DAO Smart-contract technical specification. This specification will detail what the smart-contract will do, what features it will have, and how we’ll design the smart-contract.
We’ll design a front-end interface that will facilitate voting in this smart-contract. This front-end will be a proposal view showing what can be voted on. We’ll also design the voting process.
In this milestone we’ll have the smart-contract finished, and integrated with the design that we submitted in the previous milestone. We’ll submit a video showcasing us voting on Cardano’s preview network using the smart-contract, and the voting front-end. We’ll also submit on-chain transactions of creating the smart-contract, and the vote that we completed in the video.
In this milestone we’ll push this smart-contract live on testnet and get over 50 users to test the smart-contract by voting. We’ll submit on-chain transactions from each user voting, and gather feedback from users in a form.
In this milestone we’ll fully open-source the smart-contract on github with documentation showing developers how to use this smart-contract.
Peyton: Âtrium Lab - Co-founder
Ben: Âtrium Lab - Co-founder and Creative Director
Brian: Âtrium Lab - Lead Developer
Preston: Âtrium Lab - Backend developer
Angelo: Âtrium Lab - Full Stack Developer
Marek - Project manager
Ibby - Project manager
Stephen - Community manager
150 000 ADA - smart-contract development
25 000 ADA - Project management, and designing the front-end for voting
25 000 ADA - Open-sourcing the smart-contract, testing, documentation, and releasing it to real users
This project represents value for money for the Cardano ecosystem as most new protocols need a DAO treasury smart-contract that allows users to facilitate the governance of the protocol. By open-sourcing this project project developers can save time/money, and also learn how to develop Cardano smart-contracts.