Last updated 4 years ago
Many artists have faced problems with unauthorized copies of their works, and it hurts emerging artists as well as established artists.
Platform that will engage and educate artists and investors, ready to provide fast-tracked liquidity and confidence in the art industry.
This is the total amount allocated to Impact the Art Industry with ArtAcy.
Platform that will engage and educate artists and investors, ready to provide fast-tracked liquidity and confidence in the art industry.
Izis Filipaldi: Computer Engineer +10y / Agile Coach +5y / Art investor +6y
Pedro Tramontin: Computer Engineer +10y
Pitch: Platform that will engage and educate artists and investors, ready to provide fast-tracked liquidity and confidence in the art industry.
What we want to do:
We want to build a platform that will provide security, privacy and traceability to artists and collectors.
The art and collectable market has been for decades unwilling to work with a centralized title register, because of the privacy issues that they demand. The opportunity here is to use blockchain as a decentralized title registry that stores provenance information while retaining privacy for collectors.
Many artists have faced problems with unauthorized copies of their works. The destruction or alienation of goods that violate intellectual property rights, and it hurts emerging artists as well as established artists.
Our platform will serve the art industry as a decentralized title registry for art and collectables. Providing as well, security liquidity and traceability for art producers.
Problems we want to solve (for more details, please check attached PDF):
1. For Artists:
2. For Investors:
ArtAcy will enable a new way to trade works of art, which will save time and money for the entire industry. Money being invested in validating authenticity, for example. An area that suffers more every day because it has fewer specialists available.
As part of that we also want to educate artists and investors, that will create confidence and build trust, and from there we can connect both in a security platform. That's the main goal to this round of founding. Currently, education is what is missing the most. Many people still don't understand the potential benefits that Cardano's blockchain can provide to us.That's why we will also build up a dedicate team to develop a rich, simple and efficient educational program to gain client's fidelity.
The Educational program will take place on the internet, with mixed groups of artists and investors, we will also invite a few curators from Berlin and Sao Paolo. There will be no cost for them at this point, either to enroll to the program or to register any of its art work.
A marketing team is highly necessary to accelerate engagement by using social media channels, art gallery events, online-events, exhibitions.
First 4 to 6 months plan overview:(see attached roadmap)
Engineering Team
Marketing Team
Educational Team
All Teams
Goal:***Have at least 60% of concrete engagement out of the total attendees in the educational program.***
++Estimated Costs (people + supply):++Development: $15000
Educational Program for artists and investors: $8000
Marketing campaign: $12000
We are knowledgeable of a similar project running on Ethereum's chain (e.g. Codex), however Pedro and I recognize the potential of Cardano due to the fact that Cardano is being developed as the third blockchain generation, by visualizing its potential we believe our foundation will be way more trustable and solid. Cardano's community got many lessons learned from Ethereum's blockchain, and we want to contribute with this project that can bring not only new developers, but the market diversity that is still needed for Cardano.
The artists we are targeting have the differential of building physic art, of course we will work with digital art as well, however our ambition includes physical art producers.
Not to mention the art galleries from Sao Paulo and Berlin that are potential early adopters.
Last but not least, ArtAcy will build partnership with other Cardano's projects that can provide education, traceability (special QRcode), and NFT Marketplace.
Next fund: 2021H2/2022H1 Goal > Integrated with a NFT marketplace, tokenization and art fraction sales.
Izis Filipaldi: Computer Engineer +10y / Agile Coach +5y / Art investor +6y
Pedro Tramontin: Computer Engineer +10y