Last updated 4 years ago
There are no new videos to help people learn how to build Smart Contracts that are up to date on using the Plutus and Marlowe Playgrounds
One hour lessons anyone can watch for free that cover different aspects of using Haskell and the Playgrounds to build things on Cardano
This is the total amount allocated to ADA MakerSpace Podcast Series.
One hour lessons anyone can watch for free that cover different aspects of using Haskell and the Playgrounds to build things on Cardano
I have been paying a Haskell developer to learn Plutus and Marlowe and give me lessons & sharing lessons on YouTube and people like them
Our podcast will test and build ideas with Plutus and Marlowe Playgrounds in an open-source online environment. ADA MakerSpacel Podcast Series will help developers and entrepreneurs learn to build Dapps and businesses on Cardano while watching others build their ideas. People watching will get real knowledge and cool opportunities from being involved with our episodes.
Our lessons will be recorded live and lke Bob Ross would say "We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents" is our motto, and what we learn from testing things in the Playgrounds will be available for all to see. We will use some of the funding received to create bounties and giveaways for viewers of the podcast to solve errors seen.
Our lessons would help bring in Haskell developers that have no experience with Plutus and Marlowe and show them how to get started building things on Cardano. Our lessons will also show non-developers how to use Blockly and to think about smart contract design. At ADA MakerSpace Haskell DEVs will get hands-on paid to learn experiences and entrepreneurs will get Dapps built that they may have not been able to fund or create themselves.
ADA MakerSpace will be free to watch and lucky entrepreneurs who are tuning-in and completing bounties can get their ideas built by ADA MarkerSpace DEVs. And those that can afford development can sponsor an episode/s creating funding for the podcast and incubation of ideas built on Cardano.
The proposal is successfully implemented now and the proposer has self-funded 5 episodes on YouTube and at this time has 137 Subscribers, please see the channel here
2 Lessons a week for 2 months = 16 Episodes
(Will do for 4 months if awarded SHOW BOUNTIES FUNDING FROM CH = 32 Episodes) will house videos and code snippets
$3000 HOST Haskell DEV a month ($375 an Episode)
$3000 HOST Front-end DEV a month ($375 an Episode)
$800 monthly for prizes for viewers
Total $13,600, episodes will be free to watch on YouTube, and code created during them will go in to an open-source Github for anyone to use. Time is invested before recording, during recording, and after recording, to produce and share these videos. We are seeking Matching funds from CH Show Bounties Promotion As Seen On YouTube.
You will be investing in improving the skills of the HOSTs of the podcast who will become some of your most dedicated builders in the ecosystem. And every lesson created will be marketing Cardano on YouTube and teaching others how to create things on Cardano blockchain.
136000I have been paying a Haskell developer to learn Plutus and Marlowe and give me lessons & sharing lessons on YouTube and people like them