Last updated 4 months ago
The Stable Order maintains several repositories related to Djed, Gluon and other stability-related projects, which need a bounty program to incentivize devs to fix issues and make improvements.
This is the total amount allocated to [ DjedAlliance - StableOrder ] Bounties for Coding Tasks and Bug Fixes.
A decentralized software development approach: we will establish a bounty program in github, where issues that need to be solved are assigned a reward, which will be earned by any dev who solves it.
No dependencies.
Our code repositories have code licensed in a variety of licenses, such as MIT, Apache 2.0, GPL, AEL.
We, The Stable Order, are a decentralized and open organization with more than 70 members (and, proudly, 0 employees and 0 chiefs). We have a total of 60 repositories ( and of projects aligned with our mission of making the world stable. These repositories include all known open-source implementations of the Djed Stablecoin Protocol (Agenor/SigmaUSD, Belus/MilkomedaDjedOsiris, Zephyr), of the Gluon Stablecoin Protocol, as well as implementations of self-stabilizing staking protocols, fair fundraising, prediction pools, ...
To know more about who we are and how we work together, collaboratively,
read the following:
Over the course of software development, it is normal for code to accumulate technical debt and code smells. Bugs that were not noticed during the initial development may be uncovered. And, furthermore, it is generally necessary to maintain the code, to keep it up-to-date with the latest libraries and standards.
Because developing new projects is always more fun than maintaining older projects, maintenance-related issues may end up being neglected.
For a decentralized organization like ours, a decentralized bounty program appears to be the most suitable way to tackle such software maintenance challenges.
Our bounty program takes inspiration from the eXtremely Distributed Software Development methodology ( and from Ergo's bounty program, and adapts itself to our context.
So, how will it work?
All our repos are for projects that are related to Cardano. The bounties will further improve the code quality of these projects and, therefore, will benefit Cardano.
Furthermore, this could serve as an experiment into decentralized software development that could pave the way for similar methodologies to be applied to the development of Cardano itself, should the Cardano community ever decide to decentralize this development from the currently IOG-centered development or should IOG decide to hand over development to the community.
This experiment could also serve as inspiration for other projects building on and for Cardano.
Dr. Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo (a.k.a. Zahnentferner) has already received and managed more than 1 million USD in research grants in several countries and always achieved the goals of the proposed projects.
The Stable Order now counts 76 members, including both knights and benefactors. Together with the almost 2000 devs from AOSSIE and many devs from the Cardano Talent Network, with whom we maintain a close relationship, we have a large pool of devs that could contribute to the bounty program, making it a success. The devs have a wide range of experience and familiarity with our code bases. This will allow us to assign simpler issues to less experienced devs, but will also allow us to assign more difficult issues to more experience devs with previous knowledge of our code bases.
Output: create the unified lists of issues with bounties available
Acceptance criteria: the lists should be in github, using github's project feature.
Evidence of milestone completion: links to the lists.
Output: 12 "Bounty Available" issues fixed.
Acceptance criteria: PRs fixing the issues should be merged into the main branch of the repos.
Evidence of Milestone completion: links to the PRs.
Output: 13 "Bounty Available" issues fixed.
Acceptance criteria: PRs fixing the issues should be merged into the main branch of the repos.
Evidence of Milestone completion: links to the PRs.
Output: 12 "Bounty Available" issues fixed.
Acceptance criteria: PRs fixing the issues should be merged into the main branch of the repos.
Evidence of Milestone completion: links to the PRs.
Output: 13 "Bounty Available" issues fixed.
Acceptance criteria: PRs fixing the issues should be merged into the main branch of the repos.
Evidence of Milestone completion: links to the PRs.
Close-out report and close-out video, according to catalyst's criteria.
Dr. Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo (a.k.a. Zahnentferner), founder of the Djed Alliance and of the Stable Order, will be responsible for setting up the program.
All other 70+ members of The Stable Order will be able to propose and tag issues. (Join our Discord to see who are the members.)
Any dev will be able to fix a bounty issue.
The funds requested will be used to pay bounties of variable amounts to issues of variable difficulties. The funds requested will also be used to advertise the program and to manage the program, while keeping the marketing and managing overheads as low as possible.
Thanks to the fact that we have a large number of repositories and projects as well as access to a large number of devs, we will be able to run this program with low overhead, thanks to economies of scale.
As described in our milestones, we aim to fix at least 50 issues.
150000 ADA / 50 = 3000 ADA per issue on average, including overheads for management and marketing of the program.
Considering that, on average, issues may require deep knowledge of the code and refactoring that may take several days of work, the cost per issue above is a cost-effective way of maintaining our repos, in comparison with the cost of hiring highly skilled devs.