Last updated a year ago
No solution exists to enable arbitrary IoT IO actions as a result of receiving payment in Ada (vending machines, gated access, automation)
Adosia will build new open HW and integrate monitoring of Ada payments into the Adosia IoT platform to enable custom IoT device triggering
This is the total amount allocated to Ada Tx to Trigger IoT + IO HW Spins.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Adosia will build new open HW and integrate monitoring of Ada payments into the Adosia IoT platform to enable custom IoT device triggering
BSE EE, 5 yrs semiconductor sales, built/pivoted ad-tech startup into open hw IoT init, ICO vet, SPO
In 2018, having produced functional hardware, Adosia attempted an ICO with the goal of building to this whitepaper:
Upon being contacted by regulators, Adosia opted to cooperate while moving to build out the Adosia IoT platform without funding - and we managed to build something better than originally intended while preserving the goal of aligning for tokenization on Cardano
Adosia is now a fully functional end-to-end utility application enabling users to create, define and deploy custom WiFi control systems - this requires the user to have minimal hardware experience and zero software development knowledge - most of our customers are using Adosia to deploy (and monitor) custom cultivation and gardening applications - though many are using it for natural gas/smoke detection, motion control, and a variety of hobby applications (motion-activated Christmas tree lights, makeshift security, etc).
Enter Cardano:
Adosia's ADO token / Goguen positioning predominantly entails enabling users to sell/monetize their IoT creations within a p2p marketplace via offering packages of "IoT device operating profiles" which other users can purchase/license to enable their own open hardware - as one example our Canadian cannabis customers can monetize their cultivation profiles via enabling other customers across the globe to purchase or license their IoT operating profile setups ("data IP").
Near term Adosia will incentivize IoT data submission of potentially useful analog data (moisture levels) and select digital data (such as temperature, humidity, etc) and work to see if that can be monetized via DMP (data marketplace) for sustained revenue post incentive phase.
Adosia's Fund2 proposal, a parallel initiative, entails a core library to sign Cardano transactions locally - so an IoT device itself can perform transactions to purchase such upgrades and profiles - the architecture there would entail the user generating the build transaction server side, then the device pulling that in locally to sign, and then sending out the necessary components for the signed CBOR to be submitted to the chain via a hot cardano node - this component will enable a baseline for broad development to occur within the Arduino ecosystem as well as enable Adosia devices to complete purchases on their own behalf as well as to authenticate themselves within the system.
Adosia is currently in a position to readily modify our platform in a manner to enable any user with a Cardano wallet to trigger IoT actions simply by sending a transaction to a specific Cardano address. For each given IoT device, Adosia users would simply define the Cardano address(es) to monitor, purchase pricing, and 3 bit external IO to trigger (supporting up to 8 products ) for each relevant product item.
Fund 3 Deliverables and Use of Funds:
- adaptive open source PHP/MySQL backend to assign devices to product definitions, product address(es), Ada pricing, baseline fiat pricing, API integration for Ada pricing adjustment, and 3-bit output to drive external IO sequence; support for external request to initiate monitoring of payment addresses for payment receipt, as well as post-payment callback and cancel functions - $24,000
- open hardware IO board design and manufacture of 100 prototype units specific for the open hardware ESP8266 based WEMOS LOLIN D1 MINI baseboard; with BOM, gerbers and all relevant manufacturing materials posted to git under the MIT license; peripheral hardware for testing - $4,000
- Modify Adosia IoT embedded payload to add support for local IO triggering based on receipt of external payments, modify payload to utilize ed25519 Cardano wallet authentication, and open up the Arduino IDE-compatible Adosia IoT embedded payload - $5,000
- Modify codebase to support newly designed features - $0
- Mint ADO token native assets in preparation for Goguen integration - $0
- Implement on-platform ADO token incentive models for IoT data sharing - $0
- Narrow down plan for migrating on-platform data, feature sets and ADO token transactions in preparation for Goguen / smart contracts - $0
Delivery will occur within 3-4 months following receipt of funding. While I am fully capable of personally delivering upon all the action items above, I do plan to leverage existing relationships within the Cardano community to assist with Adosia development.
We plan to submit one more proposal in the future to address development of the Adosia smart contract once these outstanding deliverables have been achieved
Useful links:
Adosia Home:
Adosia Learn (check the token part!):
Adosia Git:
Adosia YouTube:
Adosia IoT Store:
33000BSE EE, 5 yrs semiconductor sales, built/pivoted ad-tech startup into open hw IoT init, ICO vet, SPO