Fund13 - the votes are in!
Last updated 4 years ago
Sh*tcoin and scam are everywhere, and investors don't understand how these protocol works
An blockchain-based open platform where experts can audit the ICO projects, provide their insight and get reward if their analysis are right
This is the total amount allocated to Open dApp Auditing Platform.
An blockchain-based open platform where experts can audit the ICO projects, provide their insight and get reward if their analysis are right
Serial Entrepreneur
The basic idea looks like this
1. A platform where audit process are defined properly (what to analyse, what to check)
2. Any expert can register as auditor, to audit a specific part of the projects and place their BET (i.e. they will lose money if their backed projects are failed)
3. Investors have to pay money to access to the analysis of auditors, then all auditors backed the projects will EARN money (based on how much of their contribution in auditing process)
20000Serial Entrepreneur