Last updated 5 months ago
There is currently no native physical product marketplace on Cardano that uses smart contracts as a transactional layer. This is an unexplored use case for the Cardano blockchain.
This is the total amount allocated to Adabuy P2P.
Adabuy aims to be the marketplace for physical products, native to cardano. User can buy products using their cardano wallet. Using the blockchain as a transactional layer.
No dependencies
MIT license open source
How do you perceive the problem you are solving?
Adabuy aims to be the marketplace for physical products native to Cardano. Using the blockchain as a transactional layer allows users to buy and sell using any Cardano wallet in the ecosystem. Currently, e-commerce exchange is little explored and is one of the most important use cases in which blockchain can be applied. This can be seen from Amazon's global annual net sales volume in 2023, which stood at over US$574 billion.
The main problem with adding blockchain to an e-commerce is the expensive use of hardware trackers that determine whether a product was delivered to the buyer or not in cases of dispute. These devices should theoretically provide all the information via chain, which represents technical challenges such as scalability, constant internet connection, computer manipulation, interference, etc.
There is another way to ensure the truth about whether a product was successfully delivered to the buyer without using hardware. This is done through a P2P system with appeals like the one Binance uses for transactions between people using physical bank accounts. This system can be applied to adabuy for the negotiation of products and ensures that there is a fair resolution of conflict cases.
Peer-to-Peer cryptocurrency exchange services such as localbitcoins or binance P2P have proven to be systems that work for secure trades. These systems are based on trust rating and involve real-world action on the part of the buyer such as making a transaction to the bank account provided by the seller. In Binance P2P, disputes between buyers and sellers can be addressed through an appeal process. Common reasons for initiating an appeal involves problems with payment confirmation, disagreements over payment quality, or disputes regarding trade terms. To protect the cryptocurrency involved in the trade an escrow system locks the funds.
Both the buyer and seller are afforded the opportunity to present evidence or explanations supporting their case during the appeal. A mediation team at Binance reviews the appeal carefully considering the evidence and arguments put forth by both parties. Subsequently, Binance reaches a decision which may involve upholding the original trade agreement, releasing funds from escrow to the appropriate party, or taking other actions based on the specific circumstances of the dispute. In ADABUY this role is performed by mediators who decide on appeals.
BINANCE ACTIVE USERS At the end of 2023, Binance reached approximately 170M+ registered users. A large percentage of users carry out P2P negotiations using bank accounts and physical world payment methods. Binance has demonstrated that the Peer-to-Peer exchange system with appeal mechanism is effective and scalable.
How does it work?
Product sell orders are individual Plutus V3 scripts using AIKEN validators. These scripts or smart contracts have a state machine logic that allows the successive execution of states through triggers. In other words, a state allows the security of the execution of certain logic belonging to the state. You cannot move from one state to another if the required conditions are not met. Using a state machine logic allows the development of each of the negotiation stages required in the sale and purchase of a product. The stages are the following:
The seller creates a sell order in the UI and the backend blockchain integration returns a transaction in the form of a cbor to be sent and signed in the browser with a Cardano wallet. This transaction contains the seller's collateral that guarantees that his obligation to deliver the product will be fulfilled, otherwise he could lose the collateral. Once the plutus v3 script is deployed on the blockchain, its first state is "waiting" this means waiting for a buyer.
The sales order is now on the blockchain and are now visible to the buyer who clicks the buy button on their user interface just like in any e-commerce app. The transaction is sent to the blockchain along with the ADA corresponding to the price of the product. If the transaction is validated then the script datum goes to "Locking" which blocks the funds.
The seller receives the purchase notification and sends the product to the seller. The seller signs the transaction and the script datum in the blockchain goes to the "Shipping" state.
This is the final stage of a successful trade. If the buyer receives the correct product he presses the "received" button, signs the transaction and sends it to the network. This causes the script to go into the "received" state.
This smart contract status indicates that the trade of the product is in dispute due to non-fulfillment of obligations by either the seller or the buyer. Here adabuy assigns a mediator who can determine the causes of the problem and decide based on the evidence. Buyer Penalty, Seller Penalty, Contract Nullity, Normal Termination.
What is the current development progress?
The development of the project started in November 2023. Currently these are the points that have been developed:
What are your reasons for approaching it in the way that you have?
The reason for using a P2P system to solve the unsuccessful cases in the purchase and sale of products is to avoid the high price of tracker hardware and its technical disadvantages. The Binance appeal system is a proof of the effectiveness and high scalability of the P2P system.
Who will your project engage?
To the Cardano open-source community and the entire ecosystem.
How will you demonstrate or prove your impact?
Being an open-source project, the frontend, backend and blockchain integration code become a source or reference for other projects. Anyone can fork and benefit from it. This is a quantitative way to prove a positive impact on the Cardano community.
Other ways to quantitatively prove impact on the community is the use of the application using web analytics to extract the number of unique users who visit the site monthly. As well as the people who trade buy and sell products.
Logo - Branding.
In what way will the success of your project bring value to the Cardano Community?
A search of Cardano explorers using keywords like (e-commerce, eBay, AliExpress, Amazon, Bestbuy ) reveals that there are currently no DApps or proposals providing a marketplace solution for trading physical products.
Cardano Cube:
How will you measure this impact?
How will you share the outputs and opportunities that result from your project?
My open source contributions in Cardano:
The goal of dyortool is to establish a repository of essential research reports on Cardano projects, where reports containing high-quality and verifiable information are rewarded with AUDIT tokens.
The aim of Auditocean is to create a repository of research reports on Cardano projects conducted by experts known as auditors. While it shares similarities with dyortool, the quality of the reports is expected to be higher.
Github account:
Risk and mitigations:
If there is a physical inability to continue the project, all progress will remain fully open source and can be forked, allowing for the cessation of funding. Instructions and a timeline for addressing physical incapacity will be provided in I have extensive experience developing open-source tools that provide real value to the Cardano community. I am passionate about my work and can dedicate a significant portion of my life to creating exceptional projects. The proposed budget is structured over 12 months and will be fulfilled in its entirety.
A. Integration of blockchain indexer: This service allows querying transactions in the blockchain to extract the datum and state.
-Acceptance criteria: create a docker service containing a cardano blockchain indexer with its corresponding kubernetes manifest.
-Evidence of milestone completion: Github commit with the corresponding code.
B.service-state: This service queries the blockchain indexer and relays the information to the browser using SSE technology to update the smart contract status to the user.
-Acceptance criteria: allows to establish an SSE connection from the browser updating the information every second.
-Evidence of milestone completion: Github commit with the corresponding code.
A. service-notification: This service triggers notifications when service-state requires it. Its function is to inform the user in the user interface about the status of the smart contract.
-Acceptance criteria: Contains an express server that sends notifications to the browser using SSE technology.
-Evidence of milestone completion: Github commit with the corresponding code.
B.Product search page view: This page adds the result of the search function to the product search bar. It displays a vertical grid of products with the most important information.
-Acceptance criteria: You can view the products in a vertical grid and click to go to the selected product page.
-Evidence of milestone completion: Github commit with the corresponding code.
A. service-gateway: This service handles all user requests related to the blockchain such as creating transactions.
-Acceptance criteria: Contains an express server with routes that create the cbor transactions and send them to the browser to be signed and sent. It can create transactions corresponding to the state (Waiting, Locking, Shipping, Delivered, Appeal). It contains the AIKEN VALIDATORS.
-Evidence of milestone completion: Github commit with the corresponding code.
Final project delivery report and closeout video
José Caballero - Architect and Software Developer - Plutus Pioneer First Cohort.
Programming language skills:
Skill with tools and others:
My open source contributions in Cardano:
The goal of dyortool is to establish a repository of essential research reports on Cardano projects, where reports containing high-quality and verifiable information are rewarded with AUDIT tokens.
The aim of Auditocean is to create a repository of research reports on Cardano projects conducted by experts known as auditors. While it shares similarities with dyortool, the quality of the reports is expected to be higher.
Github account:
Experience 2021- 2023
Audit tools developer. Content creator. Programmer. DevOps. Kubernetes administrator.
A. Integration of blockchain indexer: (3 month) This service allows querying transactions in the blockchain to extract the datum and state.
-Acceptance criteria: create a docker service containing a cardano blockchain indexer with its corresponding kubernetes manifest.
-Evidence of milestone completion: Github commit with the corresponding code.
B.Service-state: (3 month) This service queries the blockchain indexer and relays the information to the browser using SSE technology to update the smart contract status to the user.
-Acceptance criteria: allows to establish an SSE connection from the browser updating the information every second.
-Evidence of milestone completion: Github commit with the corresponding code.
C. Service-notification:(1.5 month) This service triggers notifications when service-state requires it. Its function is to inform the user in the user interface about the status of the smart contract.
-Acceptance criteria: Contains an express server that sends notifications to the browser using SSE technology.
-Evidence of milestone completion: Github commit with the corresponding code.
D.Product search page view: (1.5 month) This page adds the result of the search function to the product search bar. It displays a vertical grid of products with the most important information.
-Acceptance criteria: You can view the products in a vertical grid and click to go to the selected product page.
-Evidence of milestone completion: Github commit with the corresponding code.
E. Service-gateway: (3 month) This service handles all user requests related to the blockchain such as creating transactions.
-Acceptance criteria: Contains an express server with routes that create the cbor transactions and send them to the browser to be signed and sent. It can create transactions corresponding to the state (Waiting, Locking, Shipping, Delivered, Appeal). It contains the AIKEN VALIDATORS.
-Evidence of milestone completion: Github commit with the corresponding code.
All costs for this project represent the cost of sustaining the full stack developer.
My daily work routine is:
8:00 AM to 12:00AM (4 hours)
2:00PM to 10:00AM (8 hours)
360 hours per month x $7.4 hour = 12 months $31968 USD
Evidence of daily work capacity:
My open source contributions in Cardano:
The goal of dyortool is to establish a repository of essential research reports on Cardano projects, where reports containing high-quality and verifiable information are rewarded with AUDIT tokens.
The aim of Auditocean is to create a repository of research reports on Cardano projects conducted by experts known as auditors. While it shares similarities with dyortool, the quality of the reports is expected to be higher.
Github account: