Last updated 4 years ago
In 2020 LATAM registered the most cryptocurrency users in the world with a mere limited English proficiency (EPI) of 50.34% on average.
Create a comprehensive podcast in Spanish to expose Cardano to new audiences in order to incentivise the use blockchain technology in LATAM.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Podcast in Spanish.
Create a comprehensive podcast in Spanish to expose Cardano to new audiences in order to incentivise the use blockchain technology in LATAM.
A video production company with over 20 years of experience in the film industry working with major telecom franchises such as Millicom.
The proposal consists of 1 podcast per week (called Bloque a Bloque) of approximately 30-45 minutes in length hosted by two native Spanish-speaking entrepreneurs. We emphasize that the funding requested is 145000 for a period of 6 months which will encompass 24 episodes and the respective marketing efforts for the channel to have a good reach.
The purpose of this project is to educate and incentivize the various uses of Cardano in the evolving and developing economy of the Latin American Region (LATAM). The podcasts will be composed of debates and interviews with prominent figures which will help us discuss the commercial benefits and uses of blockchain technology in order to attract entrepreneurs, developers and businesses into our society.
Considering the complexity that Cardano represents for an average user, we will also attempt to increase awareness through easy to follow examples and explanations to encompass a broad range of followers. This will allow us to create an audience composed of beginners and experts alike.
We believe that there is no better way to show our love for this project than by measuring its results. Our main diffusion channels will include Spotify, iTunes and Youtube. As a result, The most important key performance indicators (KPIS) that we will use for our project will consist of the number of downloads, listeners, and subscribers we get every month trying to grow as organically as possible and being transparent with the community uploading a monthly review during the 6 months that we are active.
Evidence LINKS:,followed%20by%20Guyana%20(680%2C000).,not%20speak%20English%20at%20all.
Some of our work:
145000A video production company with over 20 years of experience in the film industry working with major telecom franchises such as Millicom.