Last updated 4 months ago
Although the Cardano ecosystem is at the forefront of decentralized governance, current CIP1994 implementation is vulnerable to common democracy flaws, i.e: Incumbent advantage, and rational ignorance
This is the total amount allocated to Respect Games bond community and bring value to Cardano Ecosystem through Fractal Governance Pilot Project.
UpScale DAO
We postulate that both, Incumbent advantage and Rational Ignorance can be minimized by applying a permanent Respect Game, which randomizes the participants into small groups of p2p accountability
No dependencies.
MIT license.
Core Protocol
The presented protocol is based on the ideas of this whitepaper, which states:
"Money can be viewed as a measure of respect someone has earned for past contributions to a community. We value money because others value money. Money is therefore respected. When money transfers hands, one person loses this measure of community respect and another person gains it. When you sell a product that someone in the community values, you earn respect. Note that all “property”, of any form, is a measure of respect. Theft of “property” is a form of disrespect... "
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Consider a small community within the Cardano ecosystem, no larger than 1K members. We propose to tokenize a community-agreed measure of the Respect each participant deserves.
Respect by its very nature, cannot be bought, sold or transferred. It can only be earned by deeds. The greater the feat, the greater the earned Respect.
The proposed protocol works as follows:
Part I: Overall setup
Part II: Members' contributions
Part III: Community Council
The above presented process can be fractalized to both communities within communities or communities of communities. Thence, we call it Fractal Governance.
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This proposal aims to get financing to conduct a pilot project of the above protocol using Cardano as a test community and ADA as the transferable token. The meetings will be open to any community member that wants to play and bond.
This proposal doesn't aim to develop the necessary smart contracts to bring the game on chain; the required budget for that would be much larger than what's requested here.
Conducting a super low cost pilot, using web2 tools, measuring relevant data, familiarizing the community with the proposed protocol while receiving feedback from the community is what this proposal is all about.
In human organizations, those who are in positions of power can, and have the incentive to, leverage on their power to increase the likelihood of remaining in power. This is an emergent phenomenon, inherent to most forms of democracy, known as Incumbent Advantage. It is well known and documented in political science. Incumbent Advantage tends to degenerate into cartel and, eventually, ruling elites formation; the ultimate form of centralization. A no-and-no for Cardano.
On the other hand, Rational Ignorance refers to a decision, an individual may take, to remain uninformed about something because the cost of acquiring the information (in terms of time, effort, or money) outweighs the perceived benefit of having that knowledge. This concept is often applied in economics, political science and choice theory, particularly in voting behavior.
In the case of the Cardano ecosystem, the effects of Rational Ignorance are mitigated by the delegation system. However, this has the unintended consequence of amplifying Incumbent Advantage. This is because, by its very nature, delegation removes the incentive of delegators to verse themselves in the nuances of the ecosystem. Given that knowledge is power, this increases the relative power difference between delegators and delegates. This power difference is then further amplified by other factors such as name recognition and the establishment of support networks whose information flow can easily be affected by the incumbent. The more advantage the incumbents gets, the more susceptible the system becomes to centralization.
Centralization of power in itself isn't a bad thing; centralization of power tied with lack of effective accountability is. Thence, we propose a solution in which every bit of power, any entity has within a community, is constantly legitimized while Incumbent Advantage and Rational Ignorance are both significantly reduced.
The presented gamification of Respect is already being used successfully in several crypto-communities in which a Delegated Proof Of Stake system failed to preserve decentralization.
Most notably as a big part of the EOS community grew unhappy with governance decisions from the block producers, who have got into power by community voting and then self perpetuated via vote buying, the only currently surviving groups are operating under the protocol presented here, even under extreme conditions of lack of funding.
Three examples of communities running successfully this protocol and growing and bringing value to their corresponding ecosystem are:
The successful implementation of the Respect Game protocol will be done in three stages. Each stage will have its corresponding milestone.
First Stage: Teasing for Engagement
Period: First month, starting at the day of receiving funds.
Milestone funding amounts: 3K ADA
Second Stage: Execution and data collection
Period: 2nd to 5th months
Milestone funding amounts:
Period: 2nd to 5th months
Milestone funding amounts:
Period: 6th month
Milestone funding amounts:
Name: Jorge Ramos.
Project manager, Protocol design and optimization
Name: Vladislav Hramtsov
Principal developer
Name: Lennar Lehestik
Frontend Developer
Milestone stage 1:
Milestone stage 2:
Milestone stage 3:
Prizes for participants: 100 ADA on average/participant x 20 estimated participants/meeting x 22 meetings = 44K ADA.
For any human organization to be successful, culture is one of the most important things to get right.
Having a quantified measure of the contributions each member has done to a community, and to tie that to a symbol of Respect, of who is who; who is actually pushing things forward. Who is actually doing the work, what quality is being obtained from each individual or entity and in what quantities and, most importantly, create a culture in which this information is legitimized by active community consensus. This may be the single most important cultural shift any community needs to do in order to be able to effectively chose who should arrive to positions of power.
Allowing this information to be updated efficiently —not every quarter after results are evident— but as fast as possible, can determine community assertiveness and pivoting capacity amid times where DAOs are competing for resources of every imaginable kind.
In the above presented budget, about 90% of all the requested funds will be redirected to the community in the form of prizes. The overall effect will be that the Cardano ecosystem will make an investment, and get almost 90% of that investment returned to its members within the next six months.
But then it is the big plus: getting the added super benefit of having arrived to consensus, at least in regards to the participants of this pilot, about the honesty and caliber of contributions from each individual; and being sure that funds were given mostly to the most respected individuals according to a Pareto distribution, as is natural to the quality and quantity of the work done by people in organizations. Plus, making sure that this recognition is tied to both a monetary reward and a symbol of status.
There are other benefits of implementing this process such as community bonding, familiarizing everyone with everyone's work; increased harmony and communication and participation, among others. Al these things can be guaranteed to occur. However, because those goodies are best if seen rather than heard or read, we prefer to let the community experience, first hand, the additional potential benefits of what has been presented so far.
This is real value for the money!