Last updated 4 years ago
Food scarcity is an unnecessary plight in modern society. An Est. 40% of food ends up in landfills, impacting prices to environmental issues
A marketplace for farmers and businesses to buy and sell overstock produce
This is the total amount allocated to Marketplace-for-Overstock-Produce.
A marketplace for farmers and businesses to buy and sell overstock produce
BS Plant and Soil Science, MS Project Management, 10+ yrs in Agriculture, limited coding and UI.
Link to White Paper:
Link to Slides:
* Building a B2B Marketplace to buy, sell, or donate overstock food
* In Phase Two, we will provide tools for companies/restaurants/charities to start their own meal subscription services
* Akin to a decentralized version Salesforce, focused in Agriculture and Food Science.
* Looking for CoFounders
*$3,000 USD to cover front end/ back end work.
3000BS Plant and Soil Science, MS Project Management, 10+ yrs in Agriculture, limited coding and UI.