Last updated a month ago
We aim to build a storage agnostic VDR for Identus and couple drivers which will be in charge of storing and fetching from storage in Cardano blockchain and other sources in a future.
This is the total amount allocated to Verifiable Data Registry for Identus in Cardano.
VDR Public API and Specification
Cost: ₳ 10,000
Delivery: Month 2 - Mar 2025
Integration into the Identus Cloud Agent
Cost: ₳ 30,000
Delivery: Month 5 - Jun 2025
Implement the Cardano Driver
Cost: ₳ 60,000
Delivery: Month 8 - Sep 2025
Wrapping up the VDR implementation, Documentation, Testing and Workshops
Cost: ₳ 40,000
Delivery: Month 10 - Nov 2025
Finalize, public reporting and HyperLedger VDR Workshops
Cost: ₳ 60,000
Delivery: Month 11 - Dec 2025
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
As part of this proposal we will deliver a documented and well designed spec for the VDR and its public API.
We propose to initially develop several drivers but main one being in Cardano blockchain
No dependencies.
Identus is publicly available under the Hyperledger Umbrella and it will remain like that, VDR will be included in the Identus project as its own repository.
We aim to build a VDR to allow the creation and resolution of DID linked resources. The VDR implementation will be agnostic on where the files are going to be stored and this responsibility is then delegated to drivers, which define how, where the files are stored and how to fetch them.
As part of this proposal we will deliver a documented and well designed specification for the VDR interface and public API. Drivers are pluggables and developers will always be in charge of which one to integrate when building.
We propose to initially develop 2 drivers, each one with different properties and use-cases the first one will store resources in a database and the second one will be storing resources on Cardano.
Currently Identus ecosystem is using a database to store did linked resources.
We have several examples:
As its always been in our effort to bridge the gap between Identity and Cardano as a whole we think this will close the gap. Developers will not need to trust a server that tells them what is revoked but instead, nobody will need to rely on a central party and instead prove and validate things by themselves.
VDR Stands for verifiable data registry, apart from defining where we store the resource, we are also sure that the data was created by the right party and has not mutated
We are highly confident as this initiative is led by what was the Atala Tribe in the past, we have enough resources to make it through in aprox in 10 months.
We will start by defining the base interface and architecture in Hyperledger Identus and set the base structure for the project, after that is completed we will need to start exposing and building documentation for the VDR public API and Driver's interface.
Drivers will be the last peace and as we specified the Cardano specific ones will live in IOHK repositories, VS the more generic implementation (database) and the VDR component will live under the Hyperledger repository.
First deliverable should take us more or less about 1 or 2 months, and during the first milestone we will Start documenting and designing the public API of the VDR and create a dummy inMemory driver as proof of concept.
We will also work on improving the existing documentation and expose the VDR component architecture, decision records, public API and Drivers interface.
Second deliverable will take 4 to 5 months and during this phase we will integrate the VDR component into the Agent API and expose it through API endpoints.
By then, we will already include documentation on how to use the VDR API's
Create a new implementation of the Driver API which uses a database to store resources
Implement the Cardano Driver
Create wrapping-up documentation for the VDR, on how to use it, configure it and how to implement the Driver interface.
At this point we will also start adding the VDR documentation in the Identus documentation examples, present the feature in a public community workshop, etc
Final milestone will deliver a well documented VDR component to use in Identus SDK.
The repository will be published under the IOHK github account not Hyperledger as it is directly related to Cardano as a blockchain and less about Idenitity.
We still need to take a decision on what goes where. Potentially what would make more sense:
In Hyperledger
In IOHK github
Javier Ribó
Fabio Pinhero
Gonçalo Frade
Yurii Shynbuiev
Benjamin Voiturier
Shailesh Patil
Allain Magyar
Some of us will be participating in the architecture, others on development, documentation and testing.
We will allocate engineering efforts on all the milestones trying to focus on the deliverables of each milestone.
During the first phase we will document all the stack and implement a dummy wrapper that we can use for quick integration and further development.
Second phase we will start integration with the cloud agent and create others drivers.
All funds are allocated to engineering efforts, QA and documentation.
We are going to bridge the gap between Identity, Identus community and Cardano by creating a well documented VDR API and a driver that will be using Cardano blockchain as source on where to store:
JWT Credential revocation registry
Anoncreds Credential defintion
JWT and Anoncreds Credential schema