Last updated 4 months ago
The goal is to reinforce the transparency of Cardano through the inception and implementation of governance systems.
This is the total amount allocated to Constitutional Convention Documentary.
The solution is to document the the process, the convention, ant the experience of the delegates so that these events can be shared with other community members not in attendance.
No Dependencies.
The final project will be distributed on an open source platform (likely YouTube) so all members of the community, and non-members as well, can learn the story of the convention, the perspectives shared, and the innovations and solutions created by the delegates present.
I would also ask delegates, and Cardano community members, to share their own stories and perspectives (that the creates), to be included in the documentary project.
My personal belief is that we always need to make a conscious effort to promote transparency and communication between all parties. My focus with the upcoming Convention is promoting that, and including as many voices and perspectives as possible in that process.
I want to create a documentary, because this what I do professionally. More importantly this is a watershed moment not just for out community, but I believe greater humanity. I think that it is important to capture these events, with the appropriate perspectives and insights to truly create meaning around them, and share them with our peers and prosperity. I do believe that people will look back on this convention, as a large leap forward for the human race. I want to make sure that this story is collected, and protected, for future generations.
My project will engage multiple parties. First, the Delegates I am already communicating with and who I want to follow and document at the Convention. Second, the greater Cardano community - all the members not in attendance. The goal is to create something which can be shared with them, to inform them and document the process. Finally, I want to create this to make sure that members outside the community can become better educated on the careful consideration, respect, and diligence exercised within our community to create equitable governance for all.
This project will be a success, and we will demonstrate the impact of it, if we complete it. By documenting this convention, we are succeeding in our quest to ensure the transparency of governance systems.
This provides and opportunity to include the greater Cardano community who is not in Argentina for the convention in the process. This will provide them with the eyes and ears to to participate in the greater conversation, one that will continue well beyond the first week of December.
Professional, this is what I do. I will create a production team of talented and qualified technical professionals needed to capture the project. But I will also select professional who share my commitment to transparency and believe in the promise of block chain technology.
Pre-Production Plan: With any film project, before any production work begins, I start by creating a project outline. This includes the creation of a shot list, the creation of an interview list, and a the acquisition of the necessary permits required. Finally the hiring of the necessary production and post-production personnel.
A detailed report following the production process recounting the production details. How many minutes of content captured? Who where the subjects interviewed? What potential interviews still need to be recorded? What additional footage has been requested. What additional supporting footage was captured? Finally, what are the post-production estimates regarding budget and timeline.
The Completed Project. This is a cut of the film completed and distributed to the Cardona Community, evidence will be a shareable link to the film. This also includes the written Project Output report.
As a producer, I will handle the logistical challenges of Production. I intend to hire two cinematographers and one audio engineer, who have experience working on non-narrative projects. While I know many experience production professionals, I am looking for ones whose values and interest regarding this project specifically align with mine.
Other than that, I intent to hire the necessary post production professionals to complete the project.
Pre-Production: ₳1,000
Crew Travel and support: ₳20,000
Production: ₳7,000
Rented Equipment: ₳12,000
Post Production: ₳30,000
As a professional producer and line producer in Los Angeles, I based these off of the current "industry rates" for working professionals in the world of film and television. These are the going rates of the necessary, experienced professionals, needed to bring this project to life.