Last updated 4 years ago
Further development of ADApools to satisfy users, operators and devs needs and be inline with the Cardano roadmap. is probably the most visited tool that helps delegators from the ITN.
This is the total amount allocated to Further development of is probably the most visited tool that helps delegators from the ITN.
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Problem to solve: is probably the most visited tool that helps delegators from the ITN. The tool provides a comprehensive overview of current staking pools with lots of metrics and a certain degree of prediction to offer the most suitable pool. Users are able to compare and track their favorite pools. The tool allows pool operators to interact with their delegators. ADApools has become an official source of data for the Yoroi Wallet.
However, by its nature, such a tool must remain independent, and therefore it is not possible to accept payments from strong operators for giving them some advantages. It is also not smart to pay for the development via the advertisement. All income should be purely from voluntary donations or sponsored by independent supporters.
You can already see the enthusiasm and many achievements like web, telegram bot, mobile application and others. All that has happened during a few months from the main-net launch.
That is why we would like to get funding for further development. We would like to be inline with the Cardano roadmap and satisfy operators and delegators needs.
Detailed plan:
The obtained funds will be used exclusively for the maintenance and further development of the platform for the next 1 year. It can be expected specifically in these particular areas:
· Maintaining independence and financial freedom. Thus, there will never be a paid advertisement (except the bootstrap initiative).
· Providing more APIs for developers (open db sync, graphql, wallet outputs, pool metrics,…).
· Providing more functions for stakepool operators
· The service development that will respect incoming smart contracts, DeFi marketcaps, voting, transaction explorer, etc.
· More analytical tools.
· Providing support to pool operators by telegram, email.
· Education in the field of staking and pools, creation of tools, thematic articles.
· Mobile application development.
So far, the ADApools has been subsidized exclusively from private funds and created on a voluntary basis, which unfortunately cannot be done indefinitely. The project does not generate any income outside the Cardano Foundation grant: 3x $1000. Then, we obtained a few small donations (donations + Patreon), it was approximately $700. Our further income is generated by the POOL pool with 1,89%.
We would ideally get 250,000 ADA that would ensure the operation and development of the tool according to the financial plan and timeline that is described below. It would help to push the tool to the new quality level.
The obtained funds will not be exchanged on the exchange. They will be exclusively used for 100% holding in exchange for further investments from the private funds.
· 160,000 ADA: Maintenance and development of the web platform and API outputs.
· 40,000 ADA: Estimated costs for the operation of servers, licenses, domains for a period of 1 year.
· 50,000 ADA: A motivational part and the reward for external mobile application developers.
The obtained funds will cover 1 year of the development, with these expectations:
· New API extensions for developers can be expected within 2 months.
· Reward / Portfolio monitoring can be expected within 3 months.
· New / additional version of node stats ( can be expected within 3 months.
· A newer version 2.0 of the mobile application for Google Play and Apple Store with advanced features within 3 months and more another's features next year
· With the gradual release of new Cardano functions (smart contracts, voting, DeFi services, etc.) users can expect continuous expansion of functions on the web platform, mobile application and API outputs.
We could also launch other tools needed for DeFi, Cardano CMC like application, etc.
Funding rounds:
1. 250,000 ADA: Ensuring operation and further development of the platform, licensing and HW for the next 1 year.
2. In another round we would be happy there again with some new tool: smart contract / dapps explorer / DeFi explorer.
UPDATE 2.10.2020:
About main, fund2 question: "How can we encourage developers and entrepreneurs to build Dapps and businesses on top of Cardano in the next 6 months?"
PoS and staking itself is one of the most interesting things on Cardano. We are pretty sure that extend and make ADApools outputs available to more developers will increase the development of dApps. We are going to prepare a few really interesting API. Developers can use it without bothering with testing and configuration. There will be db with stake-pools, dApps, and many related tables with comparisons, outputs, etc.
UPDATE 14.10.2020:
Based on excellent feedback, especially from Daniel, we reduced the required amount and the period of the year when we can move the platform enormously and meet all the set goals, and only if the goals are met we will eventually apply in one of the next phases of the catalyst.
Thereby increasing a certain motivation for us and at the same time the community itself will see what progress and results we will actually deliver and will be able to make further decisions accordingly in the future.
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