Cardano Use Cases: Product

Cardano Use Cases: Product is for established blockchain projects and teams looking to enhance existing applications and propositions by significantly extending current features and capabilities. The project must be for the benefit of the Cardano ecosystem and drive adoption and growth of transactions.  

Applications must include evidence of a working product in a mature state and has either already deployed on Cardano or will be achieved using Cardano as the result of the proposal.

All funds total so far

0 funded proposals are already completed. Dive into the total milestones, comparing complete, in-progress, and to be completed milestones across this project set.

Total funds requested
Distributed: ₳1,514,662
Remaining: ₳6,980,652
Proposal status:
Complete 0
In progress 19
Onboarding 4
Did not finish 0

About this category


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