Last updated 4 years ago
End user get scammed too often does not have a place to solve daily issues, most of people die not have the knowledge to solve wallet issues
A decentralize platform that bring together expert people willing to help and users needing that help
This is the total amount allocated to Decentralized support.
A decentralize platform that bring together expert people willing to help and users needing that help
Web dev, Dapp dev, Haskell, Plutua
Create a platform for decentralize support to help end user with Cardano platform related issues, everybody with knowledge can participate and get paid, the payment would be with a fixed hour rate, the Goal is reduce the fraud related to people trying to find help with daily issues also increase the awareness and well functioning of the ecosystem the supporters must take a training and get certified before start offering support, support would be offer in 3 tiers from simple to complex. An initial quiz determine the support need it and can even offer quick fixes for common issues.
500,000Web dev, Dapp dev, Haskell, Plutua