Last updated 4 months ago
A Blockchain-Powered Platform Using Zero-Knowledge Proofs to Safely Record, Verify, and Incentivize Accurate Profesional Work History, Offering Anonymous, Trustworthy CVs for Employers and Job Seekers
This is the total amount allocated to Open CV; incentivize for better tracking&matching in professional life.
[team needed]
Employ game theory for person to track the professional life on the chosen granularity.
Incentives on both contract sides to be truthful and transparent while not losing biz./personal secret.
plugins for trackers like Jira to connect an issue to it's "cvchain" representation
The project will be released on open-source GitHub using the MIT License.
Open CV is a public blockchain that incentivizes people to track they professional life-journey as verified yet obfuscated succession of work related events.
There is a need to create trusted source of professional work record track for the purposes of finding the new job or hiring the right people. Such trusted source aims to be granular yet anonymous enough to protect business secrets related to the daily tasks. Such track record needs to be public with everyone interested in it’s truthfulness and should further incentivize users to expand it and come to common acceptable outcomes when multiple parties involved.
People do change work for variety of reasons. The main input for the next employer oftentimes is the Curriculum Vitae of the candidate. The first contact for the applicant is in general some sort of Human Resources of the company or even an external recruiter beforehand. In this setup applicant will apply with unverified CV to the recruiter/employer’s HR that has little to none knowledge about the technical nuances of it’s firm or domain they’re recruiting for.
Open CV is a blockchain (Cardano sidechain) that incentivizes people to keep they’re work-track record up to date and truthful. The Biggest advantage is the mechanism to tell about ones achievements without leaking the company’s project secrets thanks to technology of zero-knowledge proofs. Working on the project often consists of loads of micro tasks. When teams are assembled there is natural inclination of each person to take care of things he/she is good at. When I am an Java developer and mine specialization in functional paradigm in Java I can bring to the table distinct features then the person that does Java too, but focuses on Hibernate. We might be colleagues and work years on the same project and we will describe it in our Cvs with the same technical tags while our personal involvement in it’s technical parts will differ. There is a need to develop a tools that one can use to truthfully track of his/her additions to the project, the little things that the whole is built of and to be able to catalog them in they’re CV living on a ledger that is tamper proof. During that cataloging process, the analogues to the actual task can be made which will be verified by company/colleagues and added to the completitors experience list.
As an asset manager within the company, I often work with the excel. To complete an assignment I have created an Excell macro that after further parametrization the team can use on the next project.
Therefore within my personal work history I can be further recognized as someone that does things this way. Also for the employers, they may be looking for the senior colleague to the team that excels in certain tasks, therefore they can query the CV chain to blindly find the candidate without compromising the candidate’s past experiences secrets. On the other hand candidate when approached by the company can query company’s or even it’s employees (potential new colleagues) experiences, strengths or create a mental projection of how thing are being done here and whether there is a fit for her/him to expand on the strengths.
The professions like programmers often already use tools in daily tasks. May it be Jira for task tracking, BitBucket for PR reviews and software versioning or the sophisticated IDE; this tools can be extended with the plugin that would help to describe the task and with which the obfuscated validity would be verified in the team and afterwards catalogized in the public chain.
With the rapid development of the LLM tools the first-contact personal may become obsolescent. More so when such personnel lacks deep knowledge of the domain as such, can not report to the candidate how the company does things on the granularity that actually matters or may be simply humanly short of recognizing the applicant’s profile from the first-contact talk.
With the blockchain guaranteeing authenticity of previously verified and recorded personal experiences, there is already a lot of metadata that can prove candidate’s strength or disprove company’s claims.
In the future, there may be companies that will try to be transparent and furthercoming to they’re workers by using the tools created to safely track worker’s achievements and therefore marked as “Open CV Compliant” provided to workers as a benefit.
With the LLM in between, the whole process can become very targeted, accurate and transparent overall.
When talking important things like job it is irresponsible to rely on layers between corporate and candidate that generally don’t understand the domain or may work on fraudulent foundations the stakes are high. Let’s employ technology like distributed trust, zero-knowledge proofs within the well incentivized ecosystem and help both sides of the agreement to sign the better match.
Transition to truth led by incentives for better matches enabled by advanced technologies tends to move communities forward
No team assembled yet
Develop tokenomics to incentivize new input and it's validation (by trusted parties eg. colleagues)
Create a platform, portal-like web solution, that will be used to input person's professional experiences from the past. Initial import where game theory applies so that most of the input is verified by some other party like PM from that project. Connecting successions of events/tasks/projects incentivized for peer validation or meta-description is rewarded.
Develop at least one plugin for tool like Jira or Bitbucket for connecting an acceptably obfuscated task/job/PR description with one's profile. Granularity vary; some may use much high-level view if not incnetivized enough.
Migrate, import test person and company and try to match they're properties without revealing the details. Add more and grow profiles.
Designer, Programmers+Tester
[needs a proper analysis]
If asking Cardano ecosystem specific, I believe this can be done as Cardano's sidechain, therefore more overall users.