Last updated 4 years ago
There is a problem with media in general, and with crypto-media in particular. A lot of fake news, biases, lack of research, etc.
Create and distribute content - video programs, and then text versions based on them.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Media Projects.
Create and distribute content - video programs, and then text versions based on them.
I have 3+ years of experience in creating crypto-related content (text and video program) and managing small crypto media.
First of all, I'm very thankful to everyone who left their comments, feedback suggestions. I decided to decrease the number of ADA requested. (I thought to lover it to 77K as I mentioned in the comment, but after speaking with Ambassador Maria Carmo, I decided to agree with her suggestion and to put the amount which would be more or less equal to 10K of USD. Cardano Media Projects is something which I'm already doing on a smaller scale and which I will do even for free (if the proposal is not submitted), but of course, if you support my proposal - I will be able to focus more on this work.
I decided not to stick with the names of the programs (probably I won't use them, leaving them as the reference), but what I promise is to do 2 videos (interviews, programs) a week for the next 6 months or a longer period.
The main challenge is how to bring developers to the Cardano ecosystem so the main focuses of my programs will be:
I. Goguen and Smart-Contracts/
II. Project Catalyst - as now when Cardano has superior governance - more people should know about, more developers and teams should come and submit their proposals.
III. Governance and Economic theory, on the way of Cardano's path to becoming next financial system of the world.
These are 3 main directions, but I won't stick to them only, as crypto space is very dynamic and I will stay up to date. Also, I will use all your suggestions and I invite you to collaborate (as guest, as viewer, or maybe even as co-host)
Regarding languages - I will focus on Russian and Ukrainian, we will translate to them, and also I will organize Cardano meetups in Kyiv (Ukraine) on a monthly or weekly basis (Let's see how the coronavirus situations goes) - to build and maintain local Cardano community.
All the videos will be published on Cryptotexty youtube with 1K+ subscribers
Then they will be published on my crypto-blogs and crypto platforms which I maintain and grow for the last years. Here is the list of the blogs which I have
1. Bitcointalk - Sr.Member with 325+ merit 1150+ activity / 2300+ posts
2. Hive - Reputation 65, number of followers - 1662
3. Steemit - Member since 2017 - 65 reputation, 1651 followers
4. Reddit - Since 2012 - 1.8K Karma
5. Uptrennd - Level 21, 366+ followers
6. Publish0x - 430+ followers
7. Altcoinstalk - Senior member - 380+ activity
8. Trybe - Trybe High Council with over 170K+ tokens
9. - Rating 78
10. - Reputation 65
11. Read.Cash - 60+ subscribers
12. Twitter - Since 2009 - 11k+ followers
Honoring the tradition in the Cardano ecosystem to give names of prominent people to projects, I propose 5 Projects, 5 shows, each will focus on a particular topic.
Project Gaetano - On governance | Project Vilfredo - On tokenomics, cryptoeconomics and economic theory | Project Umberto - On dapps | Project CATO - On marketing strategies, ADA promotion, conversation with Ambassadors (CATO - Cardano Adoption Through Outreach) | Project Cosimo - On trading
Some of the programs will be broadcasted live (Cryptotexty youtube has over 1k subscribers so it's possible to stream live) while others will be recorded on Zoom and published later.
After some time, after the audience is built for each program and when there will be many live viewers - we will use the interactive mode more.
We will make a text version of each show.
Each publication will be also shared on 10+ crypto blog platforms with thousands of total views.
Videos will be also published on LBRY, Dtube.
We will translate texts to Ukrainian and Russian. In Ukrainian text will be published on Ukrainian site + Hive + occasionally. on (one of the top local sites) and
In Russian text will be published on Hub Forklog (one of the top crypto media in the region) + Hive
We will make at least 2 programs a week, hopefully more.
We will align the programs with live meetups when possible and will continue the work towards the creation of Cardano Hub (where media studio will be part of it).
My video presentation of crypto-background and why I'm interested in the Cardano ecosystem
94000I have 3+ years of experience in creating crypto-related content (text and video program) and managing small crypto media.