Which challenges should be launched during Fund5 (March 31st) in order to fulfill Cardano's mission?
0 funded proposals are already completed. Dive into the total milestones, comparing complete, in-progress, and to be completed milestones across this project set.
In addition to the Dapp and Ecosystem challenges, we want to know which challenges the community feels should be launched during Fund5 in order to best support Cardano's mission. This is an important step towards handing responsibility to the Project Catalyst community to determine the focus for each fund and enhance self-governance for the blockchain as a whole.Therefore at the end of this challenge we will be asking ourselves the following questions:
How well did the selected challenges perform in terms of proposal quality and community engagement?
We will be tracking the following metrics:
What is the average community advisor score for the top 10% of proposals?
What is the voter engagement with community choice challenges, compared to other challenges?
Guiding questions
What are high impact goals that are not being covered by Dapp and ecosystem challenge?
What challenges will allow the Cardano community to validate which type of challenges drive the best outcomes?
Inspirational potential directions
The community open roadmap contains many potential challenges and domains the community can cover.