To release the project funds, investors must authorize them with a Smart Contract , this will allow more transparency and security.
Experience in team management, job planning, market analysis and a leading CEO personality.
- ¿What are we doing? We are developing a platform like Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Ulele, for crowdfunding.
Unlike these traditional pages, in addition to offering payment with a debit / credit card, we offer payment with cryptocurrencies and bank transfers, which they do not offer.
One of our main strengths is that our crowdfunding projects will be audited and verified by the investors who invest in them. This auditing feature we offer will help avoid scams, limit budget issues, and decrease the odds of premature termination of projects. - ¿Why are we doing this? Traditional crowdfunding platforms have not been able to meet the demand and usefulness of the cryptocurrency market, nor have they incorporated new technologies into their platforms to better their crowdfunding projects.
We believe that blockchain technology has a lot of untapped potential that we plan to take advantage of.
This is our strategy to make our slogan come true: "A space to finance your dreams" in a reliable, efficient, safe and transparent manner. - ¿What problems do traditional platforms have and what do we offer to solve it? 1) Web Design: Unlike traditional platforms that do not provide a quality experience, we put great emphasis on the webpage´s utility and experience to the user. In short, we pay attention to the smallest of details.
We will design a simple, clean, interactive and personalized website for each type of user.
We recognize the need in monitoring and updating the website experience as the website grows, paying close attention to every detail that impacts the user's experience. It's an ongoing process that we are committed to.
2) Payment options: Traditional platforms only accept means of payment by card, which sometimes limits the possibility of the investor.
Our goal is to expand payment options to cryptocurrencies, so that anyone who has a token or cryptocurrency, can invest at its current value.
That it will be an essential step for the security, traceability and transparency of the use of the funds of each project.
We are also seriously considering providing an option via bank transfer, which is useful as it would avoid the cost of credit or debit card payment gateways.
(The option to include Paypal and Skrill was analyzed and ruled out due to the high commissions).
3) Security, transparency and efficiency: The current platforms do not control the expenses of each company. This results in a jumanji like free for all. This lack of project auditing allows for total freedom, which has led to projects being canceled due to infeasibility, poor control of funds, scams, etc.
Furthermore, we have seen several more unintended consequences including lawsuits, unnecessary economic loss to investors, loss of credibility in the platform, etc.
Our platform will have the unique ability to assure investors that the money raised goes to a fully decentralized account that is managed by a Smart Contract Multisignal (SCM), this is the system that will control and manage the funds for each project.
This SCM decentralised system will give us transparency and traceability. It will allow the investors to see the money/funds available, how much money is coming in and out of the project, where the money is going to, for what reason, etc. These built in controls will give more oversight and instill confidence in the projects on our platform.
The SCMs are in charge of making the transfers when the project administrator requests funds and when the investors authorize said funds. This decentralized system promotes total clarity and transparency of each project on the platform. - ¿How do we implement it and how does it work? Payments with debit / credit card along with cryptocurrencies: we will use payment gateways such as (BitPay, NowPayments, etc)
Bank and cryptos transfers payments: This will involve a system that gives each individual project a Unique Identification Number so that the funds can be transferred into the project's IDs. Each project account will use the SCM decentralization function to receive the trust and crypto funds, the SCM will be created with a stable currency.
This will allow us to track payments so that when an SCM is negative and dissolves, we can return the money to their respective investors, without anyone spending or keeping funds that are no longer theirs.
And of course, this makes checking the status of the project's finances as easy as one click of the mouse.
Transfer authorization modalities:
A) Transfer of funds in stages: The project manager presents a budget, along with the structure of expenses, and objectives to be realized. The objectives should be comprehensible and clear. These clearly presented objectives must have a budget forecast attached to each of them.
Company A: uses monthly stages, where certain objectives are established to meet the necessary "x" funds.
Stage 1: (Stage objectives) $ 12,000
Stage 2: (Stage objectives) $ 8,500
Stage 3: (Stage objectives) $ 7,200
How does it dissolve?
In the event that 51% of the investors have voted that the stage was not fulfilled:
The project administrators have 48 hours to present a plan to resolve the issue, without receiving any type of extra funds, and it will have to be reevaluated by the investors in the next 24 hours.
If the vote is positive, the project will have this new time to present its results again with the last opportunity to comply with them. If the project fails again, the SMC is canceled and the funds returned.
B) Release of funds by demand/funding on demand: The project will present its spending plan, and every time it has to make a transfer to cover a payment to a provider, it will have to be authorized by the SCM, this guarantees transparency in each euro spent, you will be able to see where the money goes and what amount of money is being spent.
In this funding by use or funding on demand approach, it is recommended to detail each possible expense, and to make pack transfer requests, to consolidate requests
Company B: After detailing all the estimated expenses throughout the project and with their approximate dates:
Fund requests are being bundled into packs and await approval from the SCM. Put in another way, this is basically a series of individual transfers that are petitioned by the project manager in order to meet its operational expenses and carry out its goals (i.e. legal advice and fees, audits, contracting)
This encourages project transparency and a detailed accounting of every expense. It tells how each penny is spent and with what intention. This helps the investors to see if the objectives of the project are being met.
How does it dissolve?
In this case, the expenditure is not scheduled monthly, so, this's more dynamic, in any case, the project managers must present objectives at certain stages to be audited by investors.
C) DAO Method: In this case, the option of presenting a DAO is proposed, where investors can have a voice and vote and exchange ideas with the project administrator, to generate a positive exchange for the project, in order to have a platform to finance themselves.
It could also be used as a Catalyst today, but with the implementation of the SMC and the financing process.
How does it dissolve?
It is a way that the DAO itself must propose to be terminated on the platform. (We are exploring ideas) - ¿What do we provide to the Cardano family? We will be a crowdfunding platform useful for cryptocurrencies, giving projects the opportunity to finance themselves and gain financing from others through cryptocurrencies. We will take advantage of cryptos' low costs, high speed, transparency and security.
In addition, we intend to be more than this service provided, we also want to raise awareness about the potential and the benefits of the blockchain and the different technologies involved in its environment.
We provide a name and channel to the Cardano community on the global crowdfunding map, something as important as the collective collaboration between different individuals in all parts of the world.
Use our developed technology, since it will be open source for everyone who wants to use it, the website, the smart contracts, everything.
We will only reserve the name of Innovatio Group and its derived brands. - Educational Proposals Creation of explanatory videos of how they work:
- - The wallets.
- - Blockchains and their types.
- - Transactions.
- - Present problems and proposals presented.
- - Smart Contracts.
- - Pow vs Pos.
- - How oracles work. External projects that we will invite to collaborate: such as a great person like Boone Bergsma and his ADA MakerSpace project that will allow us a podcast for DEV lessons.
- KPIs proposed to measure the evolution of the project, regarding the problems of this fund
- How many people register on the page as a company profile?
- How many people register on the page as investors?
- How many individual investments are carried out?
- How much is the volume of investments in cryptocurrencies.
- Number of monthly visits in educational videos
- Budget detail Server and database testing cost: $ 1.500
Cost of domain and certificates: $ 600
Smart Contract Audit: $ 5.000
Educational plan: $ 2.500
Single payment to collaborators: $ 3.500
Salaries: $ 29.400
Total = $ 42.500
Intention to appear in a last Fund to establish the company and go to market. - Objectives proposed for May 2021
- Server mounted and fully operational page so that they can test it before the final Fund.
- Simulation of investment in a contract, internal voting within the web and cancellation of the contract with the return of funds.
- Launch 5 videos and 2 collaborations with people in the community, at least.
- Cost estimate of licenses corresponding to crowdfunding in the USA, EU and UK. (EU 20k and 3 months of paperwork)
- 3-month educational plan with the platform in operation.
- Open code of the Multisignal Smart Contract, for community testing.
- Approximate date of release to the market. We want to invite you to follow us on social networks, to be always aware of the latest updates and to be able to know the project and its future vision in more detail.
You also have the different communication channels such as Discord, to talk with other users or with the project developers themselves.
First prototype of the web page:
- Propose two web page prototypes, with dropdowns and different navigation, so that the community can decide.
- Finish organizing the use of RRSS and temporality.
- Finish front-end of the web page, and choose SCM construction.
- Establish clear channels of communication.
- Have a chronology of planned updates. Answering some metrics for mid 2022.
Average annual movement of money: $ 200M USD
Average daily money movement: $ 500,000 USD
Monthly users. 150,000
Average annual transactions: 6,500
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