Last updated 4 years ago
Currently, there are problems with transparency, selection of sponsors, and lack of motivation for supporters to stand on their own feet.
Develops an automatic sponsorship program when the sponsorship contract is written as a smart contact and meets the criteria for sponsorship
This is the total amount allocated to Trusted Sponsorship System.
Develops an automatic sponsorship program when the sponsorship contract is written as a smart contact and meets the criteria for sponsorship
Ten years of corporate process innovation task involved.
Volunteer - Trusted Sponsorship System(Cardano smart contract) - Sponsor
1. Volunteer page
- plan for get to personal goal
- sponsorship period
- sponsorship amount
2. Trusted Sponsorship System (Smart Contract - multisig fuction)
- List of volunteers
- make a conditions for sponsor (ex, spend amount, spend condition, etc.)
3. using ADA
500,000Ten years of corporate process innovation task involved.