Last updated 5 months ago
This Service will solve:
This is the total amount allocated to Work4Coins - Website to hire freelancers With Payments in ADA & CNA.
We will create a freelance platform where companies and clients could:
No dependencies.
At the development stage, the project will be closed. After audit and delivery, within 6 months the project will become open source
One of the ways to increase Cardano adoption is to introduce as many real-life use cases as possible. Freelance websites force users to share their private info, pay bank fees, high platform commissions and taxes when they don't have to. Most freelancers are not exposed to cryptocurrencies. And web2 platforms are not willing to adopt crypto payments.
I'm a Frontend developer with 5+ years of experience, and I know how to build websites. I also know that the Cardano ecosystem is not only about tech, it is also about people. A freelance platform will onboard new users into the Cardano ecosystem and will take a step further in introducing Cardano to the general public.
I had experience with other Freelancers platforms and was upset about commissions and KYC.
The project will engage people who want work online and companies/individuals who need their services.
We will create a portal where freelancers and clients will be able to post jobs, apply for jobs and make business without KYC. Payments will be via smart contract
Currently 1,5 billion people are working on freelance
Cardano community will increase in numbers when there will be more use cases. Also freelance platform will attract more qualified and skilled specialists in different spheres. For example, we found a professional designer, explained to her the Cardano basics and payed her in ADA. That's win-win situation
So, our project will create one more use case:
Our project will remove mediators - banks, in the exchange between clients and freelancers.
The proposer possesses the capability to deliver the project with high levels of trust and accountability based on their working experience. Previously, the proposer had experience in teaching courses, where all lectures were held live according to the schedule.
The lectures were conducted and prepared by the applicant. This demonstrates the ability to build a work schedule, stick to it and achieve your goals.
Here are the key factors that demonstrate their capability and accountability:
The proposer has skills in the following areas that are necessary to complete the project:
Moreover, the proposer has contacts with other developers in various fields, from design to smart contracts.
1 month (UI/UX Design):
2 month (Frontend):
3 month (Backend)
4 month (Smart Contract)
Start to form community around the project
5 month (Debugging and Testing)
6 month (Debugging and Testing) + Marketing
Anastasia Polozova - CTO, Senior Frontend developer (React, NextJS)
Dmitrii Bondarenko - Fullstack developer
Roxy Khalyavina - UI/UX Designer
Smart contract developer will be hired from the community
UI/UX Design: 8000 Ada (hired specialist)
Frontend + Debugging and Testing: 20000 Ada
Backend: 25000 Ada
Smart Contracts: 50000 Ada (perhaps a hired specialist from the community)
Marketing: 15000 Ada
Paid services and unforeseen expenses: 2000 ADA
The cost of this project represents excellent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem, offering a low-risk, high-reward project.
Low Risk: The project will be developed in a popular business sphere. Freelance market is very active. Easy to advertise and engage people.
Education and Awareness: The service will also provide materials on how to use Cardano (initiate Cardano wallet, buy ADA, payments) in several languages (Russian, English, other languages will be added later).
Cost-Effectiveness: The money requested will be used to develop a product that meets the market requirements and Cardano's adaptation needs. Project audience will be gradually integrating into the Cardano ecosystem.