Last updated 4 years ago
Every day, liters of cooking oil waste are incorrectly disposed of by the population.They pose serious risk of pollution to the environment.
Development of a dApp for the collection of waste used cooking oil, in exchange ADA, which will be used for the production of biodiesel.
This is the total amount allocated to GreenSavings (PoupVerde).
Development of a dApp for the collection of waste used cooking oil, in exchange ADA, which will be used for the production of biodiesel.
The team has transversal skills in the areas of socio-environmental entrepreneurship, education, blockchain and software development.
Problem description:
Every day liters of used cooking oil waste are incorrectly disposed of by the population around the world. These residues represent a serious risk to nature, as they pollute and contaminate the environment.
Oil producers are required to offer the population ways of efficiently disposing of these wastes and also reusing them to protect the environment. Soap and biodiesel are examples of products that can be made from these residues, further reducing extractive damage and GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions.
There is a great educational challenge, especially in developing countries, such as Brazil, which do not have in their educational curricula the formation of sustainable principles and protection of the environment in new generations, without a doubt the best way to promote the reduction of human impact in nature.
Solution Description:
Development of a dApp for the collection of waste used cooking oil that will be used as an input in the production of soap and biodiesel. In return, waste used cooking oil donors will receive credits in ADA cryptocurrency - green savings.
This dApp, the main gear of a socio-environmental education project developed by IDESC - Instituto Humanizar, based in Brazil, will be a platform for registration and access control of participants and partners, accounting for oil delivery and respective reward credit (green savings ), and a means of communication and interactive environmental education between the project and the participants.
The objectives of this solution are: to combine the process of environmental awareness with incentives for participation based on obtaining rewards in cryptocurrencies; promote knowledge of blockchain technology; promote financial education through the concepts of planning, savings and investment; and, to foster the local economy in cryptocurrencies, through IDESC partnerships with merchants to accept ADA at their establishments.
The dApp will be developed for the Android mobile platform, using the Flutter framework, which will allow it to be more easily ported to the iOS platform, in later stages of software evolution.
As a way of guaranteeing the viability of the solution, in addition to IDESC having a biodiesel plant, it will formulate contracts with supporting partners to anticipate the financial contribution to the project and the corresponding counterpart in the supply of biodiesel. Part of these funds will be used to purchase ADA cryptocurrencies that will be paid as a reward to oil waste donors through smart contracts.
Extra benefits of this proposal:
With the need to introduce this Dapp to a new generation of children and teenagers, we will have the opportunity to explain Cardano's blockchain and how it presents itself as a green alternative to bitcoin. We will teach you what smart contracts are, how they interact with a wallet, create and keep keys.
Not only the question of technology, we will have the opportunity to alleviate a significant deficiency in financial education by touching on the subject; what is money. This process will be done using presentation material and organized according to the steps for implementing the solution in the school.
Detailed Plan:
These are the modules and respective functionalities of the proposed decentralized application:
Module - Admin Agent:
Module - Donor Agent:
Module - Receiving Agent:
Module - General:
Deadline: 6 months.
Phase 1: Specification and Prototyping (2 months)
1.1 Specification of Requirements and Business Rules;
1.2 High Level Prototyping;
1.2.1 dApp GUI;
1.2.2 dApp Smartcontract;
1.2.3 Hotsite;
1.3 Architecture Specification;
Phase 2: Development (3 months)
2.1 Visual identity;
2.2 Solution Hotsite;
2.3 dApp GUI;
2.4 dApp Smartcontract;
2.5 Configuration and Deployment of the Application Server with API and remote database of the solution, and Cardano Adrestia;
2.6 Functionalities Integration, Tests and Corrections;
Phase 3: Pilot Test, Documentation and Deployment (1 month)
3.1 Pilot Test in Real Environment. Location: Franco da Rocha / SP / Brazil;
3.2 Corrections and Adjustments;
3.3 Documentation and Reports;
3.4 Educational Content Related to Blockchain;
3.5 Deployment.
2 Product Owner/Advisor
1 Development Leader / Project Manager
2 Smart Contracts Developer(s) (Plutus Language)
2 Mobile Platform Developer(s) (Framework Flutter)
1 Graphic Designer
Technical Expertise:
Product Owner/Advisor 1
Plínio da França - Graduated in Sociology (UFMG / Brazil), is a social scientist with extensive experience in social mobilization, management and educational processes, currently in the position of president of IDESC.
Product Owner/Advisor 2
Marco Silva - Graduated in Environmental Management (Uninter / PR / Brazil), he is a social entrepreneur with 06 years of experience in the third sector, currently in the position of executive director of IDESC, working in the promotion and fundraising of projects.
Development Leader / Project Manager
Thiago Nunes - Technologist in Analysis and Systems Development, entrepreneur with experience in the creation of several companies related to software development, including games, mobile and web systems. His most recent and relevant experience is related to the Marketing and Digital Strategies segment. He is currently Cardano's ambassador in Brazil and operator of the Ouros stake pool.
Developer 1 - Smart Contract
Lincon Vidal - Bachelor in Biotechnology (UFRJ / Brazil) and Master's Student in Computational Modeling (LNCC), works with software development in the scientific context since 2014, program in the languages C ++ and Python having experience in the development of bioinspired algorithms and learning models of machine. He is currently Director of Technology at NanoBusiness (solid state chemistry company in Rio de Janeiro / Brazil) and CEO of interactive media startup EveryBlock Studio.
Developer 2 - Mobile Platform
Ático Mismana - Software Development Technician (SENAI CIMATEC / Brazil) and Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science and Technology (UFBA / Brazil), has been a software developer since 2009, having worked with the programming languages: Delphi, Java, Python, JavaScript, C # .NET and C ++, he is currently a programmer in innovation projects in the robotics area and is an operator of the Cardanistas stake pool.
Developer 3 - Smart Contract [Hiring]
Developer 4 - Mobile Platform [Hiring]
Graphic Designer [Hiring]
IDESC (Stakeholder)
IDESC (Institute for Sustainable Development of Communities - "Instituto Humanizar"), is a non-profit public interest civil society organization, established in 2008, with the possibility of acting at national and international level, composed of people with multidisciplinary action and identified with social and environmental causes and actions, with a special focus on social entrepreneurship projects, which combine educational processes and technological innovation, as a way of transforming society.
Our main interest today lies in the use, dissemination and promotion of new technologies capable of enabling the generation of income and encouraging social entrepreneurship, education and environmental preservation. In addition to working on environmental protection and consumer rights at the legal level, through public civil actions.
Long term plan:
IDESC, as the solution manager, will expand the adoption of this dApp throughout Brazil. To this end, it will establish partnerships with other institutions in the third sector, soap and biodiesel production plants, and merchants to accept ADA as a form of payment in their businesses.
Other potential features to be implemented in the future:
* Hourly labor cost: US$ 7/hour == R$ 35/hour.
-> Developers
20h/week == 80h/month == 480h/semester
US$ 7 * 480h = US$ 3360
* 5 devs = US$ 16.800
-> Graphic Designer
320h/four-month == 16 weeks * 20h/week
US$ 7 * 320h = US$ 2.240
->Product Owner/Adviser
2h/week == 8h/month == 48h/semester
US$ 7 * 48h = US$ 336
* 2 advisers = US$ 672
1 domain "io" (for 1 year) = US$ 26.95
1 application server (6 months) = US$ 200.
1 web server (6 months) = US$ 200.
Publish the app to the Google Play Store = US$ 25.
= US$ 451,95
-> Tests in real environment
2 trips (round trip) for tests in Franco da Rocha / SP / Brazil (real environment);
= US$ 1000.
Total: 16800 + 2240 + 672 + 451,95 + 1000 = US$ 21.163,95.
($ 60.468,428571 ADA) [1 ADA == US$ 0,35]
All material produced (documentation and GitHub source codes) is open source under the MIT license.
21163The team has transversal skills in the areas of socio-environmental entrepreneurship, education, blockchain and software development.