Last updated 4 years ago
Most entrepreneurs/devs wanting to use the blockchain are already doing it, and they will not migrate unless they have the right incentives.
Assess potential incentives for entrepreneurs/devs to migrate by understanding what they love and hate about their current chain.
This is the total amount allocated to Understand developers' feelings.
Assess potential incentives for entrepreneurs/devs to migrate by understanding what they love and hate about their current chain.
MBA Thesis involving research, interviews and surveys.
Worked in market research
Pilot project interviewing startups:
The goal of this work would be to develop a resource to support and serve as a reference for marketers and other proposals, so they can be more informed about what would attract blockchain entrepreneurs and developers to Cardano, thus helping develop more efficient marketing strategies.
It is important to deliver this resource fast, so marketers and other proposers working to address the challenge in Fund2 can take advantage of it. Therefore my intention is to prioritize speed over size, working full time to have the results delivered in just 1 month.
This work could well be the first phase of a bigger project including a second step where the knowledge gained is applied to more efficiently attract talent to the ecosystem. Instead, I find it more useful to modularize it, so it produces a result on its own that can be shared, adding value to more than one project.
I believe the best way to understand what the feelings of blockchain entrepreneurs and developers are is to directly ask them. Therefore performing interviews and carrying out surveys would be the backbone of this work.
Week 1 (Project Start Date: 21/11/2020)
-Purpose: Build a database of developers and businesses.
-Value added: Define which individuals will take part of the project as potential sources of information.
-Methodology: Identify contactable people building on blockchain through social networks like LinkedIn.
-Metrics: I have already tested and estimated that the average time required to briefly research on each individual (and the company they are working for) and see if they are a valid candidate for the database is ~15 minutes. Therefore I aim to add 4 individuals per hour to the database, so by the end of a 50 hours week there are a total of 200 entries in the database.
Week 2
-Purpose: Get first-hand insights.
-Value added: Shaping the general understanding of the opinions and feelings involved, improving the quality of the questions to be asked and helping create different profiles to better segment and analyze answers.
-Methodology: Contact people in the database and casually chat with a diverse sample of them (different countries, experience, magnitude of projects, âŠ)
-Metrics: Aiming to successfully interview at least 10% of the database, i.e. 20 individuals.
Week 3
-Purpose: Generalize results.
-Value added: Lower the bias of the information received so far, so it becomes more reliable.
-Methodology: Based on the information gathered in the previous week, develop a refined questionnaire and send it to all the remaining people in the database.
- Metrics: Aiming to successfully receive answers from at least another 15% of the database, i.e. 30 individuals more.
Week 4
-Purpose: Consolidate results and write a deliverable document to be publicly shared.
-Value added: Help people trying to reach potential new entrepreneurs and devs to attract them to the Cardano ecosystem.
-Methodology: The format of the document will largely depend of the kind of information received, so it can be most useful.
The main risk is getting a lower response rate than expected (i.e. less than 25%). In that case, an extra Week 5 would be added to the timeline, to try to match the metrics discussed above.
It will be possible to follow the progress of the project, and even commenting on my work (suggestions are appreciated), checking the following spreadsheet:
12,500 ADA are requested to cover 1 month of full-time dedication to the project (50 hours/week x 4 weeks).
12500MBA Thesis involving research, interviews and surveys.
Worked in market research
Pilot project interviewing startups: