Last updated 5 months ago
The average internet user lacks awareness of the importance & benefits of Cardano blockchain decentralization. Without this knowledge, users are less likely to understand or participate in Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to Educational Google Advertising Campaigns. Cardano Decentralization.
I will run eye catching online Google advertising campaigns to educate internet users on the importance of Cardano blockchain decentralization, highlighting Cardano unique features and benefits.
No dependencies.
All of the projects outputs will be published
Google Ads is a powerful platform for reaching a global audience, developing targeted campaigns focused on educational content about the importance, potential, features, and benefits of The Cardano blockchain decentralization. This campaigns will target 10 English-speaking countries, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Ireland.
Key Objectives:
Raise Awareness: Create and run targeted Google Ads campaigns to reach individuals interested in Cardano blockchain, educating them about decentralization and Cardano’s role in advancing it.
Increase Cardano Engagement: Funnel traffic from the Google Ads campaign to educational landing pages, Cardano's website, and community forums.
Promote Decentralized Applications (dApps): Showcase decentralized applications built on Cardano, encouraging users to interact with them.
Expand Network Participation: Encourage users to learn more about how they can support and participate in Cardano’s decentralized network through staking, voting, and building on the platform.
Campaign Strategy:
1. Keyword Research & Targeting:
2. Ad Content Creation:
3. Landing Pages and Content:
This project can bring value to Cardano ecosystem by effectively reaching potential users and investors who are interested in blockchain technology and decentralized finance. All this can significantly benefit the wider Cardano community by:
2. Community Engagement: By creating compelling ad content that resonates with our target audience, we can spark conversations around Cardano’s values and developments. Engaging ads can encourage participation in community forums, discussions, and events, fostering a stronger sense of belonging among current and prospective members.
3. Educating Potential Users: Many individuals are still unfamiliar with blockchain technology. Our ads will not only promote Cardano but also educate users on its functionalities, advantages, and real-world applications. This educational aspect can demystify the technology, making it more accessible to a wider audience.
4. Support for Local Initiatives: By directing ads towards local Cardano projects and initiatives, we can support grassroots efforts that align with the community’s goals. This localized approach will help build strong connections within the community and promote collaborative projects.
5. Data-Driven Insights: Utilizing Google’s analytics tools, we can gather valuable data on user interactions with our ads. This information will enable us to refine our strategies continuously, ensuring that our campaigns are effective and aligned with the community’s needs.
6. Economic Growth: By attracting new participants and investments, the campaign can drive economic growth within the Cardano ecosystem. More users and developers mean more projects, innovations, and ultimately, a more robust network.
By implementing this Google advertising proposal, we can elevate the Cardano community’s presence in the digital and physical landscape. Together, we can strengthen Cardano's position as a leader in the blockchain space.
Metrics for Success:
I've been actively involved in the Cardano community since 2017, actively promoting it across platforms like X, forums, and Discord, while participating in preview and testnet projects. My commitment is to promote Cardano through educational efforts, focusing on decentralization, self-governance, Catalyst funding, open-source development, and scalability.
Driven by my passion for true blockchain decentralization, I founded before the F13 launch to offer educational content and promote official Cardano resources. My efforts are aimed at building a resilient and sustainable blockchain community.
I provide transparent financial reporting, sharing all transactions with the community, and prioritize real-time communication on fund status and strategy updates. My approach ensures responsible fund management with accountability and long-term vision.
1 Web hosting setup, and website creation
A. Milestone outputs: Web hosting and domain name setup done, both paid.
Website already created since August 2024 with a 90% of progress, created for educational posts about Cardano blockchain decentralization, and all related important Cardano topics.
B. Acceptance criteria: Finish website design, have it ready for landing pages and content creation.
C: Evidence of milestone completion: Website running smoothly with educational content.
Content Creation
A. Milestone outputs:
B. Acceptance criteria: Correct display of the WordPress posts, correct assign of categories and tags, precise selection of related keywords, and optimized for search engine optimization (SEO).
C. Evidence of milestone completion: A list of functional educational posts, with focus on decentralization, and other related educational Cardano topics.
Infographic Development
A. Milestone outputs:
B: Acceptance criteria: Easy and understandable infographics including relevant info of each selected Cardano educational topic. Readable and functional posts with the infographics.
C. Evidence of milestone completion: A list of infographics created each month.
Ongoing Management
A. Milestone outputs:
B. Acceptance criteria: Professional design and look of the landing pages and posts. Check up of the functionality, keywords, target audience, and time of campaigns.
C. Evidence of milestone completion: Google Advertising and analytic reports showing the regions, audience targeted, number of impressions, and spent time of visits to the content.
Campaign Launch
A. Milestone outputs:
B. Acceptance criteria: Campaigns should be ready with a professional post with educational content, selected keyworks, and accepted by Google advertising program, execute the first payment for the first month, run the first campaign, followed by the second month campaign, and so on.
C. Evidence of milestone completion:
List of the posts used for each campaign.
List of posts shared on X
Reports for each campaign from Google Ads/Analytics.
Proof in PDF files of all payments and reports available at Google drive.
Evidence of milestone completion
A. Milestone outputs:
Project Close-out Report and Video
B. Acceptance criteria:
Have ran all planned campaigns and spent all the approved budget.
Keep a functional and good maintenance of the website.
C. Evidence of milestone completion:
Receipts and Payment Documentation
Receipt in PDF format for the Google Ads payment.
All links and receipts will be available via Google Drive.
Campaign Reporting
Reports of all campaigns in PDF format.
Post Publication Tracking
A file report of the published posts on X (formerly Twitter).
Pedro Robles, originally from Mexico & living in USA. This is a solo project, with all tasks already planned and able to be successfully completed by one person within a one-year timeframe.
1. Google Annual advertising budget: 60,970 ADA
2. Resources Annual Expenses: 1,030 ADA
3. All services annual budget: 36,000 ADA
Total: 98,000 ADA.
Note: The budget is based at ADA price: $0.40 USD.
These costs are based on current Google Advertising prices, and the campaigns are going to be running weekly, for 12 months.
The cost of this project for the provided services is highly competitive, proportional to the average wage in the USA, offering the Cardano ecosystem excellent value for professional services from a dedicated and responsible individual. Given current market conditions, this represents one of the best deals available for the ecosystem in terms of expertise and affordability.
Also, the project's expenses represent a substantial investment in the Cardano ecosystem, with costs carefully estimated to align with expected benefits, ensuring fairness. This proposal includes clear metrics to measure success, enabling an evaluation of return on investment and real impact. Backed by my proven experience in delivering efficient and transparent project execution.
Leveraging Google Ads will provide Cardano with the opportunity to access a market of 500 million English-speaking individuals, significantly expanding its reach and visibility.