Last updated 4 years ago
For more better Cardano POS system, How to make ADA holder Decentalization and stable coin system?. ADA whale can destroy Cardano by sellADA
New system for connecting big ADA holder and new (potentially) ADA entrant using Staking advantage and stable coins for ADA Dcentalize.
This is the total amount allocated to Decentralized system by staking.
New system for connecting big ADA holder and new (potentially) ADA entrant using Staking advantage and stable coins for ADA Dcentalize.
I don't have any experience for crypto, but I have Ph. D and can understand Cardano deeply. don't require complicated program.
Japanese proposal ăæ„æŹäșșææĄă§ăă
The summarized flow of my system is as follows
ADA holder delegate to staking pool of this system for example 20% costs.
New ADA entrants lock their cash or crypto or stable coins, instead of this they can get staking reward of the ADA holders less than the costs.
During this process, our system or through Reliable group, New ADA holder can get stable coins based on Cardano System if they want. (This system will reduce the risk of New ADA entrants)
When ADA price become higher than the price decided by the delegate ADA holder for our system, New ADA entrant can buy the ADA from the delegate ADA holder.
This system will make grow up Cardano System. In the system, ADA holders give staking reward to new ADA holders as an incentive for promising buy ADA in near future (New potential ADA entrant). New ADA entrant lock their cash, cryptocurrency and/or stable coins and buy ADA in feature by these currencies. Instead of these currencies lock, New ADA holder can receive a part of staking reward. The main merit of ADA holders is to get opportunity of OTC (over the counter) trading. Especially for the case of whale like huge ADA holders, it is difficult to sell their ADA since huge selling in usual trading will break ADA price. However, if they keep huge ADA, potential ADA holder will take warming for suddenly big selling by ADA whales. The promised future OTC trading will make grow up ADA price, speed up commercial use and decentralization of ADA holder.
Also the locked currencies can use the funds for Cardano stable coins. If some of ADA holder want to provide staking rewards for charity program, this system is also useful. The non ADA hold contributors for charity program lock their cash or currencies for fund of Cardano stable coins. They can contribute to charity program through grow up ADA system instead of cash payment.
In order to reduce the risk of new ADA entrant, it is not good to keep huge cash by our system. So, We want use the stable coin based on Cardano. For increase Cardano stable coins, we also propose Cardano charity Eco system.
This system is simple, the donor of the charity system only lock their cash hopefully long time to grow up and stabilize Cardano system in the world. Then our system or through Reliable group such as IOG, Emurgo or bank, will make Cardano stable coins based on locked cash. The lending fee of stable coins for crypto compony will be used for charity program.
I think the best way to promote commercial use of Cardano system is decentralization of ADA holders and grow up ADA price. And it is also important to stabilize ADA price with continuous growing by future promised OTC trading in this system.
I don't have any experience for crypto, but I have Ph. D and can understand Cardano deeply. don't require complicated program.