Generating technical content in Hindi for onboarding the Indian student community on the cardano blockchain.
This is the total amount allocated to Onboarding Indian College students to Cardano.
A series of lecutres on cardano ecosystem, technicals and development onboarding in hindi. Mostly targeting the college student and young developer demographic of India .
no dependencies
All lectures will be in the public domain
Currently, India is churning out lots of engineers each year which take up a lot of jobs and become entrepreneurs in different IT fields. There are huge tech influencers in India which push the public developer and student engineering narrative towards a specific industry or job. Most of these influencers make Youtube videos in Hindi and are aimed at college student and young developers. Although, we have solana and ethereum based content in Hindi on youtube, there is none yet on cardano and pushes more and more students towards these blockchains. Therefore, there is a gap of such content for Indian student population which churns out more than 1 million people every year . I am planning to solve this by proposing to release high quality lectures on cardano fundamentals (both technical and non-technical) which would onboard these young engineers to cardano.
The project would bring a lot of new users, investors and entrepreneurs to the cardano ecosystem which would lead to new innovation and use cases and a reduced developer cost because of the new entrants in the developer pool
I have been involved with the cardano ecosystem since 2 years now and also have a degree in computer science. I have made tutorial videos on cardano development on my Youtube channel and have also served as a Cardano Ambassador as a content creator. In these years, I have been active with development communities on cardano on discord , twitter, telegram and cardano forum .I have also completed the cardano architect course offered by Emurgo. Therefore, I have a high degree of familiarity with the ecosystem and the knowledge required to complete this project.I have already tried publishing lectures in Hindi language which was appluaded on cardano forum and also the cardano foundation.
Generating the list of lectures and the contents of each lecutres. This milestone would also setup online spaces for the Indian cardano community for interacting with each other on telegram and discord.
Lectures 1-4
Lectures 5-8
Final lecture and publishing all the code to github. This milestone would also have a livestream and a Q&A session if there are any questions by the community.
Prerak Malik
I will be involved with the lecture curation, generating the lecutres, video editing and managing the community
Video editing and publishing the lecutres 10,000 ADA
Coding , research and generating study material for the lectures 25,000 ADA
Miscellaneous and community handling 5000 ADA
This content would ensure that a lot more developers are onboarded to the cardano community. This would lead to more innovation, reduced development costs due to influx of new debelopers and varied use cases cause of new enterprises that might onboard to cardano.