Last updated 4 years ago
People without a fin. ID see no reason to join Cardano. Although we see the advantage, they don't see it yet. Wallet lottery paves the way.
Join Cardano Wallet-Lottery: 5₳ for free, win money, get a financial ID & support charity.
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This is the total amount allocated to Wallet lottery to increase Fin. ID.
Join Cardano Wallet-Lottery: 5₳ for free, win money, get a financial ID & support charity.
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Over 25 years entrepreneurial experience in profit and non-profit. Now connected to an NGO with over 600 global projects (120M per year).
This idea is improved, thanks to the constructive comments below
First some context
How can we encourage developers and entrepreneurs to build Dapps and businesses on top of Cardano in the next 6 months?
Basically, people who are unaware of Cardano, shall not contribute. I believe that there are a huge group of potential developers that does not even know we exist. The wallet-lottery is aiming at three goals.
Attached to the proposal is a schematic presentation. The proposal starts with the strategy of the wallet-lottery, complete with a numeric example. I elaborated on some points of the strategy.
We currently have a team of 4 people:
Erik Zevenbergen (me): entrepreneur: (focus is Marketing and recruiting)
Pieter Nierop: entrepreneur, developer: (focus is Marketing and development)
Ingmar Matthezing: entrepreneur, developer: (focus is architecture and development)
Tom Breuker: entrepreneur: (focus is Marketing and recruiting)
After the strategy below, we go into the timeline of the proposal. The timeline is currently limited to the first 6 months. This is also the timeframe of the challenge.
Finally, finance. I will explain the funding and the pledging/investing. Both are given a "reward" based upon the wager-stakes. More important, how is that ADA spend. And how the wallet-lottery is self-sustainable after 6 months.
Strategy of the Wallet-lottery
The purpose is to get 2 million participants within the first 6 months. To do that we will recruit a salesforce of about 50 people in areas with low penetration of financial ID's. To motivate locals to participate in the Wallet-lottery and create a financial ID, we motivate them with a 5ADA giveaway that can only be spent on the Wallet-lottery.
Also there should be a possibility for people to join via mobile phone, taking also into consideration that the internet connection can be bad.
Focus is 3rd world countries. Object is to create awareness for blockchain applications and the advantage of having a financial ID. The lottery should act as a trigger for people to create a wallet. Once they see the advantages, the accessibility to more (useful) applications is increased.
Numeric example
Some elaboration on the strategy
Ad 3. 50% of the wager stakes goes to charities
Everyone can recommend charities. Charities will be ranked in order by the community (voting) Ranking decides the ratio of donations (to be decided)
Ad 4. 35% goes into prizes
There is a fixed prize-model. (to be decided)
Example of a prize-model (with the aim for people to keep participating):
Additionally there also might be extra small unanounced prizes as an extra incentive. E.g. 10 - 50 ADA)
Ad 5) 1% of the wager stakes is distributed as ROI among pledgers
We want to motivate every new participant (without a financial ID) with 5 ADA. These 5 ADA can only be spent on participation of the wallet-lottery. Given that one round in the Wallet-lottery cost 1 ADA, they can participate 4 times (given the transaction fees). Since we aim at 2 million participants (in 6 months) we need 10 million ADA pledged of invested. Also see the Financials.
Ad 6) 0.04% of the wager stakes is contributed to the treasury
The 0.04% is related to the 400.000 ADA funding in relation to the 1% reward to the 10 million pledged/invested. Also see the Financials
Below you find the timeline for the first six months. After month six it is the roll-out of the Wallet-lottery
Finance of the proposal
The first six months
The first six months are focused on recruiting 50 salespeople to get 2 million locals to participate. Next to recruiting the 50 participants, we also need marketing material (including a website) and develop the Wallet-lottery.
The requested funding is 400.000 ADA. The funding is to cover the first six months in the following way:
Pledging / investing (not funding)
I do not know the correct wording: pledging or investing? The money should come from pledgers/investors in our community. The total amount we are looking for is 10,000,000 ADA
Month 7 and further (self-sustainability)
After the wallet is ready, the Wallet-lottery should be self-funded. 13.96% of the weekly wager stakes is allocated to operational cost. The costs are to pay marketing, continuous improvement, financial control (accountancy) and management. This is open for discussion, but we are thinking of the following:
Payment to management and finance should be fair. If people want to earn with the Wallet-lottery, they should pledge or invest in the 10 million. Of course, it is possible that in the future there will be multiple rounds for pledging/investing. This will be decided upon by vote.
After six months the funding (and increasing) of the salesforce is based upon their own success. For the monthly salary we need 50.000 ADA for the initial 50 salespeople. That is also half of the operational cost. Since we have 4 Wallet-lotteries a month (approx.), we need only to cover 25.000 ADA per round (=13.96% per Wallet-lottery. With 180.000 weekly participants, we already cover that.
We aim at 2 million participants. The surplus is used to further increase the salesforce dramatically and to improve with further development and marketing tools
Important note:
The percentages mentioned will all be discussed and voted upon. I can imagine a higher contribution to the treasury (5%?). The current 0.04% is based upon the original funding of 400,000ADA in relation to the 10,000,000ADA investing/pledging.
Over 25 years entrepreneurial experience in profit and non-profit. Now connected to an NGO with over 600 global projects (120M per year).